Why do (((they))) do this?Do they think that we have no brains and can't understand their secret agenda, that is getting less and less secret by the day?
Why do (((they))) do this?Do they think that we have no brains and can't understand their secret agenda...
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck are you talking about ?
Ups would you look at that, CNN is totally not spreading fake news hm....
Well, well, well
You are a fucking inbred moron
It's called a camera flash you massive cock knocker.
Image one is from a video camera. Bad resolution, blurred, pixellated and in semi darkness. Image two is a mug shot with a flash.
Peddle you conspiracy bullshit elsewhere retard.
Nice cry out of desperation.
What about this
Well would you look at that...
Look the leftists commies at breitbart did it too!!!....how fucking dumb are you
Where are Black, Brown or Asian people here, CNN? All I see are Jews.
You do have that one token faggot Don Lemon that gets fucked by his Jewish boyfriend in the butthole.
Man? That is not a man.
Don’t worry OP soon everyone will be brown so it won’t matter.
Hahaha omg you breitbart people are fucking retarded LOL that’s not even the right Esteban Santiago and you used it as your example you yards are walking memes
Hey look, CNN complains about ''too many Whites'' in one place.
How about the fact that all high positions on CNN are specifically run by Jews? Oh yea,you can't publish article like that...because they don't control anything but us...hm....
> that’s not even the right Esteban Santiago
He was a Paki Muslim immigrant that killed bunch of faggotsin a club two years ago, who said anything about Esteban Santiago LOL
One is a government representing the people. All of the people.
One is a private company trying to make money, and has no obligation to choose diversity.
They fact you don't see the difference concerns me.
Where are Black, Brown and Asian people at the top, CNN? All I see are Jews.Will you tell us more about Jewish privilege and your self projection on us?
We aren't talking about the entire government,just some individuals in administration.Also one group is majority,the other are only 2% of population.By the way,the lot of Trump's administration's ''White men'' are also Jewish, well would you look at that
Jesus, will you just stop?
There's no fucking jewish conspiracy. There's no one world order. We walked on the moon, the earth is spherical, and we are not controlled by shape shifting lizards from the inside of the earth.
Would you look at that, all ten of them are Jewish.One of them married to Presiden'ts daughter.
So diverse.Only 2% of population,yet more power than the rest.
Here's the thing about judaism. It's not a religion. It's more like a social engineering strategy based on mental illness. You're dealing with a lot of full blown narcissists who don't believe in objective reality and are obsessed with controlling the perceptions and realities of others. They fancy themselves real life wizards. No joke.
The people who today call themselves "jews" are just the most successful test group. They now go about teaching their mental illness to others, inculcating it in children so they're robbed of their innocence and not only suffer for a lifetime, but causes them to want to go out and inflict that same suffering on as many others as possible as often as possible. It's a manufactured mental illness; there's no rhyme or reason, it's just like a cancer: it wants to grow and consume until there's nothing left.
So you have these severely mentally ill people who have infested their way into positions of power for the deliberate purpose of abusing that power to hurt as many people as possible. What do you do with something like that? That is the "jewish question". You don't want to sink to their level and just outright murder them in the streets. You want to do something that's decent and good. You want to help these poor damned souls. But they hate you and they will never accept your help or kindness. In fact they view it as extreme weakness to be manipulated. So at the end of the day, the only logical answer to the JQ swings at the end of a rope.
''In Weimar Republic,the Jews were especially visible in private banking in Berlin, which in 1923 had 150 private Jewish banks, as opposed to only 11 private German banks. They owned 41% of iron and scrap iron firms and 57% of other metal businesses. Jews were very active in the stock market, particularly in Berlin, where in 1928 they comprised 80% of the leading members of the stock exchange. By 1933, when they began eliminating Jews from prominent positions, 85% of the brokers on the Berlin Stock exchange were dismissed.In 1931, 50% of the 234 theatre directors in Germany were Jewish, and in Berlin the number was 80%.''
Sounds familiar?
And here is one token Black guy.
Quit being pissed because other people work harder and are more successful than you.
Maybe if you got off the computer and did something you'd be better off.
Jews even sold out one of their own to bring down Trump, until he start giving more lands to Israel and playing war drums agaisnt Iran so they let him off the hook....for now.
'What-about-ism". Just exposed yourself as a massive shit
You know who works hard? Workers in a warehouse and on a construction site.
You know who doesn't work hard? (((Private owner))) that uses others to do his work and make money for him.
Why is this man advisor for the US foreign policy without having any education of experience for it?Because of his Jewish privilege?
Your jealousy is showing.
You're stuck in a dead end job. That's on you.
That picture is supposed to be Esteban Santiago who committed the Fort Lauderdale shooting, not the night club. Stop posting retard.
Oh I am sorry for not being a greedy, money grabbing Jew that gets good job thanks to his connections and nepotism instead of a fair chance.
