Do not forget, tomorrow Greta will come to Vienna

Do not forget, tomorrow Greta will come to Vienna.

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Wow, this little hypocrite is racking up the air miles. Must have a huge carbon footprint by now.

she travels by train, nazi

i really hope she gets a nobel prize

Is Greta the antipole of Soph?

Maybe she'll 'see' some CO2

What's the deal with this kid? She isn't particularly insightful or qualified... does she get attention because she is quite young and also looks even younger than her age?

those viaker horses blast a lot of co2 into the air

she's a symbol of hope like batman

but looks like the joker

it doesn't matter what a symbol looks like

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She gets attention cuz she is:
1. A girl/women
2. Has a mental disability
3. She does it for the environment

It is just that ez

also because she's young (she represents the youth)

Proving the point. He looked kinda silly, yet inspired millions.

Overpopulation is the #1 cause of global warming, if she is serous about protecting the environment, she should talk about it.

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Poor girl...her puppeteers smell kikeish

why? what's wrong with her agenda?

she over emphasises 'climate change' while ignoring the bigger problem, pollution and environmental degradation.

I want to be her foot servant

No it's not

I want to be her loofah

Africans have no infrastructure because europe, asia and the US take all their qualified workers. So no, it's defnintely not the nigger to blame in this one

africans are breeding fastes, if we're serious about preserving life on this planet. the depopulation of africa is essential.

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Loli thread? Hurry up with nudes.

my fetish

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greta at about 00:29:00
arnie at about 01:13:00

Jukka Takamaa

'Shoot Cums Not Guns'

Who funds these braindead crisis children they parade around the news? This global warming religion really must be big business for these folks.

couldnt have said it any better

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Does she? My niece and nephew think she has downs, I explained to them that it’s fetal alcohol syndrome.

It is, it’s HUGE business, gotta keep raking in those $$ cause somehow money can magically save the environment.

What mental disability? Asperger?

I could walk over there right now.

But it's raining.

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Because trains dont have a carbon footprint? By the way do you know that all the extra CO2 in the atmosphere promoted plant growth?

Using a retart to make a point. "Politics"

I always wondered why use a kid and not a scientists who studied the subject?

Using a child looks more like pushing sympathy for a problem that really doesnt exist. Whats next?

780,840 ppm

O2 20.95% 209,500 ppm
Carbon Dioxide
399 ppm

oh no we are fucked

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Would love to see her get deeptroated

Thats because there are no 'real' scientists studying this subject. They know nobody is gonna Cena this little downy bitch on the science.

because she represents the youth; she's the leader of a youth movement.

The youth doesnt have basic knowledge on metreology how is she representing the youth? Did the youth elected her at some point or did she appear from just nowhere?

Every under 18 I know thinks she’s a joke, and ugly as shit.

Vienna? I like their cookies and sausages

I would put her in a put her in a gimp suit and pull her around by a collar while she's sitting on a skateboard

She’ll end up just like this “representative of the youth”

Who you ask? Exactly...

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breathe hole or are you aiming for 0 footprint?

they have basic knowledge. and greta has done her homework. i learned a lot from listening to her (there are a lot of videos in this tread if your interested). this youth movement is backed by scientists (google "scientists for future").
she didn't get elected but she started the whole "striking for the climate"-thing.
pupils all over the world are striking on fridays because of greta. maybe you know only idiots.

>all over the world
A few schools in eurotrash countries doesn’t=all over the world junior.

breath hole with a metal ring so she can't bite

Strikes were held in Asian nations including India, Afghanistan Thailand and Japan.

If you would study climatology you would know there is climate change but not for the reason she mentions. Climate change happened for milions of years. Also check the Co2 concentration before and after. Its just 400ppm now whereas O2 is 200,000ppm. Plus plants benefit from the additional co2.

When politics and politicians promote a girl for anything then you know its a lie and they want to catch some sympathy.

Experiment yourself. Last year where I live the temp was 28 now its 24. This winter was colder than ever here. I could go on but no point. Do your own homework and dont believe in politics. They all have an agenda. Be all prepared to pay in the future for a fake carbon footprint and also the sun and even o2

The earth has a natural cycle of warming/cooling and the minuscule amount of time mankind has had industry has had zero effect on that cycle.
>bu-but durr scientists
Scientists who’s grant/research $$ comes from donations and government.

Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

And? No fucks given on this side of the globe mr “all over the world”

not an argument

I think Afghanistan has far bigger problems than the environment.

Nasa is literally fake news and government owned. You shouldnt believe that. Check more than one source and again check for yourself, check the facts! Co2 from 200ppm to 400ppm isnt a killer! And again climate change is always been happening!


Not supposed to be, just shows how retarded you are.

a govenment whos leader denies human made climate change?

And they should learn what priorities are.

Most trains are electric. So the carbon footprint is very low compared to cars or planes.


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>The youth doesnt have basic knowledge on metreology
Sure they do, they're smarter than you think. They know that they can't wait until they're in charge to fix shit, because by then it will be too late. So they gotta act now to protect the world they'll inherit in 20 years.

I bet all the industries that built those trains are electric too right?

>protect the world
The earth is in no danger and has survived far worse, mankind’s ability to live on it is what’s in danger, but given the state of the world nowadays maybe human extinction is the best course.

loooool do think the electricity comes out of nowhere? looooool u stupid, mofo.
It comes either from coal or from radiation, both is bad for the planet.
She is a hypocrite, deal with it soy boy and spread your ass for bbc.

yeah ok. I asked more than 20 what cirrus, cumulus and cumulonimbus means they didnt have an idea. I gave them to read a significant weather chart again no idea to tell me what weather to expect. Jetstream? never heard of that. Isobars? the fuck ist that, troughs, cols squal line? also nothing. warm front vs cold front? no clue.

Since trains aren't like cars they don't need to be bought and replaced in such huge numbers. So even the manufacturing side of it is far lower than the automobile industry. What's more, your argument is asinine. Should she WALK all over Europe? Ride bikes? Levitate? Making those industries greener is part of the process. Nobody expects you to just cut off all carbon emissions, they need to be reduced as much as possible and eventually eliminated.

Fuck me.. How do you think electricity is made?

What is Hydro power, wind power, geothermic power, bio power, solar power. Jesus guy, keep the fuck up with modern times.


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Who the fuck is this? Any one care to enlighten?

it also comes from wind, water and solar energy

She's not a weather man. She doesn't need a doctorate in meteorology to be able to tell that people need to get their shit together and stop putting profits ahead of the environment.

This train put out more co2 than 1 million cars in one year. just like that

see Bunch of geniuses here

I wood

right but you said she knows. I guess she knows exactly what they want her to know and think.

>your argument is asinine
And so is your opinion, btw like another user posted electricity requires coal or nuclear plants to be generated, so stay retarded.

That's not a coal train, that's a train on fire. Source your claim to putting out more co2 than one million cars you inbred.

Are you an idiot? This are just a small percentage of how electricity is made today WORLDWIDE

they don't need to know about the climate to say "listen to the scientists you're destroying our earth". do you know how your computer works or why are you using it?

read the thread

Top kek seriously think the world runs on wind&water? Wew son..

Whats wrong with iggy azaleas kid?

its not on fire its called runaway diesel engine which had the later effect to catch on fire but the smoke you see is pure CO and CO2 fucking dipshit

i said she knows a lot. she knows more than i do. but she's backed by scientists.

Most energy is still coming from coal and radiation. Just look it up if you don't believe it and btw all those kind of electricity is being mixed together by the providers. So if you are paying for eco electricity, you are still getting electricity made with coal and radiation.
Does your ass hurt, soy boy? I hope not because over 9000 bbcs are already waiting to breed your soy ass.

>electricity requires coal or nuclear plants to be generated
and you call others retarded

and we need to change that. that's what this youth movement is saying.

>needs coal or nuclear plants
No it doesn't. Sure some countries still use Nuclear or coal, but its not required. Don't be a retard. Renewable resources are part of the push. Getting people off coal and nuclear power. Mostly coal since Nuclear power is a different type of environmental issue.

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It's unbelievable how stupid some people are here. They don't know anything about the climate change and act like if they were someone important.

