Amazing butterfaces

Amazing butterfaces

Attached: Ok, I'll pose 12-26-2018A 14.jpg (2448x3264, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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What a body..

Attached: Ok, I'll pose 12-26-2018A 6.jpg (2448x3264, 1.12M)

I don't think she's really a butterface, her face is cute in a homely way.. But ya gotta post smthn to get a thread going so I chose her.

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Any in heels? Or lingerie

Not at all. Her face is alright but that body. 10/10

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Fucking tease! Lol
Gonna need those hands moved..

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She's gonna make me cum so hard.

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you need an eye exam.

everyone but tawnee

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More more more

What does that have to do with my post?

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Am I the only one who thinks that if a female's face sucks, it doesn't matter how good her body looks?

Jesus, moar!

That stomach fuck me

Any more of her?

as i have gotten older. i have come to realize some the chicks with the best bodies have a butterface.

they are also easier to fuck

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Nice ass!

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shes pretty and built like orc , best type


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ITT average women


emma is gold

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Former pornstar Eliska Cross

How is that even possible?

Karl, got my wife?

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I hate myself for asking.


Workfagging now...but I only have 2 more. 1 with bra and panties and 1 naked. I am infatuated with Millhouse, but can't find any more pics. Any bros w/more?


I want and need to fuck and nut on those tits

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Plain looking face but not a horrible face. Need more contrast between hot-ass body and fucked up face. More like this, IMO.

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like her tits?

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Would inseminate her very hard!!!

FAce is not butter

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That is what I imagine a young Ruth Bader Ginsburg would look like.

Body not top tier enough.

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This is the worst fucking thread. Do you fucking faggots even KNOW what a butterface is?? EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE GOOD "BUT-HER-FACE" retards.

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I still can't get over the beak on this chick.

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My sister's sleepover.

I'm neutral on her androgynous face but that body is hot!

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Millhouse? Is that her name? I've tried, there's no other shots of woman.

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Yara Greyjoy

Truth is women use so much makeup and media uses so much Photoshop that our idea what what human females even look like anymore is totally skewed.

Speaking of Ginsburg, What about #2 in this Jewess group shot? Some decent butter there.

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I'd love to see her unshooped face. It's probably horrible.

For the life of me I can't tell you why now but I used to be obsessed with Rami. I thought she was the hottest thing ever back when she was active. Maybe just because it was the early days of internet porn but looking at her now I think she is ugly as hell. Tawnee is still fucking cute though.

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No...I just thought it was funny when another user remarked that her face looked like Millhouse from the Simpsons.
Yeah, all I was able to come up with on reverse image search was that those images were posted to a Tumblr account. What a shame..I want moar..

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#2 is hot AF...tiny is good.

Checked, and sorry that is the only one I have, but she reminds me of Laceypet.

I have a major fetish for them. My on again off again cock holster in high school was a total butterface. I pretty much fucked her whenever I was in between serious girlfriends. She had as plain of a face as you could get with a hideous smile but the biggest most perfect tits you could imagine.

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My favorite butter

Same. That face is legend!

got any nudes?

Hey anons, I saved this pic from my local newspaper's website recently. They were showing some event attendees and (after chuckling sensibly) I wondered if this was a buthisface? He must be hung like a coke can..

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Pantsing Sleepover with Anabelle Pync and Little Mina mp4

>I don't think she's really a butterface, her face is cute in a homely way
No. You are confused by her nice body. Her face is an absolute dumpster fire. Her face is a literal 1/10.

That girl is the opposite of a butterface. She's a butterbody. Her face is beautiful but her body is disgusting.

Or Mr. Bean's son. Loaded.

She looks like a russian bride tbh.

God! Nice body Nice feet...daaam moar!!

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I know her irl

you too? i even went to school with her

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride

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Oh well though. At least there's Yea Forums

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Is she relevant?

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otkud si?

