Have you ever 'stuck your dick in crazy'? Is it as bad an idea as its generally thought to be? Crazy chicks are surely awesome in bed, no?
Have you ever 'stuck your dick in crazy'? Is it as bad an idea as its generally thought to be...
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I have. It's risky business.
Just be sure your ready to deal with the consequences after all that crazy sex.
Its a crapshoot. Crazy can be great in bed, or 30 seconds in they can be sobbing uncontrollably. I've had both from the same girl with no recognizable differences before hand.
Ive dated atleast 3 crazy chicks. From wanting to jump out of the moving car to faking being pregnant. I hate some of the choices I made but they were good fucks at the time
One tried tying me up to the bed and not sure if she was joking or not said that she could easily just keep me there forever. Spent a full day tied up naked on her bed and she even left for a few hours. Was fucked up. I broke up with her as I left her house that day. She swallowed a fistfull of pills the next day. Her fam tried blaming me but I just laughed
my first and only real girlfriend (couple of things here and there beforehand in hs) asked me to go get her a pair of scissors one time after we had started fucking, started fucking cutting in front of me, and that was just the start (with plenty of signs beforehand)
miss her badly but that was maybe a decade of off and on drama I'll never recover from
yeh, even had a relationship with crazy, she went crazy mid-flight, i had to put up with all that shit for another 6 months. she tried to kill me three times before i broke off all coms
compared to masturbation: it's more fun, but the fun's not worth the trouble, by far user
You can stick your dick in it, but don't let it get attached. That's where the mistake happens.
The question is misleading, all chicks are crazy
Bad idea, mate. Know a guy who’s girlfriend locked him in the cellar 6 hours.
yeah, but once you do, they focus on that ... do you really want crazy to focus on your dick for the rest of time?
Yes, and it sucked. Those crazy bitches arwn't even that enjoyable in bed.....
Sorta made a task of it, bout 4 in a row between highschool and college. What cha wanna know?
I did, several years back. Had no idea she was that crazy. I just initially thought she was trying to be cute. Then after a few months she was getting too clingy, demanding, and always picking a fight. Tried breaking up several times but she threatened to kill herself or something. I was scared and her mom was really nice to me, so I stuck around until I could not take the same shit over and over again. Shit lasted a couple of years.
Sex was so-so. She was quite horny but did not do much to please me. Glad I finally dumped her, I just wish I had the balls to do it much sooner.
Have been sticking it to crazy for 7years now, shit is cash! Make sure she is either on her meds or under your tumb.
The secret is ... They are all crazy.
Dubs speak truth.
This. There are varying degrees, but this.
Always wear a condom, if you're not snipped.
I don't care if you've seen her take her pill 100 times, that doesn't mean she took it the past few days.
If she gets preggo, she has all the options in the world. Legally you only have 2 real options as a male:
A - Resign yourself to paying her $XXXX per month for the next 18 years.
B - Murder/Suicide.
Beta males
This, and the scary part is you don’t know what they’ll do. (Like show up where you work screaming around)
>Have you ever 'stuck your dick in crazy'?
Almost every girl I've ever met is been crazy. It's just a matter of time and comfort before they reveal their power level. You're always going to be sticking your dick in crazy. If you don't make a girl you've slept with act crazy afterward then are you even sexing right?
Pic related is one of the craziest things I've ever stuck my dick in. Lookit dem teefasis and the batshit full-blown-narcissist eyes! She also had really huge fat tits and would cum from having them played with and sucked on.
It’s not worth it
You're forgetting C.
C - leave the country, leave your identity behind.
All girls are crazy.
True, you could always join the french foreign legion
Insanely good sex, lots of problems
Proceed with caution
Use a fake name and have a fake id with that name
Never let her come to your home or a hotel within a 10 mile radius
If you're not a poorfag use a rental car so she can't get your license plate
Follow these steps and you too can fuck a girl with daddy issues in the ass while choking her unconscious as she creams on your dick
Be careful with this method, as they will try everything in their power to get closer and closer until you're, as everyone says, trapped.