You obviously are if you think hydroelectric and wind powers everything.

Oh and how do those huge dams get built? Electric robots and cement trucks?

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No she is not. Simple as that. How is a kid able to know? She was fed data and thats it. Its terrible to make a girl so sad about something it doesnt even exist.

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Wow are you ever delusional

>You obviously are if you think hydroelectric and wind powers everything.

>Most energy is still coming from coal and radiation.
No most is not coming from coal. There is still a lot but reducing that number is the whole fucking point. What's more "radiation" isn't actively fucking up the atmosphere, though it is an issue. Saying "OH WELL CAN'T DO SHIT" is beyond stupid.

Also dont forget that 'pretend cars' use hardly any gas or electricity.

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>brilliant response
Thanks for participating

We can't all ride invisible boat-mobiles.

Nuclear power IS NOT A ISSUE. for fuck sake how stupid are you!

Nuclear power is clean energy and when it is safely harvested is the cleanest of them all with zero impact to nature. Solar panels, windmills and all that crap use batteries which later you will have to throw away, electric powered cars will be an even bigger problem with waste. READ ffs READ AND STUDY by yourselfes but you are even too lazy to do that and a girl does this for you only that she is brainwashed as much as politics are

Not to derail, but it is an issue, just not an immediate one. Hence, it can be used until something better comes along without fucking up the environment. Though it should be phased out.

60 nuclear power plants in the US, 450 nuclear power plants globally (with more being built)

Stay retarded and delusional kid.

Stop taking stuff out of context, soy boy.
Your climate waifu is a hypocrite and we proved it. Now shut up and take the bbc like the good slut that you are.

Mmmm Vienna beef

Oh yeah they’ll just scrap billions of $$ in nuclear power plants because “the children” could you be any more naive?

And your point is what? As mentioned many times before Nuclear power is clean energy and isn't a contributor to global climate change. Again, thanks for participating with your brilliant response.

sure she's backed by scientists
google "scientists for future school strike"
can't post a link, because of 4chimps "Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again."

its not only the children. its thousands of scientists. inform yourself


My point is you’re retarded, and you talk before thinking like a retard, thanks for contributing.

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Scientists who’s jobs and salaries depend on keeping the climate change myth alive? So naive...

>proved it
Because she travels? No, that doesn't prove it. To pass your hypocrisy test she needs to stay and home and use no electricity whatsoever. Which would be convenient for you because that would make her efforts all but impossible. What's more, your claims of it being hypocrisy are incredibly stupid. She's a hypocrite because she rides trains? One of the cleanest methods of transportation available? Because she uses electricity? Get the fuck out of here with your weak shit.

Naw it is just that those things blow up regularly and that the barrels of nuclear waste are leaking slowly nuclear waste into the ground. Totaly no threat to humans and the planet. You are on the same level of retardation as the soy boys.

You have zero points. Exactly like a feminist

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>nuclear power
>clean energy
Pick one and educate yourself.

>One of the cleanest methods of transportation available

No its not. Riding the bike is

yeah, i guess you also still smoke because you didn't believe scientists who said smoking is bad for you. who's really naive here.

So now he’s mad and breaking out the memes cause I proved him wrong..

Sad kid, just pathetic

>using the lowest form of debate
Can you find where you are on the pyramid? gold star if you can. Thanks for contributing.

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fuck so many kids in here that are ready to be brainwashed by a teenaged girl.

You read and watch documentaries about nuclear energy and then lets talk otherwise its talking to a brick wall.

A fallacy? That’s the best you can do?

She could go by bicycle or by her own feet. You can't win this soy boy. She is a hypocrite, deal with the facts and spread your ass for the bbc.

you're absolutely right. this other user is just an hypocritical idiot.

>those things blow up regularly
No they don't. They've blown up very rarely. What's more, that's not a contributor to global climate change either, tragic though it may be. Try to stay on topic.

You proved only that youre a lazy dipshit. kek

Don’t be mad cause I proved you wrong.

No throwing milkshakes? 0/10

Funded by whom I wonder?

She is nothing but a little cunt although I bet all the pedophiles love her.

