YLYL Politically Incorrect edition

YLYL Politically Incorrect edition.

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reply or mom die

My mom is ded already, so jokes on you

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I wang me mom ded but happily i replyed
Also reply to dis or nigger rapes and eats your mom after feeding her poop.

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got a chuckle. saved.

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Guess it’s up to me to carry the thread now

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Why not just make this thread on /pol/? They have one of these every few hours with much more material than is posted here.

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He got Free Chinese Food

Why should /pol/ have all the fun?

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How come you never see black school shooters?

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Don’t forget about the raids.

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What raids? Yea Forums is a website of peace

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I mean if you want politically incorrect ylyl threads there's a board called politically incorrect that has ylyl threads, random board could be anything, why make it something that exists on other threads? But then again 2019 Yea Forums is usually just fap threads, ylyl, and BBC bait threads anymore.

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It’s nice to have a break from the norm every now and then.

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nigger when aircraft crashes everyone dies its not a car

I admit that im a pedophile

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because blacks don't go to school?

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I recognise that gay blow job

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You got me...

but sanic has rouge and that bunny

Niggers shoot each other on a dime. If two niggers are arguing about shoes or some stupid shit, they're liable to have a gunfight. After all, violent crime tends to stay within racial boundaries. Whites are prone to bottling that anger and letting it all burst out in one planned mass shooting. Even when killing our fellow human beings, white people use our intelligence to do it better.

what am i missing here?

I actually ate here - hood chicken, unironically

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How come all the faggots, and transvestites post here when there is >>>/lgbt you're a hypocrite.


Why would sanic wear rouge?

and if an officer steps in then they dinn du nuffin
i'm glad uk niggers ain't as stupid as getto niggers

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Even that is a fucking lie.

14 88. google it mate

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lol wat. why do you think black schools have metal dectors and armed guards

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he's got a point tho

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The watermelon necklace got me, hahahaha

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I didn't say a thing about faggots...? They should go to their containment boards too, thanks for the input you retarded mouth-breather.

fucking lost. right before this thread ended. Fuck you

negros is a province in the philippines

It looks like master chief

Yeah...I've been there..known for it's bbq chicken..

The ironic thing is, his son is openly gay

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Amazingly, this qualifies as a top 3 lefty meme

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go back to tumblr faggot


fuck applebees and fuck neocons


Traps too


I ignored a ton of this and the bitch still ain't dead, what do?

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Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that he's been to jail for trying to rape a girl in the woods, but luckily a wasp nest nest fell on his head and while he was running around screaming he got hit by a train.

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>politcally incorrect
kys fag u waste my time on these threads with ur normie tier kek videos

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I hate ribs and bbq sauce.

I'm not op but I'm sure you would have otherwise been super productive with this wasted time of yours lol

Ever since your dad punished you for eating all the ribs?

All the dentist are white supremacist. 0 _ 0


Sick trips, my negro

because they shoot up the streets

Because Amy is too young.

how does hiring men who dress like women solve anything about gender equality?

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>13 year old girlfriend

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>9.11 was an inside job because 9+1+1+2+1=14, if you take the inverse, that 41, which is President Bush, who shares a name with the then president


>getting shoot in school


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>losing war against Vietnamese farmers

That's a French superpower.
Or a Japanese one.
Or a Chinese one.
Or a Cambodian one.
Or a Burmese one.

>how come you never see black students

I cant share this on discord, I wonder why. lul

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kek lost

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That's quick lightning mercy. The punishment is AIDS.

I think the dumb queer thought I was the OP.

To be quite perfectly honest with you, the airline's meme is more pleasant than the joke response is funny.

Get this faggot ass nigger shit out of here

Holy kek! That's kekking AWESOME!!

Butthurt land whale
>muh freedoms
>mountain dew

Snapchat wasn’t even a thing on 9/11 this pic is stupid.

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Based af
You meant his deception?


it was in beta for the most elite jews, tho.

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its a raincover called "poncho"
you can save people and shit in over 5000 arts
or you can use it as a jacket you selfish fat fuck... kys

This meme would make more sense if the rainbow wasn't a reminder of God's promise, according to scripture.
Since the maker didn't take that into consideration, it loses most of it's comedy value.
I better meme would be comparing the lightning to Lucifer and the rainbow to God.

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Fourteen Words, 14, or 14/88, is a reference to the fourteen-word slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,"[1] or the less commonly used "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."[2] The slogans were originally coined by white supremacist David Lane,[3] a founding member of the terrorist organization The Order.[4] The terms were coined while he was serving a 190-year sentence in federal prison for his role in violating the civil rights of Jewish talk show host Alan Berg, who was murdered by another member of the group in June 1984.[5] The slogans were publicized through now-defunct 14 Word Press, founded in 1995 by Lane's wife to disseminate her husband's writings. - Wikipedia

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Macaroni sandwich?
You fool! You'll kill us all!

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>three white teenagers
why is there fucking blacks




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The actual 69

Yea Forums should slash his car tyres.

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Survival rate of airplane crashes is like 95%.
Don't look up why, it'll ruin my point.

