So if the government is this horribly corrupt organisation who want imprisonment for all non whites;(an argument I hear...

So if the government is this horribly corrupt organisation who want imprisonment for all non whites;(an argument I hear from anti trump people more than I like) why do you want to take guns away?

If you believe that the government is corrupt why do you also believe that the government (army & police) should be the only ones that have guns.

This seems counterintuitive to me.

Shouldn’t you want guns in case the corrupt police and/or army tries to forcibly evict you from your home?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That AR looks like the gun from splinter cell

Guns are scary that's why they need to be banned.

Nice Famas!

Guns are loud. They hurt thousands of peoples ears daily, and as a society we shouldnt stand for that. Also whys it matter more people die in car related incidents yearly then by gun related incidents we all just need to drive at the government

Why do you feel the need to post that millitary killer assault rifle with extra long clip and silencer, allowing you to murder many children in complete silence?

You're what's wrong with with this country.

>who want imprisonment for all non whites

What the actual fuck?Even I never heard of something so paranoid

Attached: AmeriMutt.png (420x420, 18K)

no joke. tinnitus is worse than death. hyperacusis is worse than that.

Guns aren't going anywhere until the constitution is re written or destroyed. At that point gun control will be up there but certainly the least of our worries.


Fucking get out of here.

Don't change the subject, you filthy terrorist.

Why do you need to make up for your feeling if insecurity with guns. Can't you just hit the gym, like healthy person?

how long will americunts hang on to their precious document? do you think they will still give a fuck about it in the year 3000?

benn told hyperacusis is like having every sound you hear feel like a knife being lodged in your canal, and then rotating it. Music is simply icepicks.

The trigger is behind the mag so it clearly isn't a bullpup design, learns your guns faggot

1) Bullshit, you don't hear this from "anti trump people more than [you] like". I doubt you have ever heard it, but it's easy to blame lefties so you can get some attention.

2) Few lefties actually want all guns banned. By far, they want guns regulated, not banned. You know this, but again, a nuanced opinion does get you the attention you crave.

Stay mad your European shithole doesn't let you have guns to overthrow the government that will arrest you for making racist jokes on Twitter

I saw a movie where the police and military were the only ones with guns. It was called Schindler's List.

my grand daddy was in vietnam and guns give me third hand PTSD

Police should also not have guns hth

point to the "clip" shitlord

Just swallowing the bait and shitting it out lol

Not every European country is the UK lol I've owned 2 handguns and a cheap chinese shotgun, all you need is a bit of paperwork and proper storage for firearms and the cartridges which is not that different from the good ol' US of A?

The cover on the optic sure looks like it has a clip? What are you crying about?

It's the round thingy sticking out of the middle of the assault rifle, you uneducated retard.

We have a similar rate of gun ownership in Switzerland and don't murder each other constantly or shoot up schools. Maybe once you show that you can be responsible with firearms you should be allowed to have them back. Until then ban ban ban

because the corrupt government has them. duh.... one cant successfully defend their home and self unless they can match their opposition.

Do you also stockpile drones, nukes and aircraft carriers?

Liberal Democrats aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

buddy. the government is not going to nuke its own people....

my point is i hope if they do come for me i can slaughter as many of them as i can before i go down comprende? give me liberty or give me death.

You said it yourself, you need to match the opposition to be able to win.

Also, during civil war, the other side is by definition not "it's own people".

Also, I like how you ignored the rest of the question. It stands.

I see. So your idea of standing up to the man is suicide. I'm starting to understand your perverted way of seeing the world, you sick fuck.

>>Few lefties actually want all guns banned.

Yea ALOT of them want all of them banned. At best alot of them want some of them banned.

If 5 posts in a row say "Trump is a lying narcissistic conman" I'll post my nudes

Pic related is me clothed

thats a magazine faggot

luv gunz
h8 kids
simple af

Most "lefties" I've talked to want nothing more than a week wait on getting a gun, as most violence with guns happens with a gun just purchased. That, and holding adult gun owners more liable for what happens with guns they leave unlocked.
There's genuinely some common sense shit we could do to reduce gun violence without "they's takin' all muh gunz!".

Tits or GTFO

I know, I just wanted to make you feel so smart for a few minutes.

Before I point out that you failed to correct me on calling the supressor a silencer.

And on calling that airsoft toy an assault rifle.

