Alpha Male here answering questions for femanons again

Alpha Male here answering questions for femanons again.

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why are you a faggot?

Femanon here, I’ve never come in my life, have you made girls cum?

This probably the only thing you can manage to fuck also chins

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If you're such an alpha then show us your cock, include your face so we know it's not some fake pic.


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Most likely this little fellow does not even know that his pic is currently used by his 10 yo brother to learn new insults


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Lmao, you are no alpha. Looks more like an elachistos male at best

Elachistoteros more likely

No one with hair and a half fake burnt beard like yours is alpha. What is that shit on face anyways?

No u!

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you want a jawline sooo fuckin bad

too bad your heads shaped like an egg plant ya fuckin veg

Do you have a sister named aly (alyssa)

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imagine being so desperate for female attention that you try coming to Yea Forums to meet girls

when do you anticipate you'll lose your virginity?

Ur just another fat dude that's gone and got a haircut.
You know In two more days the sides will be sticking straight out, nd you'll just end up looking like a chubby autistic kid again.

Definitely not an alpha lol

You look like a chipmunk. Never heard of an alpha chipmunk tbh.

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I hope i didnt jist scare you away dude.

You look like a soft bitch I have no doubt in my mind you are under 5’10 and have a pot gut. You sir are far from being a dominate male weak little fag is a much more like it

Thinking not replying means ur right lol

Do u not think he'd just say no regardless u autistic son

You would think that my son, but he has yet to reply so i can only assume that is my girlfriwnds brother. Ill confirm this myself later.

Nice spacing btw. (Not)

Eat a dick.
I can smell the Reddit on u

Spacing is a Yea Forums staple. Wat u on

I can smell the underage on you kiddo nothing personel but spacing has never been a staple here.