How do i get gf?

How do i get gf?

I live in Europe and i am 5'8. I have no friends and i dont like tinder.

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first leave Yea Forums
stop being a faggot
talk to girls


comes a little bit late but dont go for 10/10
get something that looks only decent

Join dating site.
Only real option
Likelihood they
Will be desperate
Like you.

take up a sport or physical activity.
and yeah shot in the mild.

Go to church.

How do i talk to girls?
All girls look the same to me, some are ugly but most look the same

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go for the not to ugly ones
just talk are you autistic?
just be cool show that u want her

Pof that's where I met babe.

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Press F to Pay Respects.

Oh are you sure? Is it different than tinder?
I am atheist and i was born as a orthodox and i live in catholic country now
I am already going to gym, but female have their own room and no male is allowed there

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if your 5'8 move to the land of oz and tower over the munchkins that live their one would probably date a manlet

Ok, but they all look the same to me
>just talk are you autistic?
No, i am normal, i was a huge nerd, tho. I am trying to become a chad now.
>just be cool show that u want her

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Fuck you retard, i am 174 cm, there are some girls that are shorter than me

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well thats hard to explain since im also a loser and im to lazy

Hahaha kek

Develop a socially acceptable but uncommon hobby and become passionate about it. Rock climbing, wood carving, etc. It helps if it's not male-dominated but also won't make you look like a bitch.

Then go to workshops about said subject. Meet girls, get phone numbers, do hobby together, ask for GF/BF status, boom, GF.

I did this with dog training and now 10 years later I am married. I read books, I discovered you can do some pretty badass things with a dog, I researched a breed that would be good for me (jack russell), got a puppy, went to seminars about dog training, went to dog training clubs, dated girls interested in dog training, got a fiance, got married, in the process of knocking her up.

Best thing about it is that dog clubs are absolutely DOMINATED by women but dogs and training your dog is still considered manly.

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Also dog training and agility clubs don't have a lot of fat girls because owning a dog makes you more likely to exercise. And if there are no girls your age, the middle aged women will set their daughters and nieces up with you since you're such a nice responsible young man

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Ah ok that makes sense, yeah i think i am fine without gf, too much work for me, hahaha

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