User, what do you do after you realize that life is meaningless and nothing matters ?

user, what do you do after you realize that life is meaningless and nothing matters ?

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use te realization to your advantage and do whatever the fuck you want

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Probably when I was still in high school. But the ramifications are hitting me now that I'm getting older. That there isn't any grand goal or coherent narrative for what I'm doing. I'm just "doing shit" because it seems like the right thing at the time.

Decide not to create another person without a good reason

Any dumb faggot who thinks life has meaning deserves the hard fucking of reality when they realize their useless 9-5 contributes nothing to anyone, not even themselves.

But to answer your angsty existential crisis, congratulations you realized your life is useless. Now take advantage of this fact and do whatever the fuck you want. Stop posting on useless, vapid, and worthless online message boards. Go outside and breathe the fresh air. Go for a walk. Talk to a girl. Make a friend. Maybe make up your own meaning to life to either destroy shit and be an asshole, or strive to be a good hearted creature. Do whatever your dumb faggot heart contents because there is no god, your country doesn't care about you, and your dog only likes you because you feed it.

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Not true. My dog hates me even though I'm the one who feeds it

Grow up

Eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired.

Live my life on the square

Lift weights, make new friends, fuck new pussy, push my body to the extreme, do crazy shit

The purpose of life is to cleanse the doors of perception and integrate spirit into matter. In other words, nut in a bitch

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Even your dog knows you're a loser

Realize that not only does nothing matter, but the fact that nothing matters doesn't matter, and also you can design your own meaning. Nihilism isn't the end-all-be-all. The next step is enlightenment.

Checked. Also I had this exact dream as in your pic. I was ready to die in the dream and it felt beautiful. I woke up upon the atomic explosion. Wont forget the feeling of being truly free at that moment.

I just live like the rest of the 7 billion people have to everyday. A lot of people live under really shitty circumstances too. Life sucks, people suck; but you have to deal with it and persevere.

i suppose you do whatever you want

You are an insignificant dot.

That little insignificant dot is on another insignificant dot 7,900mi in diameter.

That 7,900mi in diameter little dot is in a solar system 178.61 billion miles in diameter.

That solar system is an insignificant dot in a galaxy is 105, 700 light years in diameter, or 6.213707e+17 miles, and is itself an insignificant dot.

You, me, everyone here? We are literally nothing. We live, we fuck, we fight, we die, and it means nothing. In a few billion years? Our sun, also an utterly insignificant dot, will consume all its hydrogen, nuclear reactions can no longer continue and so the core begins to contract due to its own gravity. It will become a red giant, and literally "eat" the inner planets. You, me, we'll be long, long gone. No trace other than a few molecules blown into space will remain.

Hope that helps.

Humans are so fucking insignificant, it's sickening

There is a meaning. Life is a scenario. Created by existence. It has a end. And beginning. Someone out there is the chosen one, he will realize that he is all and everything. Life is a generated scenario in which existence gets aware of itself. While fooling itself it is not alone but it is. The realisation is the goal. After that everything loops again. Forever.

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I fap. That's it.
Usually it works, I will go for hours on the edge of an anxiety attack and then it hits me that I can jerk off.
Other times, however, you just need to contemplate death enough so that it seems real, and then you will stop wanting it.

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I’m gonna need some sauce chief

Sounds hypothetical. Truth is no one knows anything about the universe or reality. We could just be sims in an AI, or god himself playing a game to forget everything.

No one knows, its all a guess.

If it's meaningless. then the ends to the mean is bigger in justifying the means being an end. If you want to get to two points, and it doesn't matter if you get there or not, then how you get there is more important than being there.

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play minecraft

shitpost daily
pray for an earth shattering catastrophe

you may be some kind of ascended wizard

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life isn't meaningless

but many people's lives are meaningless, and that sucks

I will say that if you want a chance to see what life offers of value, you have to detach from $ more than western society allows many people

I've seen the other side. It's way better, and has more intrinsic meaning than 9-5 western lifestyle.

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Exactly, no point in looking at the downside of life when it has no meaning. Better to create a meaning that makes you feel better about everything while also being rational. I see religion as a form of this where some people choose to believe in a god that gives them hope instead of being sad all their life.

just do whatever gets the good chemicals firing in your brain until you die, oh and try not to be a cunt to anyone else while your at it. Thats pretty much it, user

when a guy raped me in the park restroom

Jerk off.

not when, WHAT. fuck sake.
I got raped to tho ;)

Your life is useless, go be an edgy faggot somewhere else while I waste what little time i have doing something fun, like fucking your mom.


Where are you betas? Happy to give you more of that

I accept that I can change all that. I can accept that life is still fun and can impact others in positive ways, no external objective meaning required.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first conscious intelligence in the universe, and there is much to explore and discover. There is no need for some external being to spell it out for us.We have the tools, or we know what we need to make them.

In the meantime, we lighten the fuck up, have a beer with friends and enjoy the ride.

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The only meaning life has is the rewards from the investments in which you put into others lives, be it personal, civic or financial. Helping others gives purpose to a meaningless existence.

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Okay, now this is epic

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Choosing a non-existent god to give one hope is rational?

Cum on an iguana and dip that lizard in boiling milk. Then doorknob the fuck out of a tickle fairy, punch a banana, cough upside down, and finger a lawnmower. You really needed that spelled out for you?

Yeah, your life is fucked.

I never understood this attitude.
I'm just happy to wake up in the morning and face the new and exciting adventures that are life.
What does it all mean?
Don't care! Just happy to be alive.