Advise me sites "interesting" please anons

advise me sites "interesting" please anons

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sims 4


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i bet this is cheese pizza

i bet you are a faggot instead

at least i don't need to fap to children

me neither

its probably a virus

Just Google ".onion"

It really is that simple.

14,15,16 year olds ain't children bro. They're built like brick shit houses


Wow now you really fucked up

based user

I didn't make them that way, I just call it like I see them.

Locating him in 3...2....1

Children play with toys. Teenagers send titty pics and suck dick.

Locate me for what?? They live in your neighborhood too user

its some nazi shit... nothing interesting

oui oui baguette

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I knew I shouldn't have opened the door

ur mum is not interesting

Anyone got a good site for hash or LSD?

Most of the 'interesting' sits are law enforcement honeypots. Say you're looking for underage porn. You'll find a forum that requires registration to access (this is so they can track individual users) and you'll be browsing away thinking you're a leet hacker n shit who can't be found cos "it's Tor".

What you don't realize is that the exit nodes are compromised, and the forum itself is compromised by law enforcement, or was actually set up by law enforcement to monitor and trap people. You'll download a bunch of shit and nothing will happen for months. You'll think everything is cool. Then one day at 4am the cops will bust your door down and take your PC and anything in your home that has a hard drive. GG your life is now fucked.

Any onions covering murder/assassination stories? Not interested in murder-for-hire, but I'll take what I can get. Have some tits in return.

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The newfaggotry in this thread is astounding. Please KYS faggots. Go back to ledit

eat a dick, retard

you mean like in csgo when 99% of the aimbotters are using a cheat called eternity and even tho it sent one kid to hospital due to the jumpscare virus and how plenty of ppl have reversed it and found its a mass malware pack but retarded skids are still downloading and using it instead of actually learning the process and making there own?