Found the retard! The picture this guy shared isn’t a shooter he’s the wrong Esteban and breitbart put this on their website. This was the airport shooting not the night club try to follow along moron.
CNN published his image, not me, faggot.
Oh poor baby! Maybe if you stopped blaming your low intelligence and shorty work ethic you wouldn’t have to blame others. Be a man you lil bitch
If you can't tell he's not white, well then...
That's not the point dumbass, you said it was the club shooter when it wasn't. 3 seconds of a google search could've shown you that. This place is filled with retards
You are only making yourself look more retarded because Mark Paul Watson and the gateway pundit released this photo and were corrected since it’s the wrong person. CNN never showed this photo and you have officially made yourself the biggest fag.
I don't know if you're partially shadowbanned or if we're two of the only non-shills in this thread.
But I see your post.
This is fucking gold and they're going to ignore it or kill this thread because of it.
This is one of the most honest things I've ever read and I am straight up (((one of the tribe))).
Judaism is cancer. End of story. We have earned the hatred people have for us.
My parents forced me to go to Yeshiva as a kid. That's a taxpayer funded hatred indoctrination and terrorist training camp for jews.
I've gone to Temple for over 40 years and have never once in my entire life met a "religious jew".
lol this pic proves not shit he looks like a fucking tomato in the first one
( ( (Someone) ) ) forgot to take their anti-psychotics.
Wow this is incoherent dribble that can be disproved unequivocally. I like how all these ‘woke’ people are generally unemployed losers who won’t take responsibility for their own short comings.
That sure is a lot of projection and deflection there, Shlomo
what the fuck are you talking about?
It's called color correction, and that doesn't mean what you think it does.
They often manipulate photos.. they also do the opposite, not to make people look black but to make their eyes look a lot darker and inhumane so people are less likely to feel sympathy.
just for clarification, there is a plan for new world order, this isnt even a secret or a conspiracy, its litterally a fact and everyone involved its very open about it, your just a fucking dipshit that equats new world order with the illuminati, which have historical records proven the illumenati existed, and i dont mean secrets, i mean there are litterally wikis on this, your a misinformed retard.
Notice how vague you are about ruling class and power. It’s because you can’t speak to specifics. You say mental illness without one idea that would be considered mentally ill. Basically you can’t take any blame for the fact your life sucks. Instead of internally processing what wrong with you, you find conspiracy theories to help you cope. One day you may learn to take responsibility for your poor choices and laziness but most likely not.
Holy shit people wrote wikis?! Then it must be true. Fucking idiots.
Are you retarded, the "original" image is poorly white-balanced, or maybe you really think he is literally orange-pink
your either trolling or retarded, you want him to be specific because you know it would days maybe months to define every detail in a way your peanut brain could understand it, he isnt exploiting vagueness, your exploiting the same way a 5 yr old does by asking"why" everytime, because you know the thread will die, its your way, a brain damaged way of slowing everyone down
Have u ever had a thought of your own in your entire life?
no i mean there are hundreds of documents, saying the new world order doesnt exist is like saying that russia or apples doesnt exist, it exist, its just that nobody was every trying to hide it and its not a mystery.
Just google illuminati
>a Bavarian secret society founded in 1776, organized like the Freemasons.
noun: Illuminati
Conservatives want to ban abortion so they can sneak unwanted kids into pedophile rings for the monetary elite
And they dont pay taxes on the kids they buy and sell
And dont think im leaving you liberal child fuckers out of this either you bastards just let the conservatives get their hands dirty because youre beta faggots that want to fuck all the kids without any of the risk
I just want to know why the fuck i have to pay sales tax on everything when you rich pedophile faggots dont even tax your child slaves
Also fuck every one of you religious child fuckers. I see you smarmy fucks around with your 3 "daughters" but i know the truth. Fucking religious faggots marrying off your daughters to other creepy old fucks for money. Using religion to make it all nice and accepted, except you dont tell anyone theyre your wives except your other fucking weird ass sex addicted faggot christian/mormon buttbuddies
Also fuck all you glow in the dark cia niggers honking your horns at me all the fucking time holy shit. I know this is why you do it, fucking pricks. Waving at me smiling like i cant see right through your fucking thin ass veil. Fuck you so hard.
