What a pair of emotional pussies

What a pair of emotional pussies.

>Those brainlet takes on morality, wife beating and animal cruelty

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I wasn't aware that Paige still beat Pat regularly, though it doesn't surprise me.


Deez nuts

>hurting women and animals is cool
Have the sex

Hi randy, how's borderlands 3 coming along?

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Woolie was so slow with DMD I had to try it myself, it’s a pretty decent MMZ-lite but the drop rates are atrocious.

If you had ever had sex you would know women like being hurt in bed

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I haven't watched the last few shitstorms past a couple of episodes since they've been so bad, but this October I'm gonna be sad anyway

maybe I sit back and rewatch the first few again

>people seriously thought Woolie and Pat doing their shit together unabated without Matt or Liam was going to be good

If you hadn't followed their shit for a decade you'd have known by now they're tired old selfish and don't give a fuck any more about what anyone thinks and only listen to their own personal friends and family members now.

They're done. Just move on with your fucking life.

Slapping a woman around when she's not respecting her husband is fine.

Animal abuse is a pointless endeavour that gets you nothing in return but morality is a spook. If I saw a man kicking a dog to death I'd keep walking.

Dude, go outside and actually get laid for once

I beat my girlfriends face in every night until I cum and her face is caved in and full of blood and cum
ohh yeah

two different kinds of hurt, brainlet-kun

Can someone post the clip in an old Super Beast podcast where Woolie struggles to say anything good about Liam while praising the other two?

What does Randy have to do with them?

Fuck off Randy.

>hurting women and animals is EVIL SO BAD EVIL
Morality doesn't exist you child.


How low on testosterone totem pole do you have to be to think hitting women is manly in any way. Regardless what the libtard leftist femenist think. Women are not equal to Men physically and they should not be physically abusing women. Even if they start it.

They whinged and cried for 20 minutes because he posted a cat getting fucked up by a crab on twitter. Apparently that's grounds for a lynching according to woolie.

>brought up annihilation on the podcast again
>still doesn't understand it months later
how retarded is Woolie?

They are Canadian user, Trudeau spiked their water to make them dumb and submissive.

>Women are men's equals and should be treated the same as men
>Women are special little angels who you should never hit because DON'T HURT WOMEN but remember they're the same as men
>If a man talks shit and tries to violent it's ok to fight him but if a woman does it then DON'T HURT WOMEN
What's your gf's bulls name?

Castle super beast is better than sbf ever was

Have sex incel.

Mod honestly doing a good job for once.

Go dilate

Must be an incel

i guess we b now

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums + video games

In wouldn't go that far, I'd say it's the same quality because now separate all four of them are making more content now

morality is just the subjective values of a group dumbass

Yes, and it doesn't actually exist. So I'm free to ignore it and call it out as collective delusion.