Consider yourself Trolled.

Lmao no. You get to see my boobs after you do what I asked

Ideological coherency is for white supremacists. Real woke people form their political stances based upon their immediate emotional reaction rather than giving the issue any deep thought.

Begone thot!

Attached: no.power.jpg (290x174, 13K)

Just defend yourself with your fists like a real man!

W-what the mugger has a gun???
>what do?

Lmao no power? Okay boo boo we'll see about that


5 in a row gets nudes :)

beacause are people are retarded, just like the guy that put all that garbage on that gun, there trying to prepare for everything, but in the process makes your gun useless as shit, you have brain damage and your speaking for gun rights, please fuck off, you make gun owners want to ban guns, actually blow your brains out.

I see it's been working out for 'ya so far.

Just samefag it and go away, attention whore

Fuck you nudes you camwhore.
I can google nudes of bitches younger and hotter than you in 3 seconds.

Unless you're the fastest drawing gunman in the west, you ain't out-shooting a mugger already pointing a gun in your face.

Also, don't change the subject. Are you stockpiling the guns against government or not? If so, show me your drone.

You're bringing a gun into an AC-130 fight.

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it's the "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" the has been twisted over the years they people hold dear.

because it doesn't actual define what is "arms" , so anything called a "firearms" would technically be included. So any infringement by a fixed up law causes issues.

so if you
1) Register ALL firearms with a fired bullet sample
2) gave people 6 months to register their firearms and the ability to turn in any guns during that time no questions asked
3) make the registered OWNER RESPONSIBLE for any crimes committed.
4) Anyone with an gun not registered to themselves (or gun business) can be charged with illegal possession
5) Any one charge with a violent crime can not be within 10ft of a gun (unless carried by law enforcement) will be charged

Your not taking any guns away from law abiding people and their are not restrictions to guns, but it will not work because people are to paranoid about "big brother"


Close enough

Yea...well...if it wasn't for America and our guns you fucks would be speaking German instead of Swiss, so you're still welcome I guess.

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> make the registered OWNER RESPONSIBLE for any crimes committed.

Just like owner of car is responsible for having it stolen and crime committed?

Liberal retardation in action.

The amendment says that the right shall not be infringed. It says nothing about jumping through hoops to be able to maybe own a gun if you behave yourself and don't anger daddy government.

Aww look at the incels who think I'll stop just bc they call me a whore. Your the ones bending over for your beloved Trump so I'm definitely not the whore in this thread

Russians are the ones who beat germany... all the allies really did was handle japan and get in some skirmishes down in africa.


You got two things wrong.

I ain't an Incel.
And I ain't pro Trump.

I'm against thot.

You give us liberals a bad name, filthly thot.

>not the whore
>bribing Yea Forums with nudes
>tits basically out already in those pics
>too dumb to know how to post pics
the whore confirmed

>> I'm against thought

tee hee

Lmao fat WHERE?! I literally go to the gym every day so either you didn't look at the pics or your blind or retarded

Which one is it boo boo? 1, 2 or 3?

What would you expect from libtard thot.

Probably her first visit to Yea Forums

Bitches gotta learn.

pic related

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I obviously don't want the government to take arms away from innocent black men defending their lives against racist white police. We need to arm black teenagers, so they can defend themselves against the oppressors.

Black power!

>proves shes not a fat whore by posting pic where shes naked and fat

Fat, insecure, thot and on top of all that married.

You're a piece of work.

Attached: disgust.jpg (280x180, 7K)

no, like with a car if it's stolen you report that it's stolen, so that going forward the gun is now blacklisted.

it's more for you leave your guns lyning around and your dumbass "angel" of a kid takes it

what extra paper work, 20 minutes worth of online forms and shooting a gun into a barrel and collect a bullet to then send away (gun shop would help with this) and your done. So if you can't spend an 1 hour to get a gun, then don't get one.

If you have 100+ plus guns to protect your self and need to get them all registered well, sucks to be you and you should rethink your priorities.

For fuck's sake, stop falling for obvious bait. You are replying to a fat fuck that's LARPing.

Sorry op but most of the people you're talking to don't understand what logic is

This, but unironically.

Attached: trigger-libtards.jpg (703x879, 60K)

> no, like with a car if it's stolen you report that it's stolen, so that going forward the gun is now blacklisted.

That's literally how the law works now.