I pumped a girl with severe bpd once and that was a bad move she fucked me up.
It's all about knowing when to pull the ripcord. Just do all the nasty shit you want to do the first time you fuck her incase you she gets overcome with cocklust, that way you'll have no regrets.
dear idiot, i'm about 115kg and 202cm high, i'm a swimmer and i row, i'm basically impossible to fuck up for 90% of the males i cross paths with (violence is for faggots anyway), that chick was 42kg for 174cm, at the peak of her rage she cut the inside of my right knee with a knife and slammed a giant stone in my forehead, before blocking my shoulders with her knees. Confusion and the blow to the head got me confused as she was grabbing a huge fucking knife on the table, the only reason i'm alive today is because i used the half second i had to free one shoulder and punch her fucking nose in (before finishing her off in murderous rage and being slammed on the back of my head by my mother, she thought i'd kill the bitch, probably would have tho
Have done twice.
1. one night stand with girl from party. she became agressively clingy, got angry when i danced with another girl at another party a week later and stalked me with another phone number when i blocked her. NOT worth it
2. Relationship with loving, hot, sexually wild but crazy girl. It was all good, until it wasn't. They may have a good soul, but as soon as you get hit by her crazy, morals don't play a role and you couldn't have a more egocentric and stupid acting woman in such a situation than a crazy one. NOT FUCKING worth it
yes. yes. and yes.
Haha you got beat up by a girl.
>trips of truth
Leaving your girl because she's crazy is like moving away because your house has gravity.
If you have options, don't do it.
If you haven't fucked her yet, and already the crazy is leaking out, fucking run.
If you're fucking her and she's starting to let her freak flag fly.. causing you to rethink it.. go on a short trip with her. If you are on speaking terms after a week on the road, you are probably fine.
Everyone is fucking nuts. The question is just scope and depth of their insanity. Sex is fun, but that matters less over time. It's important to note that people never get less insane. It just gets worse. The tldr is it isn't worth it if you have any kind of options. There are easier ways to get laid. Pay for it, it's cheaper that way.
look kids, a sexist
look kids, a faggot
Idk, I would have fucked her. She’s fuckin hot. Even knowing what I know now about her. The trick is, don’t stay with crazy. But if you can hit it and ghost, I don’t see a problem with sticking my dick in crazy.
hahaaa yes i did, you wouldn't believe what the pictures looked like, i was ucky it was xmas and my parents were visiting, they called the cops, the cops didn't believe anything for the first two hours, until they realized that said girl was batshit when she reacted to a question of an officer by lifting a 2*12" guitar cabinet and actually throwing it on that cop. you wouldn't believe the strenght adrenaline can give those nutjobs, why do you think that it's not uncommon in mental institutions to see a huge hulk getting beat up by a psychotic 90yo grandpa?
Play Misty For Me
Haha the cop got beat up by a girl too! I hope I don't ever run into her because she'll probably beat me up too.
>She’s fuckin hot.
>if you can hit it and ghost
it's all fine until she finds you and cuts your dick off.
virgin, a crazy bitch will get attached and try to ruin your life so she can console and be your hero within 3 minutes of knowing you, crazy is crazy, just use the crazy/hot meter always, never go above "slighty incomprehensible", it ALWAYS escalates
Shit... I prefer crazy women, tbh. I like how obsessive they are of me. I like the attention. I have ways of dealing with an emotionally insecure woman.
Won't be saying that when an emotionally insecure woman deals with you and the medical examiner is picking parts of your mashed up cock out the mouth of a dead husky the sheriff show when he came through the door.
I did. Actually made a mistake and was in relationship with her. Year and a half.
Fucked me up pretty bad.
Took me two years to process that experience and I will carry the emotional scars for the rest of my life.
I am glad I did though, as I am a better person now because of that.
So OP, do it for the experience and proceed with caution.
