My suicide thread

my suicide thread

hey Yea Forums i need to kill myself and i want to know what over the counter sleeping pills i can OD on and never wake up

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Even in death, you are a fucking pussy. Be a man and jump from a bridge, or hang yourself. Fucking twat.

i thought about shooting myself so i fall off the bridge but your right i'm to much of a pussy to go through with it.

please any one help me do this. i'll post my location before i go so you can watch for the news stories if you want.

NYPA faggot

"Guys pls tell me the pills boohoo"

Do it you fucking nigger cocksucking shchlong of a transexual faggot, or I will trace your IP and go it myself



your right i'm in PA

i'm not seeking attention i really want to die and i know there's always post on Yea Forums about suicide. i thought i could find some info here will zzzz quil do a good enough job?

Don't know about sleeping pills, but if you just wanna OD buy get Xanax off the streets and just take as many as possible, chug a bottle of vodka, raid a pharmacy and take any pill you get your hands on and hope a lethal dose is in your system before it starts to hurt.

Godspeed you fucking faggot

not likely

Just run your car with the garage door closed.

i don't know where to get my hands on xanax i live in a fairly small town. i know people sell it around here but i don't know who.

i don't have a car my ex wrecked my last one and i have a suspended licence so i couldn't by another one.

Sleeping pills don't work they just fuck your liver up. Its not worth killing yourself user. People love you friends care about you and this world isn't gonna stop for them like it will for you if you did that. Think about them and the degeneracy that is B you will be missing out on

Not OP, but I would've fucking ended my life as well if it wasn't for my friends, or at the very least the people who still need me. Fucking faggots.

It's nonetheless true, there are people who roam the earth who would very much appreciate the company and knowledge you share to them, as for a life without that isn't worth living without. At least, that's what I've figured anyways.

Use fucking helium, only thing you do is get sleepy and die

i've don't something horrible. i'm 36 my 17YO nephew's 14YO GF was coming on to me and instead of drawing a line in the sand and saying now i let her seduce me and before i know it we where webcaming ourselves masterbating. then she felt bad and claimed it was all me. i've destroyed my family and my life. i've been alone for a year and a half and i let loneliness turn me into a monster. i need to die. no one will stand by me after this nor should they.

check the deep web
this is a stellar idea

>can't buy car because suspended license
Can you guess how I know you're faking?

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Congratulation, you are the "weirdo uncle that killed himself" just laid down on a railroad and watch the clouds drift by

Buy a fucking rope and hang yourself you attention seeking faggot

no one that takes fucking pills to kill themselves actually wants to die

i have tor but i'm a pleb i don't really know how to use it. and i don't know where to look.

in PA you need proof of insurance to transfer a title and no one will insure an unlicenced driver. either way i don't have the money for a car even if there was a way to get one.

why do you want to kill yourself?

don’t do it user

this a a opportunity. Just start completely over. New name, new phone, new location. Some nice suburb in the south or something. It's cheap and has a good community. And even if they ever find out you diddled your niece, you won't be alone.

dont do it

PA? Sweet, I'm in Mifflinburg.

Download Tor
Visit a place called Dogolachan
The board Exit/Saída will help you BBQ yourself without feeling any pain

Or you can simply try to fresh start

i'm to scarred of the pain and i'm afraid i won't have to will to pull the trigger on my gun. that's why i wanted something quite.

Welp good job retard but this is similair to women aborting life to avoid consequences to their actions. So you leave this life behind and start a new one. Move. Meet new people. Or don't. Just don't off yourself.

your not far from me. i'm in berwick

so you dont actually want to die
got it

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also if you hang yourself properly it's supposed to break your neck

This guy is right. If you wanted to die that bad you wouldn't care about the pain. I know a guy who set himself on fire. That guy really wanted to die.

the whole point of killing myself is to escape the pain i'm in i'm scarred to be in any more pain.

well shooting yourself in the head wouldnt involve any pain

You dont want to die, there are ways to die painlessly, you are just a fag

i think your right i think this might be my only way out. i just hope i can find try strength to do it. thank you.

pills are an unreliable way to kill yourself. you can bleed yourself out without too much pain.. or dive from a high place onto a hard surface.. if you try to overdose considering you don't know shit about it, you risk waking up as a vegetable / injuring yourself and suffering far more when you wake up

Your idea of what pain is or represents is retarded. You wanna escape the pain but all the pain in the world won't matter once you're dead and like this user said Shoot yourself in the head

ODing is on of the worst ways to kys

post the vid(s) faggot.. you're gonna off yourself anyhow lol .. that is a stupid reason to off yourself imo .. you wouldn't even get serious time for that shit. fuck your family if they can't forgive you for wanting to see a 14 year old masterbate like any normal man would, especially one who is lonely.

reminder that almost every male is attracted to 14 year olds, they're just lying to themselves

it's instinctual

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Get off Yea Forums kid

Google does this real nifty thing

>dont shoot yourself it might make you retarded
If you cant get it right you're already retarded just google "how to shoot yourself" follow the instructions and you'll be dead before you know it

don't use a gun you can fuck it up and maim yourself, plus it makes things worse for gun rights every time someone uses them to off themselves. don't feed the statistics.


^ truth

ok bud

good talk

it wasn't recorded it was just one insta over the phone.

your right.

well that was your first mistake user. other than that who gives a fuck. did she go full psycho and start telling everyone. your family already knows? or are you just assuming your life is over

my nephew has told everyone. even the people at work will know because i work at the same place as my brother in law his dad.

move to another state, its not that hard. And if you fail in starting a new life you can still off yourself. You have literally nothing to lose.