But hey, maybe we can make that a law some more.

> If you have 100+ plus guns to protect your self and need to get them all registered well, sucks to be you and you should rethink your priorities.

This is my point entirely. The amendment says arms. Not 3 arms, not 10 arms, not 99 arms. Any artificial hoops are infringement of your constitutional right.

I'd fuck this dirty bitch for sure

I'm not fat at all you pathetic incel pieces of shit. And I have nothing to be insecure about. Lmao.

And thats hardly a nude. I'm covering all the naughty bits ;) Ask nicely if you want an actual nude

Imagine actually registering your firearms haha

We all know that isn't you

I'd rather dig out my eyes with a spoon than see the thot you are LARPing as naked, user. Why don't you post a picture of your cock instead?

> I'm not fat at all you pathetic incel pieces of shit. And I have nothing to be insecure about.
We can all see that clearly now.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 4K)

user, why are you here?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

can someone just dump this thots pics so we dont all have to click the links

It would literally take your shorter to copy-paste the links, than it would take to post.

Aww okay well since your being a dick about it ;)

Enjoy. Say "Trump is a lying narcissitic conman" if you want the unmasked ones :)

How about you stop pretending and post the rest of your wife's pictures already?

Cute that you think I'm too pretty to really be on Yea Forums. You guys are so good for my self-esteem. Here have another

Silencer is an acceptable term. Patents are filed under silencer, even manufacturers refer to them as silencers. Get off your high horse


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brb just posting your wife's tits all over the internet with her clothed pics until someone recognizes her

Police have an institutional problem that needs addressing.

Guns are a public health hazard that needs addressing.

One does not solve the other outside of the minds of neckbeards.

By that logic, because general public refers to semi-automatic rifles as assault rifles, it is an acceptable term too.

It's good for your self esteem to know that we don't believe who you say you are?

There's literally no difference between a silencer and a suppressor

Am I doing it right?

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Gotta blow the dust off of that one

Yikes thats the most incel threat I've ever read in my life. Am I actually suppose to be scared?

little did he know, HE got baited...

wait. did I too just get secondhand baited? is this world merely an illusion?

... no. That’s not the logic at all lol. Hiram maxim filed his original patent as a “silencer”. The inventor of the thing literally called it a silencer.

Attached: theres-that-fag-talk-we-talked-about.jpg (1274x830, 361K)

guess I'll just go ahead and post 'your' tits on every porn site I can find then

Can confirm. I am not real.

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See this comment, cuz I retard and can’t reply correctly

Guess I'll go ahead and delete them then.

K bye :) x

"how long will americunts hang on to their precious document? do you think they will still give a fuck about it in the year 3000?"
>You basically just said "what is even the point of laws and obeying them

troll bait

No place has ever been conquered and no war won without urban warfare. Viet farmers yawn. Yes the government has nukes, but if they ever used them on their own people a civil war would break out, and generally police & military would be on the 'pro gun' side. Lets be real. You don't even have to think critically, just think for christs sake.

IMHO we have already far surpassed what the founding fathers intended so I'm not going to budge an inch. The government has already infringed on my gun rights wayy to much.

This would have a bunch of oversight. If we don't have the money for a wall, how could we have people monitoring and executing this. Also
>gave people 6 months to register their firearms and the ability to turn in any guns during that time no questions asked
This is already a law, at least for pistols in my state

>gave people 6 months to register their firearms and the ability to turn in any guns during that time no questions asked
This once again is already a law.

>Anyone with an gun not registered to themselves (or gun business) can be charged with illegal possession
So anyone under the age of 18 is now allowed to own a gun, or hunt, how will they learn firearm safety. Who is going to fund all the gun ranges that rent out guns? You would hurt the economy doing this in your fantasy world.

>Any one charge with a violent crime can not be within 10ft of a gun (unless carried by law enforcement) will be charged

Honestly I don't have the energy to carry on anymore. This post is pure ignorance. You are a moron. GO take a firearm education class it would do you some good, seriously. They aren't scary things.

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Yea, but Hiram? Isn't that a Jewish name? Do you expect them to be honest about anything?

Grow the fuck up.

233 years ago we didn’t have a problem with constant mass shootings. Times have changed. Your power fantasy hobby is not worth actual human lives.