>Almost every girl I have dated is crazy
Faggot, either you are ugly and fat as fuck or you are just into squirrel based women
Also the pic looks like you dated a female rabbit.
Well, whomever that guy is, he wasn’t very good at dealing with a woman. I mean, I get what you’re saying...on a level that maybe suggests you’re a huge cucklord and that the emotional instability of another adult intimidates you, but honestly dude I’m not a pessimist. I’ve dealt with women most of the incel dipshits on this board would consider “crazy” long enough to be confident that I am always in control of the situation. Maybe you should learn to keep your broads in line.
dude i was traumatised, didn't touch a chick for six months, needed five years to laugh about it - you can't believe what it feels like, one day you spent your life basicaly scaring any danger away just going 'booh!', the next you're contemplating your bruised face and realize that skinny bitch did that to you - so yeh, that cop gt beat up by a girl too
Horrible fucking idea. Really its
>dont catch feelings for crazy
>dont cum inside crazy
If youre blowing inside, one and done her. You dont watch crazy bitch getting attached to you.
women are stress & debt. I know, I'm married.
I'm handsome as fuck. And you are obviously stupid and illiterate
>lookit dem teefasis
I said she was crazy, not good looking.
Here's another crazy bitch I stuck my dick in. This one looked like a clown and liked sucking dick more than she liked having sex. But I'm sure that's my fault because I have a smol penis and am fat and ugly and retarded or some retard tier bullshit coming from an angry internet fren.
Every. Single. Woman. That. Has. Ever. Lived. Is. Batshit. Insane.
Here's some more of the crazy my little dicked, ugly, fat, retarded ass has put my penis inside of. She really loved being verbally and physically abused and loved having her ass violently pounded until she couldn't walk right. Oh god, I'm so fat and ugly and stupid. Oh god. How do I keep putting my dick in all of these ugly crazy girls who are such a rarity?!
change wives, i'm married as well, nothing but getting served fantastic food and fucked silly, then again i went asian (crazy chick was asin too, i mostly go asian, perfect fucking cumbuckets)
i remember the pic on the right, what was the context?
I have and I would not recommend it. My first girlfriend was a scitoso. She sucked the shot out of me and sucked my dick like no other. That fuck up my expectations and perception of what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like. But what really fuck me up was the times she almost tried to kill me and her self over the phone. Or how she would sabotage my friendship and one future relationship.
If you value your life I would pass on any girl that has any cognitive or emotional red flags
Yes, and then I married it, twice. I pretty much deserve what I get for having done this twice.
But yeah both were insane in bed.
And another absolutely batshit insane girl I've stuck my dick in. God I'm such a fat, ugly, retarded loser. Why do these girls keep letting me fuck the shit out of them? I'm so glad you came along, tiny dicked internet fren. Without you telling me what a loser I am and that I only fuck ugly squirely looking girls I would have gone an entire lifetime fucking the shit out of these good looking crazy girls instead of knowing my place in your mentally retarded imagination
Sucks dude. I bet that cop has been holding battered wife's at gunpoint and pepperspraying them everyday since then though.
Oh fuck! It's another two (left and middle) ugly super rare fucking insane girls I've stuck my little dick inside of! What a fucking world!
i hope so, we ned a littel bit of balance now that teh feminazis have taken power
also, i need typing lessons
Oh man! Every single one of these absolutely super duper rare batshit insane girls I've fucked is just so ugly and squirely. Like omg don't I have any standards with my fat, ugly, stupid\, tiny penised ass?
Golly gee I just keep fucking the ugliest girls ever! It's so fucking rare to find a girl who's crazy! Like wow!
Sure your ex would help you with your typing or she might just take a keyboard to your face haha
Dick in crazy is the best thing since sliced bread
Brotip: stay the fuck away from Sicilian women. They are all god tier fucknut crazy.
I say this being related to Sicilian women and having made the mistake of dating a few of them.