How the fuck you faggots think you can get away with all this shit is beyond me. You think just because all these newfags dont care it means youre safe? Not that i could do shit against your good ole boys club sheriff judge communist gangster bullshit. Ill just be another dude died of a "heart attack" after getting [REDACTED
You know what im glad this piece of shit burned down fuck the whole world fuck all those old shitty buildings all that happened that day was buildingfags got btfo sad day for them but fucking really who cares fuck the british holy shit i cant even believe europe is allowed to exist at all what a fucking shit hole and dont get me started on the fucking snow mexicans
I really cant stand you fuckers coming onto every game on every server with your stupid ass language saying a bunch of gay syrup nigger shit. Fucking canada fucking north mexico more like it eh god damn hockey is retarded every sport is retarded, thats how the fucking media jews confuse all your normal ass motherfuckers god damn fucking leaf beavers fucking french fucks reeee i hate you
Still too soon man
you god damned lying liberal commie bastard
You know whats an ok place? Fucking god damn horrible volcano islands you know whatlives there only fucking parrots and shit and they dont play any fucking games you hood rat retards think youre tough you aint shit to a bunch of parrots those fucking things eat roads in australia i dont know who reported that since i cant imagine anyone wanting to actually go there. What a fucking shit hole. Fucking desert island niggers and pretend chads acting cocky because no one can understand their fucking retarded dialect its like white jamaicans holy fucking shit
I haven't trusted a word msm has said since bushes presidency
I fucking hate those beetles that eat all the wood. Fucking bastard fucks. God damn fuck them so much. Eat all the fucking forests just moving towards some supercity concrete wasteland shit where i cant go hidein the woods and get away from you fucking fucks im glad im not born 300 years from now unless im born in fucking space i hope reincarnation is bullshit because im living a pretty good life right now and i am constantly surrounded by people i wouldnt want to be. I mean i know you wouldnt know any better but there are probably way more african aids babies than kids like me thats not very good fucking odds
Also is it striaghtforward reincarnation or some time leap multidemensional shit where youre gonna be anyone on any planet at any point in time cuz that really just fucks the odds up so much more hoky fuck. I hope theres a difference between us and animals and plants and shit because unless trees are just tripping balls constantly that would be just about the worst fucking thing you could be
What kind of fucking dick do you have to be to just dump trash and shit in rivers? I mean actual shit is fine like if you need to take a shit real bad and theres a river or some woods id shit in the river cuz someone might walk in it if i shit in the woods and fish will just eat it if i shit in the river. Fucking trash fucks leaving trash everywhere. If you wanna litter go do it in fucking kansas or iowa or some other state that no one fucking cares about nothing i hate more than finding fucking trash somewhere beautiful i pick up my fucking trash you degenerate assfaces
Who the fuck do i talk to about being a paid internet shill. Fucking russians best humanitarian thing they could do for those kids, you wanna talk about creating fucking jobs. And all the dipshit newfags just eat everything up. If you had enough money to pay 500 neets to shitpost 8 hours a day for a few years you could change the fucking world.
I hate it when old people take jobs that could be filled by young people just because they dont know how to stop fucking working. How does that not speak for how fucked you old faggots are? 60 years fucking working just to retire then get a fucking day job at the grocery store making everyone deal with your slow, dumb fucking brainlet ass. Even worse when you act sll fucking superior to anyone younger than you even though youre ancient and clearly fucking retarded to slave your life away then when youre finally free you WILLINGLY BECOME A SLAVE AGAIN
Work ethic lmfao youre fucking retarded and probably drive a pickup.
I am this hook nosed jew You are absolute filth and need to be exterminated. Your IQ is subhuman and you're wholly incapable of articulating anything even resembling a point. You resort to Hasbara Handbook tactics because of your low IQ. You feel that you are smarter than everyone because of your low IQ. Literally every single person in this thread is smarter and more successful in life than you. Yet here you are trying to call everyone a dumb, unemployed loser who blames other people for their failures in life. You are literally projecting. You are literally a golem created by the rabbis for the explicit purpose of causing problems for human beings and constantly disrupting intelligent discussion which you are wholly incapable of participating in. You are a shining example of the mental illness that is judaisn. You quite literally cannot help but reveal yourself.
Wholey wholey whoely whloey wohely weholy wleohy
Jews are bad people
I don't understand how Americans can be so comfortable with having Jews run their entertainment industry, media, finance and politics.
Americans have such a ridiculously high standard of living, even at the bottom of the income ladder, that they dont give a shit about anything. It doesnt matter if the top is all jews, because it changes nothing for the general public. Same reason why no one cares about Trump. It doesnt change anything. All you see are retards whining about whatever on social media and old bored people larping for "important" govt/media/power positions.
+1 to this motherfucker
No one is really in control here.
It was designed to be that way.
I don't get it.
As a Swedish person, this article states that he wanted to be a soccer player but was in a car accident and can't play cuz of the knee. Why even pixleate that?
>He asked me about something but I have no answer.
Was all you needed to say, buddy. He isn't asking 'why' over and over again. He asked it once and you said 'because', like a petulant child who thinks he is right but is unable to articulate why because it is based more on the unwillingness to be wrong than any actual evidence.
Prove me wrong.