/k/ommando here
3 and 5 = Fuck you, you retarded liberal

I’ll gladly register my firearms when NFA is repealed, and an amendment is added to protect 2A rights, unquestionably, ironclad, for all non-felons and legal US citizens.

>But registration is the first step towards confiscation

Bullshit. And besides, that’s why I said repeal NFA and make an ironclad amendment protecting 2A. Also, make ownership non-taxable, and ensure that “mandatory owner insurance” bullshit is illegal.

Take every tactic away from the left before allowing registration. Benefit for registration would be property tax credit.

What is the point of green-texting if you're not going to do it correctly?

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Please stop linking pictures to this fat bitch with saggy titties

imagine being this butthurt
look at all that word salad

>delete them
Now I know you're trolling. It's on the internet now it isn't going anywhere. Kids even know that.

1) Not fat
2) Not saggy
3) Already deleted it so how about shut the fuck up

you cant fix newfags, user

That's a fairly transparent attempt at trying to taint our hard drives with a filthy fat whore.

the virtue signaling is strong with this one. You aren't a better person because you think forcing Americans to give up firearms will save kids, just so you know.

If a couple kids die every year, thats fine. Its a fad/phase that will run itself out. I'm willing to accept that as a trade off for my freedom of owning a firearm. There are 330 million guns in America yet because 18 of them are used to do a mass shooting every year we need to get rid of them & regulate them? This is exactly what is wrong with kids these days and the liberal party and why they are dissolving. Yes lets ban something because 0.000004% of people don't do it right. Get off my lawn, fuckin retards

Literally already deleted them but okay

55 people died last year so you can pretend to be an army man?

Your hobby is so fucking lame lol

Rookie mistake, now we know you're full of shit.

I get it, you get off of pretending you're Eastern European thot, but next time just dump the pics and save us all the work of calling you out on it.

Troll still going hard here's some more food for (you)

they want to be the government

they are like boobs only smaller and saggy, and these seem to be attached to some plain Jane overweight thot.

Satan has spoken

As a foreigner, I don't necessarily hate guns but I do feel grateful that I live in a country that doesn't have a mass shooting problem and I certainly do not want my country to become more like the U.S. in that regard.Same thing for healthcare.

If you believe the government is so good why do you need guns?

Nobody think that. Wtf are you talking about?

The US doesn't have a mass shooting problem. It has a biased news media problem.

>Implying our hard drives aren't all already tainted beyond redemption.

An anti-murder bias!? Insanity!

> "My 10/10 for example can't act or sing but she's just as hot as any of the fame hungry attention whores in this thread:"

Attached: FB5IGMg[1].png (610x465, 337K)

Tits with timestamp or GTFO, you know the rules.

actually, the media in the US is very pro murder. without violence of some sort to sensationalize they might have to find truly interesting and stimulating stories.

But as long as they can keep the population in a perpetual state of fear then they can continue to cash in on the rarity of gun tragedies.

For the lazy:

Looks like he's been busy:

the woman linked in your post is not in any way to be considered hot.

At the very best she would be plain or a solid 5

There have been 164 mass shooting in the us since the start of the year. Most don’t even make the news.

I’m sorry that you can’t accept that the negative press your hobby gets is deserved, not a conspiracy.

I'm not that guy. I'm calling out the guy pretending to be a cumdumpster. He made the mistake of posting the same URL on multiple occasions.

He dun goof'd

seeing these photos I would actually rate her closer to a 4

Gov doesn't need to take your guns away if they want to take you out. They can bomb you so far from the sky you'd think god himself shit on you.

So wouldn’t they have a progun bias since that’s where they money is?

let me see your unbiased source for this statistic.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a nigger problem.

you would think. but if they did then they would have to actually openly and unashamedly admit that they are after profit rather than unbiased reporting of facts. And that they are ok with profiting off of tragedies.

so if a corrupt government or army try to evict you, you;ll come out guns blazing? This will escalate beyond your walmart tacticool AR's league pretty quickly

Yeah. You'd think that if he took the effort to pretend he's his wife, he'd at least have an attractive wife.

Poor bugger. He failed at life just like he failed at trolling. I feel sorry for him.

Attached: poor.bugger.png (1761x495, 209K)

so what your saying is that firearm ownership should be unrestricted so that we can not be outgunned by the government that the amendment was designed to keep in check.

I agree

But if they ARE profiting then any action they take to stop that profit, pushing gun control, would be counter-intuitive .