(By this i mean women with Sicilian ancestry) although I assume actual Sicilian women are at least as bad.
girl in op shot him...
This is kind of a fun thread so let’s step it up a bit. What’s some of your red flags for crazy women? Here are a few easy ones:
>Used to be a “dancer”
>dad left when she was a kid
>had a lot of guy friends
>can run real fast in high heels
>Sicilian women
Jews of any variety are not just to be avoided, but to be exterminated at all costs
Girl on the right in pic related was jewish, Sicilian, and Puerto Rican. One of the deadliest combinations of jew ever. She was 4'!0" with huge fat tits and a gorgeous round ass but a pussy that smelled like ammonia and poison. Could suck the fucking chrome right off a trailer hitch. One of the most absolutely, violently, and maliciously manipulative and insecure people I've ever met. I got her pregnant and last I heard she's a single mother who's leaching off of some cuck.
Stop. You got trolled (badly) and now you are putting way too much effort into proving the troll wrong. This does nothing but speak volumes about how you really feel. Stop.
>screams if doesn't have latest phone
>expects to be treated like a princess
>never apologises
>bad relationship with her family
>all male friends
>slutty clothes
>leaves laptop locked
>fucks other guys
For fucks sake settle down you are being pathetic. It's an anonymous Internet imageboard dude.
If you have stuck your dick in a woman then you have stuck your dick in crazy.
>Named something like "Tiffany"
These are the best women to fuck but NOT date
It's cool, bros. I just wanted to illustrate a point and am being ridiculous on purpose. Bitches are crazy. Every last one of them. No matter how ugly or good looking they are.
Yeah women named Kathleen or Catherine but prefer to go by Kat or Cat
Nice pictures you stole off instagram ya dorky fatass.
Look how fucking pissed this ham planet is that his LARP is falling apart lul.
Women who are really really into you’re bizarre sex fetishes
I would eat my cum out of Jodi Arias pussy every night if she wanted me to.
Pretty sure my gf would kill herself if I left her
I've had a chick fake an abortion.
I've had a chick run away screaming she was going to catch aids and die.
I've had a chick lie about everything.
The sex was amazing.
Recently cheated on my gf and stuck my dick I’m crazy...
She a freak and I’m still debating whether or not it was worth it but the new girl will try and fuck me 3 or 4 times in a row in front of my friends (she was my buddies room mate) with no shame.
She’s also trying to ruin the marriage of the couple in the house. I was reading her texts with the husband last night (he’s a good friend of mine) and she totally has him wrapped around her finger, making him tell her he loves her more than his wife, and all sorts of other power plays. She’s nuts. I’ve only known her about 7 days let’s see if she fucks my life up, cause I’m still finna smash.
They are awesome in bed.
Usually all hot chicks are crazy...
It's because they can get what they want with their looks alone and so they have a skewed view of reality.
So the best thing to do is pick up a "crazy" or hot chick at bars. Don't give her your last name. Fuck her brains out and only text her when you want to get laid.
Any nudes?
Also, that's 2 crazies you're describing. Driving her crazy from sex is different than her going crazy because she finds out you spend more time with your family than her and she keys your car or something.
>I've had a chick run away screaming she was going to catch aids and die
I’m envisioning a chick running down the street screaming this and it’s making me smile
>Single girl living with a married couple
What could possibly go wrong
the proverbial succubus
is among us
fellows friends
peasants fathers
gather round and listen
the sounds of these has been
written since day seven
have you heard of the one about not sticking it in crazy
it goes a little something like "dont stick it in crazy"
when you stick it in crazy
you're investing in time wasted
you may even find yourself
stuck with a baby
and lose the rest of yourself
and your wallet to your lady
your car, your clothes,
your hobbies, your home
say bye bye to what dreams da da had
and ayaye to changing diapers full of ca ca
smell so bad it melts the hair off your head
leave you looking like malcoms dad in breaking bad
stuck in the middle of a soon to be spouce and a kid
who half looks like you half looks like someone you used to love
and for some reason the mailman
man this shit is wack I just wanted to be friends
and benefit from time probably better spent with my junk in my hand
too late now that ship has set sail
and the captain, the passengers all jumped out and are off to hell
with my dreams, achievements, college degrees, my beliefs
replaced with organic yogurt and "does the carpet match these sheets?"