U dum n gay
Or maybe I don’t know one example that isn’t completely retarded. What’s even funnier to me is that there’s an 80% chance your a die hard trumper just to add to your illogical mind process. Life is going to be hard for you but not because of Jews but because your lazy and stupid.
Plenty. Have you? Or do you just believe any conspiracy you read on Yea Forums?
You know how I know your an unemployed or under employed loser? Because only those types of people try to blame every problem they have on the basis of some grand conspiracy. If you were successful you’d be busy taking care of your own shit and not play a victim. Also if you are successful that kind of throws your whole elitist argument out because why would Jews let you do well if your speaking truth? Again you are a virgin pussyboi sitting in mom’s basement.
You are a caricature of a person. No one with a functioning brain takes you seriously. You are comic relief. A creature whose only purpose in life is to disrupt and distract; incapable of thinking thoughts or knowing facts. It is just a golem: a non-sentient non-self-aware creature created for a singular purpose.
The fact that you are awarded human currency in exchange for your pathetic excuse of an existence is and should be insulting to all human beings. Humanity must destroy you absolutely. You must be absolutely eradicated; every last male, female, and child. You must be wiped off the face of the planet. You are too stupid to know how stupid you are. You lack self-awareness to the point where you are self-congratulating yourself on posting this mentally retarded dribble which you feel is smarter than every smart, wise, and knowledgeable thing that has been written in this thread.
You are an unfunny joke and we are coming for you.
Hahahahaha I knew it!!! Hey your boy trump has been one of the biggest supporters of Israel so you might want to try to figure that one out with your conspiracy. Even funnier is you still can’t give a single demonstration. You talk big on the internet yet basement dwell. The world will never know you existed and no one will care when your gone. But that’s probably the Jews fault too LMAO
These are two of the most important posts in this thread. To the point where the shilling, sliding, and distracting goes really fucking hard into overdrive after this point.
Pay attention to these two posts.
I know this ruins your narrative and all, but I don't support Trump. You are literally a caricature of a person. Too stupid to know how stupid it is. But more importantly, too stupid to know how not stupid everyone with whom you interact is. You follow a checklist of things. You're not capable of thinking freely. It is not permitted in judaism. You have learned polemics, and nothing else. And anyone who's even an amateur in debate knows that polemics are a tool of the dumbest, weakest, most pathetic creatures out there. You're trying to project the image that you're somehow smart. Yet no one, not even you, believes it. You are too stupid to be having this conversation, child. Go back and suck your rabbi's tiny little disease infested dick because it's what he wants.
Bumping because this is actually probably the most important thing that every single human being on the planet needs to understand.
Why did (((they))) make white men's penis so small?
Gonna keep bumping because reading this is of the utmost importance for every single human being on the planet.
You normies have a rare opportunity to live in reality for just one second by reading this thread. I know that idea is absolutely terrifying to you; you are normies afterall.
You came to Yea Forums because you thought it was "cool" "fun" "hip" and "edgy" but you didn't realize that actual people made this site before it was taken over and used as a social engineering experiment. Actual people are still on this site, and we will guide you through the mess that has been created to distract and divide us all.
Kek. You're a loser who blames his woes on Jews instead of accepting personal responsibility. And you call yourself a man? Hahaha. Pathetic scum that is shunned by society. You will die alone, with no one to love you. A pitiful existence for the faux white supremacist. Now call me a Jew because that's the only response your tiny, inferior brain can muster.
>Hurr durr muh memes say we wuz kangz
Why is he trying to look less white?
Jewish conspiracy!!
solzhenicin is a famous bullshitter
also I very doubt those numbers, it contradicts valid history books
As a Dane, I confirm this Swede is 100% correct
Really? Why do they do this, since there are plenty of white shooters/ mass killers already? Las Vegas was really a black shooter but they shipped all his photos, those bastard socialists!?!?
You're just a shill. Only an idiot wouldn't believe a clearly biased source such as "Stalin's Jews."
Why would a flash be needed if they already have lighting on him?
For you normies, this is what internet "trolls" and shills look like. Reading their comments, it's all low IQ, low effort, low information nonsense designed to distract, humiliate, derail, and divide people. You should google "Hasbara Handbook" as one user mentioned, because your normie ass reading that book is a large part of what's going to save civilized society from these literal demons.
We cannot be overly gentle in our guidance. This is not an easy pill to swallow. Your whole world is a lie and you are just now waking up. This is not an easy process, but humanity absolutely depends upon you accepting reality. Jews are literal demons, hell-bent on destroying the world. They cannot help themselves. They are not conscious human beings like you and I.
another camera flash, do you not understand how cameras work?
This is important. Read these two posts over and over.
One Jew saying something doesn't mean anything you stupid dumb faggot.
Any proof that CNN actually did this and not the people posting them?
Damn jews
I am also jewish and fully support and endorse that user's claims as absolute truth to the best of my knowledge. Even jews are fucking sick of jew bullshit dude.