BAIT, right? 1/10?! 5/10, very average face, IMO. Here's a dumpster fire for ya.

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Nope, very irrelevant here in this thread. Thanks anyway.

Who's that semen demon?

Who are you to make that judgement call? I think you're the dumpster fire

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Same as you, I have an opinion on what's a "dumpster fire" and, IMO, she is not it.

You are wrong! If OP is a dumpster fire, 1/10, then what would you classify this as.

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where are you from?

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not a butterface imo

>I don't think she's really a butterface, her face is cute in a homely way
>I don't think she's really a butterface, her face is unattractive

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love this sluts tight body

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More of you have!


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Like most hoes out there on the internet, this one is so touched up, who-the-fuck knows what she really looks like.

Amazing! Any more while she is wearing glasses?

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Perfect. How do you know her?

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used to fuck

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Love kristen

Lucky you. Any spread,outdoor, or facial pics?

when shes shaved.

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This is a butterface how?

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Mmm would cum in that. Did she enjoy anal?

hello oldfag

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yeah actually loved anal.

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She's perfect. Any more nude with face?

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Perfect body better-than-average face amazing blue eyes and strawberry hair I give her like 7.5 out of 10

Love the lip bite. How many pics you have of her?

I've got all kinds of stuff. she was the kinky innocent type

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She looks so different on that pic lol. Would it be easier for you to dump on vola?

Any of her tits?

Shes not terrible, but her body is disproportionately hotter than her face. So that still counts.

if you want more, I guess

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where da fuck are her eyelashes ?

god please no

Yeah I want everything.
volafile org /r/xgydhkh4

typical french beauty

Idk man someone I don't care much about. I just don't understand why people feel we need to collectively decide what's attractive. Whether it be in a face, body, or personality. These threads warp your mind to have standards about something that really doesn't matter. Look at how self righteous you are, ya prick. Stop losing the game

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>Mr. Bean's son

Body like a pornstar with the face of projared

bag on head and bang

...but she's not a butterface

I bet he has a massive.... wallet.

Good pic

Why is it that most of the time it's only hot girls that get posted in butterface threads? Y'all niggas dumb

The Na'vi are a proud people

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has to be a shooup looks sketchy

holy shit I am convinced this is photo shopped it looks like an old man's head on a 20ish yo female body.

pretty sure this is 902


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atta boy Vitaliik

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Moar for better judgement

Her face really isnt bad at all. She is very pretty overall

I agree. Her face is attractive in a middle America milf way. Her body is out fucking standing too

God damn her titz are nice

She is not a butter face

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Irisa is pretty close too..

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Literally the definition of a butterface, but it's really just a bad haircut

she's pretty in an odd kind of way wouldn't say her face is butter at all really just not stereotypically attractive.

Does keriberry420 count? I'm in love with her...mainly because her pooper has mad skills, but she has a rocking tiny body..especially for a 35 year old..

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FINALLY, someone knows what a butter face is

No I think that relationship is hourly.

One of my favorite butterfaces...her body is perfection.

I think you've entered the 'retard' zone, abort abort

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That dude has some amazing titties.

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BUTTERFACE = "all GOOD, but-her-face"; not, "all's mediocre, but-her-face"! Hot bod, shit face; that's the formula, boys.

Rate muy butterface gf?

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Just found her.

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She uploads pics like this to facebook lol

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yes, no, no, yes
oof no
those tits are hard to say no to
wouldn't, wouldn't

thats a man
holy shit yes, moar
would, wouldn't, would, wouldn't
is that the waitress from always sunny, wouldn't

wtf that cant be real
absolutely would
would, moar
well fuck, i guess i would have to

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Oh that just makes me nauseated.

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all of them

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Butter or no?

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> "OnlyU" Toplist. Welcomes to visit.

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Pretty much any purely aryan bitch is a butter face. Next

Nothing good about her body

Yeah i would diamonds those tits


faggot cocksucker



At first glance, no. Going to need some noodz to verify.