Do it faggot

well, you can find a new job. can't find a new family, again fuck em' if they can't get over it. have they gotten law enforcement involved? you can just move.

^ this

Grow some balls and blow your head off with a shot gun

Know your motive. Helium Is not for attention seeking, it will kill you quickly and painlessly.

no law involved yet. not sure how to get out of here though.

youre a pathetic piece of shit loser and a faggot even in death. how about get shit faced drunk on livestream then shoot up a fucking mosque b4 blowing ur own brains out u fucking pussy

if i wanted to do the world some good i'd go on a killing spree in the family court that took my kids from me.

You don't know how to move? Jesus Christ do you still live with your mom

Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Get off your ass pussy. Society is breeding monsters, let them know it. Tear this world apart the way it tore you apart.

write a manifesto before tho

i have no car or licence in a small town with no public transite. that's what i mean.

Of course and you better write about this thread in your manifesto OP

include me in the screenshot/manifesto

Just jump off of a 10 story silo and quit bugging us

i'm having enough trouble finding the will to kill myself. there's no way i could actually go through with a mass shooting. i wouldn't try to tie anything to chan boards lest i endanger the chans for the rest of you.

You're a fucking idiot. You can't get a gun into a court room

then just walk. Go on an adventure, have the time of your life!

You're such a little bitch. Go eat a pizza

Very noble of you to think of the chans future.

>suicide by sleeping pills
Are you a 14 year old girl?

honestly this isn't the first time i've thought about killing myself and also not the first time i've had to deal with being attracted to girls that are sexually mature but legally out of bounds. i know your all just a bunch of fags on the internet but you guys and this board have ment so much to me.

DUDE WTF this is the perfect time for a new start. Move somewhere cool faggot! Work out get your shit together! You're gonna fuck up your liver and die a terrible painfully slow death. Dont do anything stupid just work on yourself and be better. Stay away from kids.

Bro people are dying left right and center of Heroin overdoses. Just pick yourself up a habit and keep trying till you get the higher fentanyl shit or start taking massive doses early. Eventually you’ll hit your mark and you’ll be nice and relaxed on your way there.

Yeah you should definitely kill yourself, or see a doctor to make sure you don't have a brain tumor

have an acquaintance rent a uhaul for you, or hire a moving company and take a bus / taxi / uber / whatever.. dude you claim to be 36 have you never problem solved before?

overdosing on sleeping pills is very painful OP, you'll be able to feel your organs shutting down before you die, jump off a building or something instead, man

it's totally normal to be attracted to 14 year old young women. in many places they are legally able to consent. the main thing he did wrong was betray his nephew, but his nephew is 17 and most likely not going to marry the 14 year old grill who went after his uncle anyhow... not like he's seriously harmed or killed anyone. just crossed a line with a younger girl. it's not the end of the world even if it seems like it. OP has many choices better than an hero.. if i were in his shoes and couldn't fix things with family, or deal with locals thinking i was a creep, then i'd just move and find a new job.

Yo OP I’m gonna be this fag but 2 weeks ago I almost did it but dude just chill take a nap and try to overcome your struggles we need you
Someone somewhere is waiting for you to fuck em over and some nig noq won’t be able to mug you so just chill and try to get your head out of your ass

thank you to everyone for the honest responses. to everyone telling me to run away and not kill myself you've given me something else to think about. i have to manage the pain for at least 1 more day so i can go to work tonight and get my check so i can leave a little something for my kids. if i decide to go through with it i'll post on Yea Forums before i go so everyone knows.


ITT: the eternal faggots taking /b sucidals seriously.

OP will not do it, all he craves for is some attention, a meaning, a divine entity telling what to do with his pathetic life, which is the reason why we all browse this cesspool daily and can't get out.

OP will stay and malfest all threads with his negativity just like somebody else basically the same is doing right now, posting Ray Pist material and such stuff.

Why don't you we ALL go an hero, for what it matters.

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i'm leaving for work now thank you to everyone telling my not to kill myself. for at least 1 more day i won't and even if you're just a fag on the net your words may have saved my life at least for now and that's something you should be proud of.

dude ..time heals all pain & shame... think of your kids & tough it out for a while & let time heal

Either this is not OP but a bald, fat, tranny lover samefagger or OP really needed to kill himself and as usual you cumrags managed to ruin everything again.

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Glad to hear!
If you really wanna go through with creating a new life, have some fun doing it. I suggest completely vanishing and assuming a new identity. Adds to the excitement.
Some inspirations.

Exhaust pipe in the car window, bedtime for dogs.

>leave a little something for kids
You think that’ll absolve you of your guilt for walking out on your kids? You are pathetic sack of shit and should just kys so at least your kids get closure and insurance $$.

He can still fake his death, get a new identy, move to Europe and fuck 14 year olds legally. Win win.

With his mentality he’ll get raped and murdered in Europe.

still a win, he wants to die anyway

Yeah you’re right, most likely looking forward to the raping too.

I feel you and pursued these urges it was fun sure but you’ll get over it

Man you're fucked up

Get some help my man things will get better I promise

do a live stream dude

Off child’s play I fucked and trained two 14 y/o to be my fuck toys good I miss my slut Toni she was the GOAT I was 21 at the time thank god I don’t have morals or an understanding of what’s right or wrong . All in consent of course but diddeling young kids that are mature enough is just great

Do it user

What's holding you back? Just put yourself to sleep and it will all be over.

Don’t do it, go in therapy or to the fuck you want