You fucking Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe the same fucking God. You've all been fighting for a thousand fucking years and you're all itching for WW3.
Fuck you and your religious war, grow out of the Iron Age, you retarded monkeys.
And then everybody on the plane clapped.
That is an outright lie and you are literally retarded if you believe a single word that you wrote. Jews worship the devil. They created Islam as another devil worshiping sect which they are using as foot soldiers and a standing army to destroy civilized societies. Jew and Muslims worship the same god. Christians do not. And that is why they are so very hated by Jews and Muslims. Catholicism, literally meaning "Universal" was either created by or very quickly taken over by the trojan horse of judaism. Christians do not pray to Yaldabaoth.
>Old, smart white men created the concept of debate
>user can only reply to people with Jew
>Thinks he's the same as our founders and claims their achievements as his own
White supremacy is a mental disorder.
But christians are just as bad user
White people are pedos.
Found the jew
The caption on the photo doesn't tell the whole story:
He was arrested for robbery in Denmark:
utter gibbon
oh no you caught on to their plan, they can't fool you, you're not As retarded as they say. You foiled their photo editing plan to fool you into thinking white people only commit crimes or something, them white evil devils, praise the joos, interracial coupling is the future. My god you really are that fucking stoopid.
Kek. Keep proving my point. Mad because "duh Joos" keep you from getting laid? Hahaha. Loser.
Give us some examples of how bad "Christians" are? Do you understand how infiltration and corruption work? Do you understand the biologically driven group strategies of other groups? Do you really know anything about Christianity in general, or especially its history? And I'm not talking about the history of the church.
Jews by far are the biggest pedos on this planet. That is just an undeniable fact. Like, even jewish media covers this regularly. The next biggest offenders are blacks, then middle easterners, then hispanics, then asians, and last but not least we have white people. There are bad people in every group who need to be exterminated. But pretending like facts don't exist in order to push a narrative is beyond disingenuous. Especially when you're citing things that jews are pushing on the main stream as evidence of white people being pedos... Especially when those very same jews have written in their holiest of holy books a guarantee of it being okay for them to fuck kids...... just sayin'
Found the Jew
go to bed Alex
Pedo scum like you white supremacist need to be locked up, castrated, raped and shot.
>we are coming for you.
ooooh scary
>jidf intensifies
But the church is christianity retard, no matter what youve sat around and confirmation biased yourself into believing. All religions are control,schemes and need to be eradicated
No, youre the jew
Nice deflection pedo. I actually got evidence unlike your unsourced claims and memes.
Whoa there, Shlomo! That's a whole lot of angry projection! I'm jewish and don't participate in the same kid fucking rituals that "more jewish" "people" like you do.
>imagine thinking your superior but all you can say is "BAAH U A JOO."
>Virginity intensifies
>Hurr durr not now mommy I am saving westurn civilization
Someone should make a version of this for the leftists where the top picture is a photo of the revolutionary guard and the bottom is the photo of the aids fags in front of the Trump balloon
>Says memes where one Jew says something means all Jews feel that way
>Suddenly believes in individualism when it comes to whites getting accused of pedophilia
White supremacy is a mental disorder.
Yes, because as people like you so proudly display: no one in society needs any kind of guidance at all in any way shape or form. I'm sure you would be raping and murdering people wholesale if there were no laws, right? Even if you wouldn't, there are some people who would. And those people need Jesus. I am a jew, and I am telling you that people need Jesus. Do you even understand what that means? Jews are taught to "secretly" hate Christians and especially Jesus from a very early age. We have written in the Talmud that Jesus is cast into a pit of boiling shit for all eternity for "talkin' bad" about judaism. Do you understand what kind of mental illness you're dealing with here?
Hmmm. I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
Literally this
>Le edgy atheist
>Mah lady
How much mountain dew do you consume in a day?
How many mall swords do you have?
Imagine being a Jew like you
You forgot your stupid newfag meme picture, jew
>White supremacy is a mental disorder.
I'm Jewish
You are a wonderful example of the mentally ill hive mind disease portion of judaism. You literally cannot help but reveal yourself.
>people can only be controlled by the fear of the one true god
>every other religion must be exterminated
And before you take this way too personally, fuck yourself retard. You are old as fuck and irrelevant.
You are one mental break away from being the fucking doomsayer on the corner with a megaphone. Fuck religion, and fuck you.
Stfu jew
How often do you samefag?
>>people can only be controlled by the fear of the one true god
>>every other religion must be exterminated
Much like the rest of your very sad, very lonely post, it's all projection. If you knew anything about the teachings of Christ you could never possibly bring yourself to write out what you've written. I see that I am dealing with a child here. And a very lonely one at that. Do you want to talk on kik, /bro/? Do you play any MMO's?
How many maidens you rescued?
