I had an autistic meltdown in McDonald's drive thru earlier today...

I had an autistic meltdown in McDonald's drive thru earlier today. The manager had to park his car in front of the drive thru entrance so no cars could enter. He told me that I am banned from their restaurant. How do I get un-banned from McDonald's? Should I write a letter to Corporate? Should I try to get the manager fired?

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what kinda mongoloid shit did you pull to get banned?

This, OP.
Greentext time.

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Go eat a mcdick faggot

Mcfucking kill yourself

They screwed up my order. I was honking my horn for about a minute straight. I was pissed. The drive thru lady didn't seem to care. No one said sorry. After I left, I saw a police car with its lights on heading over to McDonald's. At least I didn't get trespassed.

Youre that much of an autistic faggot that you actually care if they mess up your order at a fast food place?

You wanted chicken tendies?

so instead of just going inside and asking for what you ordered you went full sped on people making 7.25 an hour, no shit they don't care


Soooo... why couldn’t you just send your order back?

So you go in like a normal person while smiling and say "there's something wrong with my order..." let them know that mistakes happen 99% of the time they will give you free fries or a free apple pie or something. Just be nice you selfish prick. Those people have lives too you know. Not everything revolves around you.

inb4 samefag.
i was at McDolan's recently and i bought my standard combo. McChicken and a McDouble. both plain. it wasn't until i got back to the car that i saw there was no sauce. i always get sweet and sour sauce (on my pussy) [jk jk] i eat the sandwich as one sandwich. the mcgangbang if you will. or the mcnasty. but I've always been known to call it the mcdank. that's just what I've called it. anyways. i get back inside and ask for sauce. she replies.
>we charge for sauce
>charging for sauce
i tell her i already donated all my change to the Ronald McDonald foundation. you know. the little box on the counter. she still refuses to give me sauce.
my face when

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Why didn't you just... tell them?

If you cant slap meat and other shit together right you have no place in society

I wasn't interested in sending my order back for them to screw up my order again or spit in my food.

>spit in my food
They only do that if you act like an asshole with severe arrested development, not if you're calm and polite about the matter.

They'll do that only if you're a dick. I used to work I the food industry. Most of the time were so busy that we have no time or interest in fucking with your food. We just want it out as fast as possible.

You don't deserve to be unbanned. You need to learn how to function outside.

Someone post that super autistic greentext about the guy eating McDonald's in his car.

You fat, gluttonous, screeching, virginal piece of shit. I hope they forgot your fucking fries. The manager should have beat your ass.

I'm worried about the ban. That's the
only McDonald's in town. Should I contact Corporate?

Yer a retard, OP

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beta bitches OP they wish they could be you I wish I could be you

>doesn't care if the order's right
Found the nigger

Going to a fast food place means you have standards to begin with.

>Most of the time

fucking wagie subhumans this is why nobody like your kind.

>I wish I could be you
So remain unemployed and don't move out of the spare bedroom.

Ya.. I wish I could be a selfish prick that has no common sense or manners. Ya that's me. I want to be forever alone.

fags don't care about a bad days work. Imagine if the toilet cleaner shit on the seat

Hey dick face. I'm not a wage slave like you. At least I make my own money. You still sit at home crying that life is unfair while mommy serves you tendies. Enjoy your underpowered "gaming" pc. I bet you there's a shitload of garbage around tlroght now.

Most McDonald's are franchise owned now. If it's a franchise, then corporate office won't be able to do a damn thing. All they will do is pass a complaint to the franchise owner, and then the franchise owner will have to decide what to do. If you have a faggoty autistic meltdown like you said, then they sure as hell will just blow it off.

Should I write a letter to Corporate?

Yeah, but don't all McDonald's employees have to deal with corporate human resources?

Yeah I don't see why not. Just a thought. While you're doing that... Stick your finger in your ass.. Like really get in there, and smear the shit smell right above your lip. It's great motivation.

OP Im telling you go there and plant a noise maker and hide it

someone pls post the fillet-o-combo and audiobook pasta.

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No, because the franchises are privately owned. They're just leasing the rights to use the McD's name and sell their product. The corporate McD's office has limited control over the stores, when it comes to employees. The franchise owner usually has a training and uniform policy they have to follow, but the hiring and disciplining of the staff is the responsibility of the franchise management. It actually works out better for McDs that way. If some franchise employee does something stupid to cause a lawsuit to happen. Then the law suit liability falls on the franchise owner, and not the corporate office. Again, that's assuming that the McDs you had your meltdown at was a franchise branch. There's usually a plaque or sign on the doors or in the lobby that states if it's a franchise owned or not.

Drive 2 miles to the next one

If they fucked up your order, don't pout like a petulent child. Just get your tendies or whatever from one of McDonalds' competitors. Hit them where it hurts - their wallets.

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write a one or two page apology explaining why you did it and try to be as sincere as possible when writing that you will never do it again. You could also try to make a deal with them. like saying yea i messed up and if it happens again you can ban me for life and you wont hear from me again. You should however wait about a week or two if you write an apology because if you do it right after it seems like you're not sincere and just try to get it over with. And this is the most important part: dont be such a faggot in the future because nobody wants to be friends with toxic fags who complain about everything.

You could try going somewhere else.

Eat's over priced reconstituted Industrial waste, Complains about being treated like trash when it's all they know.

Eat better food you stupid fuck.

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