Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Look what i just got and you cant get ;)

Yep its the american express platinum card ;)))
I earn a lot of money so i can get Nice things

You pathetic losers waste time on fucking shit

Jesus fuck you guys are fucking pathetic
I hate you guys so fucking much

Meet me in the centurion lounge and i can buy you a life

Oh.. I forgot
Fucking losers like you cant get access

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I can get this fine piece of ass, and you can't, even with all your fuckin' money, honey.

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being rich to compensate for a small Penis

I dont know where you´re from, but arround here it isnt that hard to get a amex plat...

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>credit cards with annual fees

It’s complete bait. But you are correct. Platinum Amex is for the middle class masses. He’s just a wannabe

Black card is for the elite.

Doesn't a credit card imply you don't always have available funds and have to wait to pay for things paycheck by paycheck? Weird flex OP

OP is a fag. Just google Keith king Amex platinum. Fuck you OP

yeah, i always find this strange, i only use debit :/

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meh, we see these daily here in california. you might be king shit in your backwater town, but come to LA and you're just another newfag trying to look cool while standing in line for your latte.

also, enjoy your $550 annual fee.

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OH Look a Sherlock holmes

Kys fag

>American Express

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>imagine being so poor you post a fake amex card
my 12 year old cousin has a real one

Are we really doing this again?

>not getting cashback on all your purchases, plus keeping the float balance in a savings account to accrue positive interest until the bill is due

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>keith king
>nigger name
>when you finna stole a good bike and get an amex plat to brag about on Yea Forums

Good for you :)

OP is a troller fag but the credit card game isnt like that. With good enough credit you can get the cards that give you ample reward points for your purchases. Use your credit cards and pay the purchases before they accrue interest and bamm. You get something back for the same money you would have spent with a debit card. Who pay the points you may have not asked? Business merchant services pay for every card transaction. Card companies get paid by them, be it a debit or credit card. While debit cards and cheap credit cards give nothing back, some reward systems are worth it. You are welcome, start working on your credit dipshit.

I mean people were and still are replying so

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>mfw I just signed up for a card that gives 3% cashback on everything for a year

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mfw your credit is so shit you only get 3% back and for a year

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Isn't that the card they're desperately trying to push on us here in Norway? I see ads for it in newspapers and stuff, doesn't seem very exclusive? What exactly is the benefit of one, unlimited credit? No transaction fees?

Lol I’ve had my American Express blue card since I was 18 making minimum wage and I keep getting offers for their annual fee cards. The card currently has a 50,000 limit why would I ever want more than that? Just to show off to someone that probably doesn’t even know what it is?

AmEx is for regular people trying to cosplay as rich people
Don't pay it any mind

Are you Jewish?

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I get a letter in the mail every month from my bank offering me gold and platinum cards for ONLY 50K a month!

Faen kan ta de alle sammen tbh

That does make sense. I just checked the actual terms and such on it for fun, and the annual price is obscene. Yeah, you get certain bonuses, but you gotta pay for it, bah.

>sound financial information

Yeah, I'll stick to my good old Visa debit with Bank Axept and use Visa credit card for trips abroad.

De tror visst vi nordmenn er like slove som amerikanere.

lul I just have a debit card with bank axept, enough for me since I don't waste money on socialising like some normie

>bilde av scooby den forste gang han ser OP

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I got my Amex Platinum card when I was 22 and making about $45,000 a year. They don't have particularly high requirements because they make a ton off of the annual fee.The Centurion (black card) is the one with the high requirements (250k card spend a year, 2m+ income).

I'd also like to add that 'no pre-set spending limit' does not mean.'unlimited spending power'. They set your limit based on income and spending habits. It can be as low as $1000 and as high as millions. Mine hovered around $5500 when I first got it and is closer to $25,000 now.

I'm not hearing a no?



Yea Forumsro... You are sad man.

I wish you the best and that one day you can solve this problem, and finally be happy, good luck Yea Forumsrother.

get back to flipping burgers, faggot

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I see a lot of these in the hands of tryhard wannabe social media influencers and grunts, since I’m near an army base. Usually some entitled 20-somethings who want to look flashy but they are in debt up to their eyeballs.

So what? I have a black Amex. That means I literally own your card.

Even though you're a GIS fucktard

Obvious troll is obvious.

>"waste time on fucking shit"
>probably has enough money to travel the world
>on Yea Forums

Op. That's not even impressive. I had one of those cards when I was 18 years old due to prior relationship with amex since I was 12 years old.