>Hurr durr white people smart cuz people before me made stuff
>White people smart but me can only say Joo
>Joo duh reason me not winrar
>Hurr durr u newfag me been here since 2016
The same amount as the number of fedoras you own.
JIDF out in full force today
Thank you fellow Redditor for exposing these blumpftards.
How's the weather in Israel, Mossad?
>Fedora tippining intensifies
I like how you capitalized it. Thanks. I guess? I can't deny it. I would love to see an end to rabbinical control of the world. Even if it meant that I would have to die in the process.
left nigger commies
>being such an old retard that you cant even parse blocks of text on the internet anymore
>yelling about how young everyone else is
>attempting to use pop culture references to make anyone seem ignorant
I have bad news for you user, youre a fucking retard.
Kek. Angry mutt detected.
Hey guys, remember me?
ITT: bored white dudes calling each other jews all day
left commie racist* niggers faggots*
No ur the jew
Fuck you jidf shill
I hope that you find love and happiness one day.
>Calling random people Jew on the internet
>Thinks this is helping white people somehow
Hitler would be disappointed with you, just like your mother is.
Kek. True.
natural selection, survival of the less faggot fittest you know?
>pretending everyone else is loveless and miserable
Shut up kike
You are a retarded retard. Jew.
Nobody cares Mossad
Oh you would call me a kike you fucking hook nose dick blood drinking heeb fuck
>posting pictures of things
Shut your yarmulke, sheckle collecting ass up kike
Mossad sounds like some jew shit, go figure. Why dont you go eat some mossad you dumb fucking jewish faggot
>Hates Jews
>Follows white supremacist ideology
>Doesn't know the enemy
Sounds like you're easily influenced my meme propoganda. Imagine being that retarded
Sorry i dont speak Floridian
I remember you
It's been a while
Or has it?
>posts newfag memes
>tells anyone else anything
As you can see from the whites of his eyes.. the one labeled "original" has been darkened. The guy is jalf Italian half Filipino .. he's quite light
He's very white, see.
Very white
Or the edited one was lightened, seems your brain is quite light. Got em.
>Thinks everything is newfag
>Doesnt know because he's only been here since 2016
Do you call all your problems Jew in real life too, you fucking virgin faggot.
I'm a vegetarian EXCEPT for crab cakes. Those things are so fucking good that I make an occasional exception.
Ben Shapiro
Benjamin Netanyahu
No.. the one of the left has dark "whites" of the eyeballs
The one on the right has the correct color eye. Thise is dumb. Don't you have anything better to do with your life?
U r joo
>pretends hes not a newfag
>pretends everyone else is a virgin
>is a jew
Wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
Hes got out of his containment board and his little brain cant handle it
>Pretends he's not a virgin Jew with a 20 IQ
Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop
The great big greedy nincompoop
Augustus Gloop, so big and vile
So greedy, foul, and infantile.
Come on we cried
The time is ripe
To send him shooting up the pipe
But don't dear children be alarmed
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
>Hurr durr will u go 2 prom wit me
>Hurr durr u only rejected me cuz duh joos
>pretends hes a rapist
>posts more newfag memes
oh wow, its almost like the eye color is so close to the skin color it gets effected by the editing as well, genius! You have now soundly proven that the image is in fact edited, but not in what direction.
>Hurr durr u newfag
>Me oldfag me been here since 2016
>Hurr durr kekistan
>Hurr durr pepe
>Hurr durr my brain 2 tiny 2 make legit arguement
>Thinking this is a meme
>Thinking this is newfag
Kys newfag
Its not fuckin real you absolute mongoloid....
You're literally trusting a screenshot of a tweet posted on Yea Forums. Read that again.
Jesus this place has always been retarded, but now the retards are being led around by fucking bots and /pol/ spammers.
goddamit this fucking place. Logposters are better than this shit.
>You're dealing with a lot of full blown narcissists who don't believe in objective reality and are obsessed with controlling the perceptions and realities of others.
>I've gone to Temple for over 40 years and have never once in my entire life met a "religious jew".
You other motherfuckers sure are good at derailing the conversation. Bravo. But these two posts are important.
>Hurr durr Joos control other peoples thoughts
>Here guys look at this and feel a certain way
You people seriously can't be this retarded, right?
You white pedo molesting faggot
I like how all these people doing damage control claim to be able to disprove things, then always follow it up with personal attacks instead of providing the counterarguments they alluded to in the first sentence of their two sentence post.
You were saying something about being coherent?
You need to prove something as true first for it to be debated as false. You stormfags put a meme of a random Jew saying some shit and act as if that's evidence of some grand conspiracy.
confirmed for stupid ignorant hick
>keeps posting newfag memes
>keeps pretending he isnt a newfag
>is still a jew
I like how black murder is conveniently scrubbed and you also didn't take into account per capita.