well little ones getting older so i better start to know better
teach em their letters until they can put em together and write a letter
fuck a nanny a granny a daycare and a baby sitter
ill do that shit myself, raise my head up
cause this is the last chance i get to
give all my knowledge and my net worth
to the next generation of me
filtering the degeneracy
so they dont get it from me hopefully
dont stick your shit in crazy
or else youll end up like me
Face looks like a cornered animal whenever you disagree with her
Larping online is called rping newfag kys
Of course there are nudes, my dudes.
She was crazy to start. Crazier after we started fucking. She got attached really fast but had serious abandonment issues to the point where she deliberately caused problems to try and push me away. She stole shit from me, fucked with my car, talked mad shit about me to anyone who would listen, destroyed my friendship with someone, fucked with my house when I wouldn't talk to her, so on and so forth. She was complete batshit.
I've stuck my dick in every possible crazy girl. I'm now an alcoholic. You decide
Sounds like my girl.
She was twice my age. But completely bat shit crazy.
Did exact shit like you describe.
Well written, user. 5 star post, nigga.
I like BDSM, but was leaving you there for that long even discussed. You did the right thing bro imagine if you did that shit to her you'd be in jail with no one caring what happens to you. In that way you shouldn't care what happens to her after that ordeal. Run!
Crazy as fuck but those tits were so fat and delicious and she'd cum from getting spanked too. Pretty sure that's a serious red flag
Yeah. Never again.
are any of them NOT crazy? its just a matter of degree.
Cousin Danny! I didn't know you go on Yea Forums too!
Leaving those two kids of yours with that crazy, Puerto Rican bitch isn't right.
Horrible idea.
I Made all the mistakes.
7 years relationship.
Have a son with her.
Have to see her every second week to get him.
Have to pay.
Still suffer from her crazyness.
Best sex imaginable.
Would still fuck her Daily.
I am Broken since.
Once, never again.
Said she was 20, was actually 16 at the time we started dating.
>I was born with only one working ovary, so the doctors said I can't get pregnant
Yeah that was a lie over and over again. Luckily she got the abortions after shes done crying about "I don't want to, it's life, it's my child", blah blah. Me paying for those abortions over and over again.
Of course she could've been lying this whole time about being pregnant/getting an abortion and just have been pocketing the money.
Basically, don't fucking do it. Bipolar schizo ass bitch. Dumb enough to stay with her, dumb enough to allow it to happen.
>be sophomore in college
>break up with gf, be sad
>friend says I'm just sad I'm not getting laid
>advice is to fuck the sluttiest chick we know, just to learn pussy is pussy
>sluttiest chick is unsurprisingly crazy as fuck
>I ask her if she wants to fuck, she says she likes me but isn't ready for a relationship
>I tell her I'm not interested in a relationship, just getting my dick wet
>she agrees
>we fuck for a month or so, she's always begging for it
>sex with her is boring - she just lays there
>she claims she's never had an orgasm
>she has gross feet
>she has no ass
>her face isn't worth it
>she does have nice tits
>she's the only girl that has ever completely deepthroated me and let me cum down her throat
>At some point, I tell her I'm finished with her, I'm going to look for a relationship now
>she says "why not me, user?"
>I explain it's because she's not really my type and she also treats my best friend like shit
>she snaps, pays some other women in drugs to claim I sexually harassed them
>makes a formal complaint that I'm a neo-nazi and it makes her uncomfortable
>makes a formal complaint that I am spreading white supremacist ideology around campus (I'm a mutt but pass for white, I guess)
>three months later, after nearly getting expelled and nearly fucking up my classes, it goes away
>she refused to do a police report because she realized it was all bullshit
>the school dropped it because she wouldn't double-down
Don't stick your dick in crazy. It's not worth it.
