Worst movie I've ever seen! If all you want to see is killing and fighting---90% of movie, then maybe you'll like it...

Worst movie I've ever seen! If all you want to see is killing and fighting---90% of movie, then maybe you'll like it. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. NO STORY!

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2 was shitshow too

I get that this is a bait post but I actually liked it, the first 20-30 minutes are the best I’ve ever seen in any action movie period. After that the journey to them getting to the elder with Halle berry was boring, but it picked up again in 3rd act, it’s reallt good

>If all you want to see is killing and fighting---90% of movie, then maybe you'll like it

that's what John Wick is about. If you're looking for story, don't watch action movies


>go to a steakhouse expecting to order fish
>order chicken
>get mad when it doesn't taste like steak
This is you when you go see a movie knowing damn well what to expect and getting mad you got exactly what the movie advertised


OP you are dumb as fuck.

you go to John Wick movies to see action, story is not it's strength so you were wrong to expect it

i don't go to see Pixar movies to experience incredible dialogues and ideas

What ruined the movie for me is the elder wasn't pic related.

Attached: This Nigga.jpg (400x586, 37K)

Trying a bit too hard dont ya think, op?

Are you the literal reddit king?


Both John wick 2 and 3s major problems is that they start out with its best action scenes, then get worse over the film, not to mention the slow as fuck 2nd act both 2 and 3 drag then when they’re trying to flesh out the universe

I really enjoy the whole living for the memory of his dead wife theme. Fuck what people say JW is a great series of plain old fun.

I liked that as well, I just thought it took way too long from him getting to Morocco or wherever he was, to going back to the council m, Halle Berry’s cha

Character was boring as shit and added nothing, the action scene there was on tho


My massive complaint?

It absolutely NERFED its own mythology.

There is no fucking way in hell the High Table would ever summon the unity needed to universally condemn John Wick, when Santino was the one behind the murder of his own sister. John Wick was just a pawn.

And considering what a massive badass John Wick is, I have no doubt the High Table would outright splinter on the decision to go after him.

TLDR version: John Wick against the entire High Table is a shit plot. We know his fanbase within the organization is fucking huge (even the guys who try to kill praise him), and John Wick is a goddamn moron if he doesn't have a base of support still.

I thought it was pretty good

>watches an action movie

OP are you retarded? That's like watching gay porn and bitching about no girls being in it

Lol imagine being fucktarded enough to go to a John Wick movie for the story.

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Honestly both John Wick 1 and 2 had more of a plot than you might think. John Wick 3 also had a plot. Problem was, it sucked.

And why the hell were the hotel guards not wearing body armor and assault rifles? They know who their guests are!

Seriouly, what the hell sense does that mean? The Continental is a hotel for assassins and other such individuals. The guards, by default, need to be far better armed. And Winston knew he was in hot water with the High Table for many days. He had time to arm his guards.

I thought it sucked too.

Plenty of action movies have a story. Die Hard, Speed, Matrix, Fast movies, etc.

If aliens had to gauge America from watching films they’d swear half the country were hit men. Truth is, hit men are generally not suave and sophisticated but instead are low level disposable morons.


legit review? or are you someone mad it's not a woman as the lead...

That's where the term "Tool" comes from. You use them an ditch them.

The real hitman is the fucker pulling the strings.

Truth is you just have to have a high intelligence to enjoy john wick movies
I get enough story from books. john wick is a nice break from it and dares to be different in a world where too many stories...

It’s the dude from fortnite