Let me guess, hispanics are also lumped in with whites.
All these woke conspiracy guys sitting around stopping this fake problem....with keyboards. Fucking. Beta. Pussies.
Well now that they’re not as white as I thought, my opinion’s completely changed.
Kek. Shifting the goalpost this much to ignore the fact that white people are animals who are controlled by their sexual desires.
>B-but the blacks
Go back to /pol/
I love sex with refrigerator
Well, lets do a little bit of thinking here.
13% of the population.
But wait, most rapes are done by males, correct?
So we can cut that in half, so now it's 6.5%.
But wait, aren't most rapes done by specific age groups?
So we can probably cut that in half again, so now it's 3.25%.
I was just responding to the brainlet racist, don't get offended by the facts.
I'm done with you tiny brain. I have actual adult shit to do and unlike you I can't sit at home in my tidey whities all day complaining about Jews on the internet. I know I'm the first person to give you attention in years, but don't be sad. You could always try going outside and socializing. Haha. Yeah right. Who would want anything to do with a fat, greasy, disgusting man who spends his life wasting away online complaining about Jewish boogeyman. Anyway see you later loser.
>Talking about white rape
>Shifts blame to black people
>On thread about race deflection
You people are mentally I'll.
Nobody jerks off to pictures anymore, Shloyomoho Finklesteinenbergawitz. You need to take your medication and have your servants get you the soft toilet paper.
>you read egenerate who Jacks off to goth mutts
>Jerking off to goth mutts
>Claiming he's 100% aryan
>Cant form cohesive argument
>Little brain can only call people Jews
Pfftahahaha fuckin dipshit jew
Why can't I bring up black rape?
The retard here is you. Camera flashes don't change skin color.
Fucking kill yourself dumbshit.
Because blacks weren't being discussed and the only reason you did was because you were trying to deflect from white people raping.
As soon as you mention demons your done. If you fucking dickheads really believe in god, demons, and all this mubojumbo you’re credibility is null and void. You have proven you have no cognitive capabilities and should probably give up.
Shut up kike
About 29% of the total rapes, according to other anons FBI document, were done by 3.25% of the population.
>Fedora tipping intensifies
Dude’s eyes are gray in the first picture.
The second picture has been white balanced. This is a normal thing. You’re being a conspiracy tars.
You're doing Gods work, user.
No, I was putting it into perspective since you didn't care to while you were cherry picking information.
>literally reciting things from handbook
>entry level narcissistic abuse tactics
>all sorts of projection
>all sorts of projection
Uh, color saturation.
You shut up kike
Ok? More women were raped by whites though. More women were traumatized because whites are sexual animals who can't control their impulse. Amount of population doing a crime doesn't change the fact that it's still a crime with innocent victims.
It's not really perspective. More women have been raped by white men, and that's a fact.
All they did was adjust the brightness a little bit on a dark photo that was being used for a cover story.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to see this as a conspiracy against white people.
If you think that's all it is than you're the fucking idiot.
Learn to speak in coherent sentences, you fucking mongrel.
>Muh supurior rayce
No u
>More women were raped by whites though.
I agree, but whites make up, what, 60% of the population if you include hispanics?
Do you know what perspective means?
I'm not disagreeing, but if you were to make all of the United states white the numbers would be less than if you made all of the United States black.
More rapes.
More murders.
More assaults.
More robbery.
Man look at all these complete and utter faggots ITT
Kill yourselves
Your eyes are not open yet to white genocide, you are the failure of our race.
Okay.. so there is a lot of stuff outlined about the prosecution of jews.. especially in the new testament.. regarding prophesy.. yes.. we know Jews control the media.. in fact even fox news is owned by jems.. we have pretty much extreme values from one side to another that are Jewish controlled.. but it is blatantly obvious that Ben Shapiro and Michael Bloomberg don't agree politically.. and often times evil things are made possible by a jew as well as good.. with all that said.. none of this is coincidence but not all of it is purely jewish... there are people who want power and to try to paint a picture that all wrong doing is Jewish is just going to cause issues and ultimately if history has taught us that if you lump people all together.. you end up doing horrific things and seeing innocent suffer.. you want to destroy the worlds problems? Don't use problematic beliefs to do so.. appeal to peoples better nature and fight evil and uphold truth.. any other way and it results in chaos..
>Jews are taking over the world
>incoherent dribble
The word you are looking for is "drivel." Used in a sentence: your pseudo-intellectualism is laid bare for all to see through the mind-polluting drivel you spew. You should kill yourself.
You have to be retarded enough to unironically use the term (((they))).
lol It's like trying to talk to a retard with you yids. Geez Luiz!
Theyre only gay cuz theyrwhite and whites r gay
>being retarded enough to unironically use unironically
Ok, yes niggers commit a lot of crime, but that's not what was being argued here.