The purpose of the amendment wasn’t to fight the government it was to protect your household

The idea is to simply report facts, not sensationalize and add bias.


>Maybe I'm an
>who did it purposely
to annoy you fags

You have to be pretty autistic to link imgur files when you can easily screen shot them and edit a time stamp into photoshop or gimp.

pretend? My guns haven't left their safe. Its not a hobby, its a freedom. If you want to sign up to willingly give you your freedom go ahead. Don't expect most of america to sign up with you.

Not butthurt at all, just an oldfag educating the youth of america since their shit parents and liberal teachers and professors don't. I take it upon myself to enlighten you whippersnappers

where did you get that from? They are an entertainment company in the business of providing entertainment.

Try harder newfag. That's the oldest excuse in the book.

Attached: Trollface[1].png (755x1255, 45K)

owning guns for defence is an right entrenched in 1700’s ideology. you could own a musket to defend your
self and your family because the world was so new and unstable.

there is zero fucking chance the government in a global north society would go ballistic and massacre its citizens and fuck us all in the ass in an attempt to stay in power. it’s too much of a streamlined system now. Pro-gun retards use that as a scape goat for owning firearms.

people own guns today for recreation. magazines hold 5-100 rounds at a time, weapon depending, and semi automatic & automatic firearms have the potential to do some real damage in the wrong hands.

I fucking love guns. But there are too many faggots in the world now where we can trust them. They have to be restricted. The amount of children that have died in schools at the hands of some retard is sad. I’m always surprised Americans feel the need to defend it so belligerently when the proof is in the fucking pudding. no country is as fucked up as yours

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The news media?

What the fuck are they teaching you kids.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Security of a free state. It means that as a free state you have the right to secure yourself and your belongings without depending on the government to do it for you. No where in the constitution does it say you have the right to overthrow the government or even protect yourself from them.

To always ask who is making money off of this

Wrong. Federalist 46.

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amen, brother

LOL you out witted him

That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. It's both buddy

It is nice to dream of an unbiased media but that doesn’t and never has existed. Whomever is paying for it will always skew it to their own gain

Id rather be free from fear of mass shooting than free to buy freedom!tm

Oh I get it, you are intentionally misunderstanding things to get a rise out of people.

At least I hope it is intentional.

alright Yea Forumsro, whatever you say.

Be federalist papers aren’t legal documents. They were opinion papers by the framers but hold no legal basis

I am pretty sure that was my point from the beginning though.

Where in the constitution does it say you have the right to fight the government?

You can shoot all day at the government drones and not kill anyone. They can, on the other hand, drop a missile on the top of your head from 30,000 feet.

Pretending like you can fight the government with guns is like trying to fly by flapping your arms really fast.

There are people who can’t understand this. I don’t trust those people to have access to guns.

Show me evidence I am wrong

Yes but it’s not their purpose. It’s your wish.

It actually is supposed to be their purpose. Why do people not know this.

are you afraid of cars and hammers? They kill more than guns.

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Not even to clean and oil, or god forbid to make love to? What the fuck us wrong with you?

According to whom? I support a free market and that includes the right of the media to say what makes them money.

americans are generally very stupid and just spout the nonsense thats popular opinion in social media and news. not many free thinkers, none of any real facts or evidence to back up claims they make

O never claimed they were. You were the one claiming to know the intent of the bill of rights, and I provided an example written by the founders contrary to your claim. Should we dig into the articles of confederation as well, or are they no longer legal as they have been superceded?

well, you have yet to show evidence that you are correct. You have only stated your opinion. So until you show something to backup your claim I am going to continue to utilize the widely accepted definition of the amendment.

If you show some evidence otherwise then I can counteract that but as of now you just have your incorrect interpretation vs. the actual scholarly accepted interpretation that the courts use.

Except for the government is made up of citizens. So tell me why my brother, who is a cop and former army soldier...and is a worse shot than me can have a gun and I can't. I taught him everything he knows about firearms, firearm safety, and can outshoot him any day of the week, but because of his profession/former profession--He is allowed to have a gun but I can't? Seems smart, lets give all the firearms to the guys who got Cs and Ds in high school but if you were an A student who is in Information Security god forbid you have a gun. Seems silly to me.

the absolutely worst part of that picture is that with the mag release removed and a 10rd mag that shitstain of a gun would be california compliant

Are you kidding me? Did you forget your history class and tests about the constitution?

