Anyone know how to log into someone's sc without them knowing? I have the user and pass...

Anyone know how to log into someone's sc without them knowing? I have the user and pass, but I can't get into it without logging them out. I'll share nudes if I find some

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just do it they wont know it was you

only me and another person know the pass. She trusts the other guy more

>She trusts the other guy more

do you and the other guy live close to each other?

if not, go to the vicinity of the other guy's house and login from there using your phone data

worst case, snapchat will send her an email alerting her from a login with a message indicating the location, so it will look like it was the other guy

I tested this with some alt accounts before. If I log in with my location services off, the location stays at the last location found (so if I logged in, her location would stay at her last seen) She wouldn't know it was me, but would suspect me bc the other guy has no reason to log into it.

Remember to post the nudes Yea Forumsro

just dont do it this is so stupid. this is how you get in legal trouble. You could get aways with shit like this maybe 5 years ago but now tech is more focused on security and privacy. She will be notificed, she will suspect you, and you will face consequences. Don't fucking do it.

>the other guy has no reason to log into it.

what makes you more suspicious than him?

now that I think of the user and pass here, we'll get the nudes

whole bunch of things that I can't explain. But if she gets logged out, she will def suspect me

ok Yea Forumstard

if you post the user and pass here, and a out of your country user logs, she'll think she has been hacked

just never mention you know Yea Forums

this just tells me you need to read

Not wrong. That hunter Moore dude didn’t even get into shit for posting nudes, it was for getting an account hacked

she's not that dumb sadly

which is why I need to log in without her getting kicked out

Why do you know her login info in the first place

Nigger there's only 1 reason why she'd share her login details with you. She wants you to spy on her and search for nudes and stuff.
Do it now

>I need to log in without her getting kicked out

even if she had no internet on her phone for a while, she'd be notified eventually

maybe it's much simpler to steal her phone

jfc user you are sabotaging your own life. just jack off and cum now to stop yourself

she gave it to me a couple months ago so I could read a fight she had with her now ex-bf. Didn't think to check her pics then sadly

she's literally across the US from me and I won't be seeing her anytime soon, let alone be close enough to steal a phone

>Didn't think to check her pics then sadly

I can guarantee she won't be as hot as you thnk

ok, you're out of luck then, just get over it. no female is worth so much hassle

but we won't know until we see

> no female is worth so much hassle
you mean so much legal risk.

op listen to reason. stop this before you let your dick ruin your life.

>but we won't know until we see

it doesn't matter, they're all the same, tits, pussy, ass, same old same old

she's no different, no girl is special, trust me

fap to some pics on the internet and it'll go away

Pretty much this
She’s clearly not that hot or you woulda checked instantly.
Or you could just be upfront, who knows maybe she’ll be cool. Come up with some bullshit like, “saw this really sexy picture on your snap when you let me login wanted to see it again or some stupid shit like that

Then again, if he has the login information, and she gave it to him, idk if he could actually get into any trouble

It's 2019 he can go to prison. times are changing

Use a VPN and blame the Ching Chongs. Always works.

No VPN. This nigger must forget this girl

OP, kys or forget her before you do something stupid

looks kinda similar to her, but better face and better tits. Don't wanna post an actual picture (unless their nudes) since I have friends that use /b daily

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