>clean energy
>Clean energy is energy that is produced through means that do not pollute the atmosphere.
Nuclear power doesn't pollute the atmosphere. You don't think those big towers are shooting radioactive elements directly into the sky do you?

You were wrong, accept it and move on (maybe a bit smarter for next time)

>ONE of the cleanest methods
It might not be THE cleanest, but its better than cars, or airplanes. Riding a bike all the way across europe just isn't feasible for a 12 year old.

>spent fuel rods
Guess they just vanish like magic right?

What is it with you guys and black penises? You haven't proved it, because your argument is easily refuted for being excessive and unrealistic. Sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la soy boy la la la" isn't an argument.

That pyramide is shit. Name calling IS a kind of ad hominem. Didn't look at it any further as the rest of it is probably even worse.

Im sorry but a bike would be the cleanest way. Nothing else.

what happened in fukushima? you know exactly what he meant. nuclear energy is better for the climate than energy produced by coal, but its not a ecologically good way to make energy.

Who'd waste a perfectly good milkshake?

You are wrong but thats ok. You are just an ignorant kid

By your mama

>do not pollute the ATMOSPHERE
Spent fuel rods are an issue but they are not a climate issue. They are not contributing to global climate change. And, as mentioned many times before, it does need to be phased out, but its not an Immediate threat to the planets ecosystem.

If the powers that be really wanted change they’d be spending $$ going to the moon to mine helium 3 for molten salt reactors, but they’d rather spend a gorillion dollars on the military instead.

Ohh now you start with that. Ok listen up, faggot. A 12 year old should go to school and when she has finished school then she can organise demonstrations and what not.

>not a climate issue
You should delete that and feel shame.

THE cleanest, sure. There's only room at the top for one. That doesn't mean the second best choice is hypocrisy that's stupid and unreasonable. This girl isn't demanding we all ride bikes so you can't call her a hypocrite for not riding a bike. She's saying that action needs to be taken to reduce carbon emissions. Taking a train instead of a car is one of those methods to reduce them. This isn't hard people.

>no U
Too funny kid, I can tell you’re a kid because you can’t admit you were wrong

>not a ecologically good way to make energy.
Nobody said it was "good" we said it was "clean" because "clean energy" has a specific definition that specifies the Atmosphere. I've repeatedly said that its going to be an issue that needs to be dealt with but its not at the top of the docket because its not actively, currently, fucking up the environment. Its a hazard that MIGHT fuck the environment sometime in the future.

She’s a stupid cunt for thinking carbon emissions is the only factor affecting the environment.

>a 12 year old needs to do what I think they should do
No she doesn't. She can do what she likes, you have no authority over her. You don't need a high school diploma to demonstrate or to organize one. Your demands for her to have one are just an attempt to silence her because you can't effectively argue against her.

I won't and I don't. Because its not a "climate" issue, though it is an "potential environmental issue". They're not chucking spent fuel rods right into the ocean. They only become an issue if the safety precautions fail. Coal is actively fucking shit up right as we speak. Again, thanks for your brilliant contribution.

Who said she thinks that's the only issue? That's the most immediate issue, and thus the one that needs to be dealt with first.


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Literally who?

You seem to think climate and environment aren’t at all connected or intertwined, and I thought you kids were supposed to be smart.

people are talking about the "greta effect":

Environmental parties across western Europe were jubilant over “the Greta effect”, claiming that the Green wave was driven by young voters alarmed by failures of mainstream parties on climate issues.

There were notable successes in Germany and France, helped by the campaign of Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist who has been mobilising youngsters with her Fridays for Future demonstrations.

In Germany the Greens doubled their vote, moving into second place. More people under 44 voted for the Greens than for Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU alliance.


I have around 20 litres of used oil in my garage, this thread and the retarded children in it have inspired me to go dump it in the ground, fuck the planet.

But I guess it’s not going in the air so it’s ok right kids?

said like a true high schooler

You seem to be under the impression that I think there is no problem with nuclear power. Of course they are connected. You don't seem to understand the immediate priorities. Nuclear power=future problem, coal=current problem. You gotta tie your shoes before you can run.