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honestly wholesome. Thanks user

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The best part of bottom right is that there's a single word for that in the other language.

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kek as if you think that will ever happen


So it seems

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No u


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I'm completely against suicide.

That's why i think you should get someone else to kill you.

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Yea Forums should slash your face rayposter!

A train, a car, a truck ?

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Kecky Becky.

Not fussy, whatever is fastest at killing unfunny shitposters.

Take ur meds retard

He did a flip.

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Look how many replies you got from the waste of sperm, he's so triggered he should become a feminist, that's if they allow Paki's to become feminists.


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Yes i admit it, i am a pedophile

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here's reply

Look how many fucks I give

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Oh wow, look at all the personalities you’ve got. Its like we don’t even notice them

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Theres nothing wrong with molesting kids

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and that's how the bottle flip challenge was born

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Stupid fucking nigger

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To the corner with ya faggot!

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lost bad
holy shit

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The best part is that it's actually anime cosplay, so the group above and below are dangerously close together.

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How about shut the fuck up ?

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Iron Sky was a good movie

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A bit crammed with literal cuck bait for my taste and i don't even browse /pol/.

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That's it
i'm out niggas.

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Because Google's been bought and sold

Chill out man it's just a meme. The dog line wasnt long enough to make it historically accurate.

/pol/ =====>


>penguin has a sister who decided to harm society in her own way



La tuya, bato

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Unironically, I was tempted to google this to see if it was true.

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Swedens PM (Stefan Löfven) is a white non-religious dickhead, that bros post was just untrue bullshit but some feminists in Sweden are literally filled with hate towards white men and Sweden has a "feminist government"...

Butthurt communist
>America bad because Hurr Durr
>Americans are stupid
Then stop using things invented by Americans.

Honestly even These sometimes make me lose

Posting this shit is new wave ray pist.

haha blumph XD

that's just your faggoty opinion though

How is that true again?

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I think the creator of the meme is referring to the rainbow flag. (Which I agree is kinda stupid but the gays use it to represent themselves.)


Like what? School shooting?

Jerking off, is by definition imaginated

what are those white dots?

Can't do God's work when your fuckin' Mauser 98 is on safe.

>Laughs in Internet

Where the battles took place, France has so many wins because they fight against people 2 eras behind.


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Lost. Does nobody here get this one?

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sonic married that squirrel chick

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They'd stand no chance in Europe

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They were trying to be considerate by making her look smaller in the display

nice edit

not cool


Smirked and saved.

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Dear Sir,

Good day and compliments. This letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine the future and continued existence of the entire members of my family.
My late husband had/has Eighty Million USD ($80,000,000.00) specially preserved and well packed in trunk boxes of which only my husband and I knew about. It is packed in such a way to forestall just anybody having access to it. It is this sum that I seek your assistance to get out of Nigeria as soon as possible before the present civilian government finds out about it and confiscate it just like they have done to all our assets.

I implore you to please give consideration to my predicament and help a widow in need.

May Allah show you mercy as you do so?

Your faithfully,

Dr (Mrs.) Mariam Abacha (M.O.N)

N/B: Please contact Dr Galadima Hassan on this e-mail address for further briefing and modalities

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Jajajajj Q boludo, volvé a taringa

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Lol those are 2017 battles that had no euros invovled. unless poland had victories in lybia. Dumb slav


I admit that i tried to rape a baby

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Unironically please sauce

>He did a flip.
he did, the absolute madman.

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Why do you guys keep escaping from your contaiment board

700,000 niggers could only average $0.14 per simian.

no pls

lost already

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Also tits or gtfo

i wanna die

Isn't that more of a your law vs no law comparison?

We'z gots you nigga.yeet

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I have actually found it nearly impossible to jerk off to animate pornography since I started fucking real women (i lost my virginity at 22, im 34 now). I still jerk it to real porn, and am married and have sex with my wife of course.

I still get turned on by the animated stuff, but good lord as a teenager and young adult I remember finding just the hottest drawn stuff. I even joined the erotic art community for a while (as a writer, I even contributed to a Playdude!)

I just don't see anything that makes me want to jizz myself watching it...

The frenchies are lowkey savage

What i;ve always liked about this is she still looks like she got what she wanted.

>from pushing the envelope to the point of forcing the esrb to censoring mean words


That's so Merkle...

K-k-kill yourself.

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Fuck you

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sign says "out with them"

You do not have the right to express hate speech.

If you consider your self a white nationalist, you literally do not have the right to speak. Ever.

Just shut your mouth or we will shut it for you.

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nice bait

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the moment i realized what i was looking at ...
Wtf ...
i mean i'm gay myself but i know my limits and my ass is intact because i don't shove logs up my ass!


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Is that Hikaru Nakamura?

They wuz kangs



give me this based pic

fuck you

Cause they dont go to school.

Either way I feel like Sweden needs to go back to the good old days. A few raids into foreign lands and a couple pillages into Denmark would do the trick... at least it will make the sjw’s and the crazy migrants to think twice before doing something stupid. Heck, they can even join the fun if the behave and convert into the Old Faith
