Pearl Harbor was funny as hell

Pearl Harbor was funny as hell.
We fucked ur Navy good stupid Americunt.
Your grandfather died like a pussy.

Attached: I SET YOUR GRANDFATHER ON FIRE.jpg (760x613, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Be more creative when you're trying to make a bait thread faggot


how did our ass taste

>we fucked ur navy good
The fact that you're still here posting means you did nothing at all.

just look at u

Attached: LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING SHIP SINKING.jpg (1220x1031, 358K)

this and 911
when America gets assfucked out of nowhere

I've never understood the butthurt over this, it was a pre-emptive strike on a military target, isn't this exactly how the US conducts wars? How was this any different to Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria?

who cares bro

Cause were them good guys and they're the baddies.

ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

I know this is bait as fuck but this makes me feel sad.
>Inb4 moralfag

u mad bro?

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I hope you are enjoying you’re gills you deformed fish head


>We fucked ur Navy good
Actually you didn't, on top of the fact that the aircraft carriers were absent from the harbor at the time the Japanese pilots ignored actual strategic targets for Destroyers that were mostly empty. Due to the layout of the harbor there was really only one angle of attack and thus the majority of damage was done to about 4 Destroyers. The submarines, which were in the harbor at that time, were completely ignored for the bragging rights that would come with sinking a Destroyer. Most of those destroyers didn't actually suffer catastrophic damage and were repaired within the year, as it turns out sinking a ship in the harbor that repairs and services said ships turns out to be more of an annoyance than the catastrophic loss of life of a fully staffed vessel sunk in enemy waters. Like during the battle of midway for where the invention of the Thatch weave led to the US Fighters clearing a path for bombers and sinking the Japanese vessels to the bottom of the ocean.

So ontop of initiating an attack with minimum causalities and damage, with the only goal being a completely unrealistic idea that said raid would break the fighting spirit of the American navy, it ultimately led to the death of much more Japanese sailors than the ones killed in pearl harbor

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I thought this wouldn't be possible. And everyone who stepped in the radiation died.

Stop trying to be an edgelord gook. If you're trying to troll, you're not doing a very good job. Remember, trolling is a art.

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i was bored and deeply hurt by another thread.

Try harder.

Dubs checked.

Pretty sure nobodies grandad died in pear harbour m8, are you a god damn downie or wat

I don't think that's the epicenter of the blast, and the first A-bombs were actually really weak in comparison; most of the fallout diluted in the atmosphere and sea, and was largely harmless... The far larger H-bombs and such that followed, however, release far more radioactive material, and are far more dangerous afterward.

Still, radiation takes time to kill a person. Doses large enough to start impacting life usually start with thyroid cancers in a few short years. Larger doses will leave burns on skin and cause more cancers (skin [also anything radiation burned], bone marrow, lieukemia, lung, throat, thyroid, soft tissue organ cancers, etc. etc. etc.)... Even larger doses than that, and you're looking at amputations, significant quality of life changes, and death from complications inside of a decade/year, depending on how bad... Anything more, and the patient probably didn't make it out of the radioactive field.

Plus, as I said, this probably isn't the epicenter; most likely a blast wave area upwind of the epicenter, with the fallout largely blowing away from this pic. Also, nobody said this guy didn't die from complications shortly (or not) thereafter. For all we know, he could've been dead before 1950, and he's most likely dead today, given his age and the date of the pic.

hahahahaa god bless 911..what a joyous day

Attached: happy joy.jpg (504x371, 174K)

Pretty sure much of the Navy (and other) personnel killed that day were indeed husbands and fathers...

>battle of midway
>4 Japanese carriers
>Yamamoto dying in a fucking plane
>yamato getting yeeted

I know it's bait but cmon man try harder.

>Inb4 "muh arizona"

Thats funny because I actually FUCKED your grandfather! AND your entire navy IS pussies.

Obvious b8 is obviously b8.

Go back to russia, troll. You're not fooling anyone.

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realy? that makes sense. thank you user.

cool story, bro

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After the nuke landed, your ancestors crackled like Dollar Store microwave popcorn and hours later were begging for more favorable terms of surrender. You guys are lucky we let you create our tech devices and provide animated pronz , on demand .

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oh youuuuuuuu ;D

Fuck outta here with that shit

that little firecracker you call "A-Bomb" did absolutely nothing. the next time we meet on the battlefield i will shower your mother in semen.

The next time we meet you Nips on the battlefield it'll be when the NiKs nuke you.

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Hah! That pixelated, blurred out microbomb is the least bit intimidating. Ill make you call me Fukushima and probone your little asain asshole until its permanently leaking.

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check em

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Then try to learn something instead of reacting like a child.

Pearl harbor was an inside job. Why do you think nobody stopped it?

Wish there were more pictures online after people went splat

>Yea Forums
>dont react like a child

pick one

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>911 aftermath pictures
i call it fap material

ITT: no respect for war

lel delete this thread already. i feel so ashamed for it.

Meanwhile in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

Attached: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.jpg (1685x1000, 282K)