Not the actual quote

>The exact quotation, which is from a letter that Franklin is believed to have written on behalf of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, reads, those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

It also was about telling the Penn family to pay their taxes instead of donating money to the legislature so they could fight a war. They were literally purchasing temporary safety.The Penns didn’t want the government to be able to tax them and Franklin was telling them to stop whining and pay your taxes.

What percentage of the government, and police force, are american born and raised these days?

Our government is supposed to be ran by the people. Not some faceless entities

Negative. Thumb hole stock is an "evil assault" feature.

Yes the constitution is the legal document that overrides the articles of confederation. The federalist papers were never legal documents, they expressed the belief of a segment of the founders but not all. There were also anti-federalists who had a say in how the county is formed.

It is useless to talk about intent when it comes to laws. All that matters is what it says and it doesn’t say you can fight the government.

I love when people use this argument because all it shows me is that they have never been in any part of or served in any capacity during a war. They have no idea how it works and how the US goes about fighting against its' enemies.

I mean, obviously every war we fight is over pretty quickly because, you know, missiles right. Not like insurgents with guns ever gave us a hard time, or made it damn near impossible to identify threats.

you understand though that people often use quotes due to the content of the words spoken, not due to the original context of the whole of the statement from which it was derived.

>Falling for bait this easy

Summer already kiddo?

I showed the words in the amendment none of which say you can fight against a tyrannical government. Intent doesn’t matter. It’s what it says that is legal since intent is subjective.

However if you want to get into intent:

The whiskey rebellion proves the founders didn’t believe you have a right to fight against the government

No. I remember them very well. I still have yet to see what gives you the legal right to defend yourself against perceived tyranny

Donald Trump is a person

That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard,

Don't really care to be honest I like the quote and think it explains why I am anti gun control laws in a nutshell.

Don't know, i think this infographic sums up my thoughts

Attached: 1421590617663.jpg (710x389, 112K)

then you are a fool.

This is called quote mining, and is a logical fallacy. You don't want to be illogical do you? Would you want your children to be?

lol so true

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Because I believe in using quotes in the way the original speaker intended and not altering the meaning for my own gain?

Agreed, but it doesn't mention home protection either. Heller came 200 years later. Although, it would be an interesting bit of case law for a militia uprising over a state or local government to be heard by the scotus. What were we arguing about again?

You wouldn’t even have anyone to shoot at. The government would use drones and bombs and gas. There would be no one to shoot at. You seem to think your proficiency with a gun would help you shoot down a drone plane that you literally cannot see from the ground. It would not.

Well there is also the argument that the second amendment has nothing to do with guns and more to do with fear by the anti-federalists that the federal government would dissolve state militias and therefore take power from the state governments. Again this is a theory and since the amendment is written as a protection of arms the intent doesn’t matter.

We were arguing if you have the constitutional right to overthrow the government

You seem to think that we believe that the 2nd amendment somehow grants us the right to fight the Government.

I don't know if you are just intentionally being stupid about it but the fact is that the Amendment simply prevents the government from infringing your right to own firearms.

What you use them for is neither outlined, granted, limited or even referenced.

It’s actualy a pistol with mad attachments

again, love this argument as it shows that your information comes from movies, comics, video games and stories you hear other people tell.

Lol...trump supporter trying to use logic. :-)

It’s a pistol with mad attachments. Also I’m from New Zealander. And I posted it so I could show off what I use when I shoot up mosques

You're not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, are you....

Oh, wait...trump supporter. Says it all right there.

They know that they can't afford 'em and that white people own most of them, so they get all pissy

tell me sir, why do we have soldiers in 191 nation-states across the world if we can fight our wars with drones and bombs and gas (might wanna be more specific btw, gas is a very general term. oxygen can be a gas depending on its state)

Dude have you spent any time on the internet at all. Lefties are crazy. I’ve talked to 5 people personally who believe this is trumps end goal, and seen countless online

I think home protection is probably a given. More so than anything else. For one thing the Constitution was written at a time when most people were still farmers, and could reasonably be expected to need to defend their farms from wild animals regularly.

Second, the constitution does clearly prohibit soldiers from occupying private homes for any purpose. That was actually a tactic the British used to try and prevent uprisings. So home protection was clearly on their minds, even if they didn't specifically mention it twice.