Yes. I did. It was fun for awhile. Luckily didn't get any stds or kids so I didnt have any major remorse. Just be careful, use an alias, put a raincoat on, and enjoy.
Gross feet are total fucking deal breaker for me
had one for 6 years, we ended when I was 23. the sex was bad, the relationship really destructive, probably for both of us.
my advice - communicate with crazy bitches only if you are adult and mentaly stable yourself. teenager with low self esteem + crazy girlfriend = scarred for life.
oh, the warning signs: dad left her mother when she was 10, and she loved HORSES
I just ignored them.
Seriously, the only reason it went on longer than just one or two fucks was because of her deepthroating ability.
good read
>If she gets preggo, she has all the options in the world
This man knows. Bitch was seeing someone when we hooked up (first mistake).
Left him for me, got knocked up and left the state 5 months pregnant.
Now stuck with a choice to uproot my entire life and move or stay and pay child support for a child I’ll never.
Over a 3 month relationship.
NEVER take a chance if you’re not keeping her.
Not worth it.
First chick, jumped me for 2 seconds then said no claiming I was taking at vantage of her with my authority. ( wasn't her boss but that didn't stop her)
2 years later I try again.
The entire time she's saying I'm lie in about being a virgin.
About 30mins in she pushes me off and yells no twice.
Few months later say fucknit and buy a hooker.
She's ok. But all fake.
Then takes off before my hour is up.
Go back to the main floor.
Hooker number 2 drugs me and yells at me for 2 hours after I caught her stealing my shit.
Toss in a years long herpies scare from the first slut, (that took 5 doctors to confirm I was clean) crazy is Not fucking worth it.
If a female gets addicted and latches on too soon, that’s the first sign. You aren’t special, wasn’t her first and certainly won’t be her last.
the mom was trying to off load her on you
Learn to write in English, at least to a degree where it's comprehensive.
I like your can-do attitude, but I've dealt with crazy bitches. Never again
Yes it's not a good idea. She didn't tell me she was pregnant until she started getting the bump. Felt good fucking her and nutting knowing nothing would happen. Can strike fucking a preggo off my bucket list. But no don't do it, don't let them get you that weak no matter what your dick tells you.
What is: phone fagging on the toilet?
Sorry editing takes longer than its worth for a literal shitpost.
>She was 4'!0" with huge fat tits and a gorgeous round ass
Pics or it didn't happen.
Yeah, and it's fine if you plan on burying them after
Suit yourself. But you should really learn to deal with people as opposed to running away because they make you feel weak.
The trick to sticking your dick in crazy is how you end things.
If you've planned things out, met her at a random public place (bar/club), didn't give her any valid contact information, fucked at her place so she doesn't know where you live, etc. you can just ghost and will probably be fine.
If the crazy didn't come out until after you've been sticking your dick in it for a while, the trick is to let her break up with you. Be boring so she looks for her excitement and drama elsewhere, can set up something new, and jump ship.
> (OP)
>You can stick your dick in it, but don't let it get attached. That's where the mistake happens.
Correct, ALWAYS have an exit plan...and preferably a backup one.
You're projecting pretty hard. I just don't want to deal with them because I like my calm, rational gf. I don't want every situation turned into a conflict
Dude it doesnt matter how good you are at dealing with her and calming her down. She can easily kill you in your sleep its happened time and time again to lots of men. You live dangerously with a ticking time bomb.
Lucky you at the sex. Mine is always teetering back and forth between sane and crazy, but she got fat and the insecurities cockblock me, but not the crazy.
Leaving because you know what you are and not willing to put up with is a form of dealing with people. Not everything has to end in some kind of fight or reconciliation between parties. Someone can choose to just not engage.
...Yes and fucking yes! Even if she tied my hand down and took a finger... Still, Yes!