Addiction is a choice. Prove me wrong

Addiction is a choice. Prove me wrong

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Agreed. Same with depression

No one is forcing anyone to take the first hit from the meth/crack pipe.

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depression isn't a choice when your brain chemistry isn't balanced.

Okay, so what? What does this mean? What are you trying to say? Or is this a status update?

It's all your mentall character and awareness of yourself, in other words it's all about you

This means the only cure for drug addicts is a .357.
They waste tax dollars with the crime and health problems they cause

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Yeah we do pretty much that, just put them in jail again and again while the cia floods the streets of our inner cities with crack cocaine and the Republicans flood our trailer parks with oxycontin. Are you supporting this system? I still don't get it, because what we're doing isn't working.

First you smoke meth next you smoke cock for meth

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Life is shit, so why not? Drugs or alco or anything else just helps.

>When another jib head ODs on fentanyl laced meth

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These types make up most of the criminals/druggies/drunks up in Canada

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>Addiction is a choice.
totally agree, the proof of this is in basically any longitudinal study of drug users. there are many.
you follow people on hard drugs over years: only 3 things ever happen: 1 they die, probably of OD but not necessarily, 2 they stay on drugs, 3 they get off drugs. when looking at those off drugs most have not gone to court-ordered rehab.
therefore drug "addition" is a choice

Ive never been addicted to anything, but id gladly be a punching bag for drugs

Okay now we're getting somewhere. Nice of you to get your point out. Money is the worst drug. Let's stop money addicts before anything. Money addicts caused the opioid crisis. That being said I dont think we need to kill them. There are plenty of paths to recovery and they can always choose again ^-^

I know a lot of people who go off and on for several years.

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Currently withdrawaling from heroin feels like fucking shit bruh

.357 is a wimpy cartridge and you should feel like a faggot for endorsing it.

Money 'addiction' also is what caused literally every innovation in history.
That's a pretty good track record. If you break it down, Jews are the problem. Jews are especially susceptible to an unhealthy addiction to money and they resort to usury, crime, genocide, war, and more horrible things to amass it.

True. However it's worth noting that addiction is classified as a biological disease after prolonged use. Taking that first hit and continued substance abuse isn't an excuse for getting to that point in the first place, especially knowing beforehand its health effects and legality. I'd still file it all under poor life choices that are detrimental to one's health and society as a whole.

Sorry bruh.

Boy you are grasping at straws bruh. Maybe you are addicted to fighting people on the internet. Jews aren't addicted to money. Idiots are. You may be one of them. Innovation happens regardless. Keep in mind money was at one point an innovation. Maybe addiction to power creates some innovation but a lot of the times it's a bunch of small improvements coming together over time. Lay off the meth pipe Qbert

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>Boy you are grasping at straws bruh.
Or maybe I'm using time tested facts based in race realism to state to the truth?
Jews (Ashkenazi Jews, the Jews people are talking about when naming DA J00) have a 2000 year history of being money manipulators and engaging in slavery via usury.
Their race is predetermined to it. No one bats an eye when people say west africans are good at running, or when people say nords are good at body building. But Jews being rats is suddenly impossible!

>Jews aren't addicted to money. Idiots are.
Well, idiots idolize it, but cannot make it materialize. Jews often times have high enough IQ's to actually make it happen. Certainly not idiots. Their tight knit communities and mutual effort in grabbing power and money helps tremendously too.

>Innovation happens regardless.
No, wealth is the driving factor for meaningful innovation. One guy might make himself a fancy door latching mechanism, but without the ability to market it, it dies with him.

>Keep in mind money was at one point an innovation.
It was an innovation to condense wealth. Money was wealth driven.

>Lay off the meth pipe Qbert
Never done drugs, but project more Dr. Gottlieb.

>time tested facts
More like the same scape goat you try and blame everything on every time. Plenty of people bat eyes at saying west Africans run fast because it's a short step to bringing up the bell curve (see bullshit). As for the rest of your wealth drives innovation crap, it may be a motivating factor sure, at the end of the day most people just do shit because it seems like a good idea. Wealth ain't shit if you don't give a shit about it. Long as you have good friends and health, who needs a yacht?

>never done drugs
You'd be a lot cooler if you did

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None of that justifies why your life is a shambles.

>in this exhibit we have a wild Bush Indian in it's natural habitat

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Lol gonna try and go back to memes eh?

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>More like the same scape goat you try and blame everything on every time
Scapegoats are like crying wolf. You're making a false equivalency.

>Plenty of people bat eyes at saying west Africans run fast because it's a short step to bringing up the bell curve (see bullshit).
Since you refeered to it as THE bell curve, I assume you're talking about Charles Murray's Bell Curve. The study of IQ differences between races.
Which is affirmatively not bullshit. You can't simply deny facts you don't like. Race averages make clear cut bell curves in every area, including intelligence and cognitive ability. That doesn't mean you can pick out any member of X race and Attribute them to the mean member of their race. You're leap frogging if you do that.
But the reality is, certain races trend towards certain things, and a huge factor in that is genetics. I didn't say "Gas the Jews!!!" I didn't say all Jews are rats. But Jews trend to being rats, and Jews make up the majority of rats.

>As for the rest of your wealth drives innovation crap, it may be a motivating factor sure, at the end of the day most people just do shit because it seems like a good idea.
No, people do shit because they need to survive. People fund innovation because it can secure their and their childrens futures.

>Wealth ain't shit if you don't give a shit about it. Long as you have good friends and health, who needs a yacht?
You're making a stupid argument here. Good friends and health doesn't put a roof over your head. You have to do that, or someone has to do that for you. Housing is wealth.
Wealth is necessary. And not worrying about it is a surefire way to become a drug addict burn out loser criminal who is destroying everything our ancestors left for us. Nihilism and apathy are regressive and destructive. That doesn't mean you can't have too much of a good thing. When wealth is driving people to do harm, it's also bad. You're taking a firm stance of "What ever man"

But what does any of that have to do with you as an individual? What do you do with this information? You love screaming it at people, apply it. How does it apply in life?