I don't support Trump. Supporting Trump and supporting freedom to bare arms aren't mutually exclusive.

From a view from outside the gun cult, guns all pretty much scream "penis extension."
Just sayin' ...

They aren’t even the cleanest crayons in the tool shed

>> "bare arms"
You really think "bare" is how it is spelled? I can't imagine you have anything worthwhile to say if you can't spell it.

I also love this argument as it is usually based off of projection.

Someone thinks that the only reason they would own a gun is because they are ashamed of their penis size so they immediately assign anyone owning a gun to have the same issues.

Its great when this one comes out because you know right away that the one throwing it around has issues themselves with their dick size.

>*From a view from inside the gun cult, people who don't like guns scream "small penis"*

See, I can do it too.

...just sayin

You look like the ugliest friend in a group of border line 5s

A specifically Constitutional right, not that I am aware of. The declaration of independence refers to it not only as a natural right, but an obligation so long as the "tyrannical" transgressions are not light or transient. But again, this is referenced outside of the constitution, and not codified for reasons we can only speculate.

honestly the 2A's original intent can be debated and is meaningless. The fact of the matter is we have the right to own guns, deal with it liberals. If you want a buyback program or the people to turn in all their guns you'd start the next revolution. If you want any controls making it hard to get guns or limit collateral damage you are just kicking the can down the road and basically wasting your time. Just give up and laugh at the memes about the dead kids in school shootings.

Right but you still have a small penis so...

Not an AR it’s a handgun. And yeah if they drag me out to put me in a “work” camp. I’d take as many of the fuckers as I could put before they kill me

>keeping crayons in the tool shed

You Europeans are weird.

To be fair, a large percentage of men do. Even the ones who shouldn't.

Logic and reason are white cis-het male constructs!1! REEEEE

Because the cognitive dissonance is real among all statists on both sides if the political spectrum. Or they're retarded.

*rolls eyes*

are you excited for the school year to end?

I don't think most europeans have sheds. They seem to like to live in big cities for the most part.

Lol you think American guns are better than Swiss guns? Are you kidding?

Not really though. Because it's not a tradmasc position to dislike guns so posturing like that wouldn't make sense. Subtlety is hard when you're retard though huh?

There's better american guns than swiss guns, but there's also crappier guns. This is because there's so many guns for so many on offer.

i bet you can't even hit a elephant with that hyper uber tacticool gun

So let's say this tyrannical government wants you either complying or dead.
What will your weapon do for you? Be an inconvenience to a government that can take you out without you even seeing them.

The second amendment was written during a time were majority of people had a gun, and a hunter would have the exact same model of a gun as a soldier would have.

Today, the military has an arsenal better, stronger and far more deadly than what you have available. If the government turns tyrannical as the scenario described in the second amendment, you'd be fucked. You're better of hiding than fighting in such a scenario.


Not even American.

Can you help me understand the scenario?

You are a person, with a super awesome gun, in your home, sleeping. Big Bad Gubbermint comes to your door "OPEN UP! We are here to arrest you for thoughtcrime!"

"Fuck naw, you corrupt basterdz!" You get your badass gun, yell "I have my Supergun and I'm trained like a gun ninja! You try to come git meh, I'll shoot yer!!"

Cops stand around wondering about how such a stupid person exists, they kick down your door after a while. You shoot a couple, maybe they die...but ultimately they firebomb your house, or teargas you, or any number of methods of lethal or non-lethal ways to incapacitate you.

Now you're dead, or in prison. Maybe you killed a couple of "corrupt" cops. Woo?

Please explain how having a gun will help you in a "Tyrannical Gubbermint" scenario?

Having a revolver or shotgun to scare off an intruder or shoot a bear or whatever, OK sure. But ffs you're delusional if you feel your pea shooter will do anything other than get you killed if the entire government is after you.

hahaha he used the wrong word, therefore his entire argument is invalid! Look at me, I'm a debate champion!

SHUT UP! I am a trained warrior with 15 different firearms. I can take them apart, clean them, and reassemble them in under 30 seconds blindfolded! No mugger will ever attempt to mug me because my big swinging dick will scare them away, nohomo. I can hear a drone at 3miles and use my sniper rifle to take it out! I am the HERO of this movie in my head and I will always WIN!


This guy understands.

That's a man, baby.