I hope she gets gang raped by a pack of muslims

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learn to photoshop, dude

@ 1:47

yeah right
they are shilling for sweden because their women went doooooown

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Alexa, put that shit on my list of things I don't give a fuck about.

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Some larval-stage libtard that's a media staged and promoted circus sideshow.

only faggots use alexa

Why the fuck didnt she ride her bike?

Prove it then

>trying this hard

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worked on you

If I cut a giant, wet 30-second chili dog fart 2" from her cute little nose, can she calculate my Carbon Fartprint?

Remember that time when planet was covered in shit from volcano outbreaks, or the ice age?
Planet survived fine.
Planet will survive us.

This whole eco bullshit is a sad attempt to save a race that has become unworthy of its own existence.
Quit fucking with natural selection.

>Planet will survive us.
yeah that's the problem Sure the big rock underneath us will be fine but WE won't be fine. This is a matter of human survival.

>read full post
So how about just getting rid of a few people here and there? Stop fucking so much that we get more space and better living conditions?

Oh no I am suddenly a nazi now.

Fuck, this debate is pathetic, everyone involved is just as pathetic.

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Any rule #34 of her?

Fuck humans.

Hey you called yourself a Nazi that time. "just getting rid of a few people" is unethical and if we're going to do that, why not just volunteer yourself? Not having as many babies is a great idea.

Bitches are whining left and right and don't realize that they are the very fluke in the system.
Neck yourselves and the planet will recover.
But you won't do it so you're insincere in the first place.

Nobody with a brain takes any of this shit serious.

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Yes thank you for calling out your misanthropy. The rest of the species intends to keep living.

Why volunteer for a cause I do not care a jot about?
Are you an idiot?

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>Neck yourselves and the planet will recover.
You first, and since you won't you should understand why nobody else is going to either.

so why recommend a course of action you won't follow?

I'm not involved in this shit. You are. So why not you since you pretend to care so much?

I'm sure someone will show her his basement then

I hope she gets run over by a truck.

And you seem to be under the impression that the waste from these plants doesn’t have a half life of hundreds of thousands of years, also it’s already been said that the minuscule amount of time we’ve been burning coal is not enough to adversely affect the environment AND the heating/cooling of the planet is a natural cycle that’s been going on for eons.

Alright third time you did not understand.
You got a severe reading comprehension problem or your thinking apparatus has been hotwired by this shit you consume from media.

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I'd do her.
22/1.000.000 of a gram of that will fuck you up

Sometimes the absolute ammount isnt that important, it still can have a huge impact

This. Illuminati bouncing her around for sex.

no, we don't


The fact that ya'll using phones even for a second a day is enough to make any statement towards "making things better" absolutely invalid.

The fact that any of you believe that it's in politicians hands to make a chance is beyond ridiculous and downright retarded second hand reasoning.
It's bad and you should feel bad.
Please don't reproduce or live with the fact that you are voluntarily signing a contract that renders your stupid ass worthless.

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Like David Hogg and that bald wetback she’ll have her 15 mins of fame and then disappear back into the obscurity she emerged from.


If you don't care about it why should anyone value your opinion about it. If you're actively against the survival of the species why should we give a shit what you say? You have nothing to contribute and apparently a vested interest in the destruction of the human race. You're the enemy then, and your words are worthless propaganda.

>of hundreds of thousands of years,
Yeah, that's why its a future problem. If you've got cancer it doesn't make sense to start chemo if you're dying from a bullet wound. Patch the wound, then heal the cancer, how does this mystify you?

Why anybody should care?
Nobody should, that's right.
But you do. And what do you do?
Searching for ideas and solutions.

And as such my answer should be treated.
But you don't seem to be intellectually capable to escape your own internal emotional banter enough to realize that that is actually a valuable idea.

And that is your problem. You paint the devil on anything that does not cater to your fragile self image.

It's right that I don't give a fuck about what happens to humanity.
I understand that there might be people who do and I still can give my input to it.
I understand that I cannot destroy it and even that I do not care about.

Get your shit right fruitcake. Take your highschool reasoning and shove it up your ass.

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>the futures problem
Oh the irony

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