How do you cook this? I have ruined it twice so far
How do you cook this? I have ruined it twice so far
Pinch of sugar, pinch of salt, a little time and a whoooole Lotta love
fuck off
It's a garnish you fucking daft knarble
lol this is the new trolling method, just ask something dumb as fuck and they FLOCK, should have said inject
>Grind Up really good no big pieces some dry ass weed would be perfect
>Melt some butter
>mix the weed with the butter and stir it good
>get any chocolate chip cookie recipe
>use the cannabis butter with the recipes
this or
dont be that white and just smoke the fucking thing
I personally think brownies are 10x better that chocolate chip cookies. But if it were cookies I would mix the keef with the egg I stead of the butter. But it's all about personal preference
just put it in a food processor with 8 oz of milk and 3 spoons of ovaltine, drink it
did this, it didnt work
You need to add heat for it to get you high. You could make a drink out of it but it would need to be a hot drink
Don't forget to strain it using cheesecloth.
Get some cheese cloth from the store and a colander if you don't have one. Line the colander with the cheesecloth and put the bottom of the colander into a large bowl. Pour the weed butter mixture into the colander. Cool the butter in the fridge. Use butter to make weed food.
If you wanted to make a drink k such as tea, you need to use as much stems as you can get and boil them in hot water.
put it in a spoon with a cotton ball and about 1.5ml of water (.5ml) will cook off, burn it down cooking bottom of spoon with lighter, melt it down and suck up the remaining solution with 1CC syringe, inject marijuanas
2 whole buds in cocounut oil and peanut butter and neither worked when I added heat.
massive waste
thats what evaporates the THC out of it is getting it hot, after baking cookies or brownies in the oven most the THC is goine,
he needs a cold recipe that requires no baking or heat,
dubs protip
If you dobt do this, you have been wasting your chron chron
cook the weed for 40 min LOW heat
with a lighter
Follow a cannabutter recipe.
The only thing new around here is (You).
Put your oven as low as it goes and wrap your weed in foil, 40 minutes. Then use it in a recipe or make oil with it. Don't strain it either like a pussy, just use a mixer to break up the chunks xD.
Okay user I'm here to save your ass.
1. Get weed
2. Grind weed finely
3. Place now ground weed evenly over a cookie sheet
4. Heat oven to 220° 30-60 min place parchment paper on top to avoid spillage or air from blowing everywhere
5.allow to cool down
6. Add to butter/oil (double boiler) be sure to stir every 15 min with wooden spoon
7.strain with cheese cloth into Tupperware/ old but clean butter containers/margarine tub into refrigerator drain when and if extra moisture builds up
Enjoy ya buncha fags
By reading no one here makes good edibles lol. You have to activate the thc before you make butter. Just google it. Also nothing over 350f. So if your cookies call for 20 minutes at 400f. youll have to guess something like 27 minutes at 350f. (Just example) also low heat when making butter, slow and steady op.
1. Grind
2. Place on bake sheet
3. Bake on 240-250 for 30-40 minutes (until brown.)
4. cup of water and two sticks of better in a saucepan or crockpot on low. Once the butter has melted check the temp and as long as its below 200 put the herb in.
5. Simmer below 200 for a couple hours (the longer the more potent, I suggest at least 3 hours.)
6. Strain with cheesecloth or don't, up to you (weed particle texture is no bueno.
7. Use a recipe that uses butter and cook accordingly or just spread that shit directly on to toast and eat.
This works well:
1) grind it up by hand to small pieces
2) seal it into a flat tinfoil packet, two layers of foil for no smell. This keeps the terpenes from vaporizing out.
3) bake it at 260-280 for 20 minutes
4) let cool then unwrap. Should look brown/green.
5) grind it to a powder in coffee grinder
6) in a sealable jar, at a ratio of 1:4 (weed to oil) add virgin olive oil
7) agitate the jar for anywhere up to an hour.
8) filter through a coffee filter. May take a while as the filter clogs up
9) enjoy
I used to heat the weed/oil mix in a slow pot overnight, but all that does is break down some of the chemical bonds. This cold method is the best, definitely is stronger than the slow pot method.
You literally forgot the most important part, decarboxylation. Cook the weed in the oven at about 240 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes. The flashpoint of marijuana is about 100 degrees above 240 so it won't burn and catch fire in the oven and this process will allow the canabanoids and thc to attach to the fats in the butter
boil in milk
You are profoundly retarded
Are you fucking retarded?