They see Government as god.
They want their "god' to rule supreme.
So in their brainlet logic, all you need to to is replace the people in Government with the ones you like then remove the public's rights and BAM, you have the utopia utopia you've longed for.

No one will ever take you seriously if you non ironically use the word brainlet.

We're on Yea Forums.
Nobody takes anything seriously.

isnt that just a 9 mm


Attached: HereComesDiversity.jpg (451x455, 62K)

Yeah, you got me there.

Is it an adjusted FN?

>missing the point this hard

you realize the cops would be getting their doors bashed down too right?

Diversity is not immune to 9mm. You just have to have enough 9mm units and enough people dispensing them. Want proof? Look for "chimp ak47"

>an< elephant
very important my friend

you're a shitty troll. Its obvious that is ur goal here. Please stop.

Attached: gun control1.jpg (800x500, 94K)

None of this even matters. If you and a couple of your redneck buddies started a war with the gov't, it would be over within hours. We know who the winner would be. Gun arguements are pointless.

That's the issue you have with what I said? I assumed the guy claiming to be Swiss would have at least corrected me that there's no such thing as the Swiss language, and that German is in fact one of their official languages. I give Yea Forums too much credit...

Allso, I'm a fan of Eastern Bloc weapons myself. My friend had a Romanian SKS I started to buy from hin once, but didn't. Still kicking myself over it. Still, I wouldn't mind owning a Springfield either. Those are really nice.

The whole militia against a tyrnnical government is dumb imo. Most of these gun owners at best are redneck that hunt. If a trained group of soldiers is coming for you. Buddy,youre fucked. Theyll drop you with a sniper bolt before you even grab your morning pbr. I mean i get why people value gun ownership for multiple reasons and i support it. Protection,sport,fun. But if you think youre gonna go all rambo with your buttbuddies. Good luck blyat

You've clearly not seen as many movies as he has. Don't you know, that its always the lone wolf with convictions, and chiseled good looks that brings down tyrants, and gets to fuck pussy?

>replying to such obvious bait.
wtf has this place become...
Stop arguing about this shit on Yea Forums... its literally the most retarded shit you can do. Eating poop is more logical than arguing about this garbage in the place...


theyre not gonna snipe you, fag. its so funny, i bet you like the #resist tag, but when it comes to it, youre like soggy bread

because liberals are a sad parody of leftists.

i agree but he will die for something....
>dead rats you monster!?

Mods aren't doing their jobs. Shit like this needs to go back to /pol/ it's even crept up into r9k/

yes, he will

It's an airsoft toy, you twat. OP's a troll.

If you can't spot that, you should not frequent Yea Forums

nevermindmethisisonlyatest faggots
Requests? sure. Anyone up for:
>Some dommey/taboo poses?
>Emo/alt/metal/goth/punk/fetish/military/police/athletic accoutrements?
>Melted wax/chocolate/rope/ribbon on dem feetsies?
>Keds/Vans/Converse sockless/dangling teases?
>Socks, tights, leggings, and stockings play?
>Showing off post-workout/practice/game?
>Playful scenes with plushies, humanoid figures, scale architectural models?
Dunno or just be yourself, be creative, danke

Still waiting for lasers. Then guns will be like crossbows and no one will give two shits about that ancient tech. Just like that over 100 year old semi-auto BS. No one cares. We have full auto now. Oh wait. That's been infringed upon. At least the military and police still have it. I'm sure THAT'S what the framers meant.

agreed. Chinamoot will be eventually turn this place into a spam factory.

this is exactly why suppressors need to be legal to own without a tax stamp. noise pollution is absolute bullshit

Correct.I've had tinnitus for 30+ years due to gunfire. Not one life saved.

So, the cops will bash down the cops doors first, then there won't be cops left to bash down your door? And then you shoot the president and have sex with a model?

If you're afraid of "Tyrannical Government" then you're afraid of the cops executing their orders. Sure, there would be some dissenters, but not enough...and if there WERE a lot of dissenters then we wouldn't have Tyranny, would we?

he is going to die? lel
>for sure

I'd expect more dissent in the military actually. It's been proven in court that cops can be, and are hired specifically for being low IQ and less likely to question what they're told to do. The military on the other hand won't accept you if you are noticibly retarded, because most soldiers aren't foot soldiers and require skills the average cop could never hope to acquire.

Look up how California's gun laws got the way they are ...