Well? I think everyone here will choose A

Well? I think everyone here will choose A

Attached: toilet_paper_dilemma.jpg (166x167, 7K)

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Unironically A, more efficient and more muscle use, b is for traps and women

B, because a will only be chosen by people who think about this issue and hence faggots

Do you want spiders in your asshole?
A is how you get spiders in your asshole.

B is maximum efficiency

A is for maximum speed

I guess it depends if you need half a roll to wipe your ass


both depends of how I will put it on

What the fuck

I think it's because you can't see what's on the other side of the paper

I use baby wipes because toilet paper makes it worse usually

can confirm, having had spiders in my ass I always option B

B, cos anything else is retarded

I never put tp on the roller thingy.. just sits on the counter.


Attached: aaf.jpg (573x521, 63K)

A for cat people and wahmyns

There is no "right way" only what matter is wipe yourself after you done with the shit

A is for those with young children and/or cats. B is for everyone else

If you actually put the toilet paper in the roll, you're cucked.
Just wrap it around your hand as if your taping it, and then wipe with that.

Attached: d8e.jpg (680x662, 29K)

Attached: 1463029772466.jpg (600x800, 64K)

Are you retarded? A isn't even an option.

Either is fine, why make an issue of this?

... hold, I forgot where I was...
As you were!

Same. They are way better.

If the roll isn't fastened in properly and you use A, it will cause the toilet paper to fly outwards when you tug on the roll, into the toilet. Happened to me. So I prefer B.

Pre-cut toilet paper is better

Attached: images (6).jpg (225x225, 7K)

Virgin A vs Chad B vs Thad Wipes

the original patent shows b, therefore it’s the only correct way. if you use it the way it wasn’t intended then you have brain damage.

Figure from the original patent application for rolled toilet paper shows that the correct orientation is B.

Attached: wheeler_toilet_paper_patent_1891.jpg (525x432, 30K)

i feel like i am the only guy on the planet who doesn't notice or care.

You mean napkins?


My fucking sides and 2 minutes too late

Attached: gold laughing face collapsed.png (600x580, 792K)

After living with a retarded woman whom I never could get to put it the correct way, I bought one of these. Still used it, so neither.

Attached: Screenshot_20190529-150205_01.jpg (1080x1071, 72K)

Irrelevant question. Who cares when there are Designated Shitting Streets?

Attached: dss.jpg (624x351, 47K)

How the fuck do you get a patent for a roll of soft paper and a rod?

Applying at a patent office

When it hasn't occurred to anyone else to do it.

You know the National Biscuit Corporation? NaBisCo? You know what their big world changing idea was? Packaging crackers in stacks in waxpaper sleeves. Prior to that they were sold loose, by the pound, out of barrels.

Who the fuck wipes their ass with dry paper? I use baby wipes because I'm not a crusty fucking degenerate.

b because it's easier and that's how the patent describes it. Now delet your thread, tranny tourist

idk about that
i use dry paper
but i also have the bidet aside in which i fresh wash my ass with silk soap after every shit

Are you jelly about my oldfaggotry?

im jelly about your trips

I work on commercial fishing boats. Most commercial vessels use this. Quicker to change rolls too. This is the right way

>the current year
>not using flushable wipes
up your poop game plebs

I just use the whole roll to wipe my ass so C

Why are there not webms of someone taking an entire roll of TP without unrolling any of it and wiping their ass?