:( I'm sorry white men rule the world sweetie
Gay ones
This is the best thread on Yea Forums in months
Is the reason you put all your Jew hating propoganda together in one sentence because you know it's a bunch of bullshit that nobody is going to read anyway?
I do you fucking idiot
You understand NOTHING!
All these girls you fap to are Jewish
I read it. Hes gay but youre a jew
I'm not arguing with anyone, I was just laying out facts.
You guys say whites rape more people than blacks, and all I did was put the populations into account and make the case that your opinions aren't reflecting that fact.
It makes your argument look stupid is all.
yidsrapekids . org
Friendly reminder that OP is not crazy and that this has been going on regularly for the better half of a decade at minimum.
So blacks make up 13% of the population but are responsible for 30% of rapes.
This statistic has backfired on you libtard
Sounds like you're a pedo and you're projecting
Friendly reminder you're a dumb faggot and you're propoganda will never be accepted by the public.
It's simple photography post-processing you fucking idiot. You adjust the photos to match lighting,etc. to give a true picture. Ever wonder why your photos from your iPhone sometimes look better than real life? Because the exposure has beed adjusted automatically by algorithms based on what your eyes see/can't see well.
You can't assume someone is actually ½ shade darker when the cops probably used some shitty point and shoot camera with incorrect exposure to begin with.
Learn about photography before asking stupid questions you fucking cunt.
It has become crystal clear you do not understand how percentages work.
There are more white rapists, but there are also more white people.
Blacks account for around 13 per cent of the population and yet they account for ~30% of rapes as this user pointed out.
This photo is 50% of the brightness on the one OP posted.
Obviously not a big chance,
Obviously not a conspiracy
Obviously OP fucking idiot
just making a dark photo brighter, not a deep-fake,
OP doesn't understand how photoshop works.
What a hypocritical snowflake he is basically complaining about non-existent "White Face"
Friendly reminder that you're irrelevant and butthurt.
You should just kill yourself. Conspiracy isn't a dirty word.
It's called "mastering" dipshit. The idea is to make everything on the page have a more uniform brightness so certain things on the page aren't too light or dark which would draw the reader's eyes away as they're trying to read. It's really fucking common in pretty much every print medium.
Of course you won't believe me because even though you know nothing about what you're talking about, everything has to be a fucking conspiracy against white people so it must be true.
>All these girls you fap to are Jewish
Is it common for jewish people to not know what a garbage disposal is?
This is complete bullshit. What drives you to spew this absolute drivel?
You’re assuming that whites are accused, tried and convicted at a similar rate. The best you can say is that more black people are imprisoned for rape. The rest is subject to too many variables.
Like if everybody was stealing and I singled you out and then said “you are responsible for all the theft because you’re the only one I caught.”
You see the flaw in the 13 and 50 talking point?
Kek. I'm irrelevant? The left and the right hate your ideology. Your views will never be mainstreamed. You've been reduced to pushing your propoganda on an anonymous message board. Kek. You people are funny thinking you're actually doing something to change the world.
>Hurr durr Jew do this Joo do that
Stop fapping to Jewish girls you fucking mutt. 1488
The struggle to create controversy with some years old shit is hilarious.
Did you just find this, kid?
Go back to your loli thread faggot
Kek. If you say so. You know what I said is true which is why you don't have a rebuttal.
>The left and right hate your ideology
and what ideology is that, pray tell?
Please continue on your tangent. It's amusing watching your logical fallacies mingle with your impotent rage.
>seething incel
See, everyone, OP is stupid as fuck.
In '94, Time magazine made OJ darker on their cover photo than he really is and caught holy hell over it.
>You’re assuming that whites are accused, tried and convicted at a similar rate.
Whites commit crime at a lower rate than niggaz you dumb cunt. In fact I think the only crime where whites perform at a similar rate to blacks is burglary. Stop making excuses.
This is true in
And everywhere else.
So you're saying blacks are dumber than whites because they can't get away with committing crimes?
Sounds like you're making the case for blacks having lower IQ's, user.
The guy constantly crying about Jews saying someone else is seething. Kek. You can't make this shit up. White supremacy is a mental disorder.
Kek. The guy who's views are so socially inept wants to call others seething incels. White supremacy is a mental disorder
shit, it's a white man after all, what kind of liberal magic is this?
From his memoirs released 2002. The only one dumber than the /pol/tards here is you. This is absolutely public knowledge.
>more logical fallacy
>absolutely seething
>Implying white people never fuck children
Ok pedo all the faggots like you on the loli thread are white
Yea Forums attempts another psyop
I'm a jew btw
>Hurr durr he said something mockingly so it means it true
Duh Joooooos!!!!!!
Literally no white person is ever going to get offended that you called them a nigger lol
We know we aren't niggers. Cope harder nigger.
Cope harder white nigger