So chads don't need to necessarily be white to be considered chads huh...

So chads don't need to necessarily be white to be considered chads huh? This is a real magazine cover with a minority as chad.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-28-11-58-00-1.png (720x934, 817K)

When's the last time a major pop magazine wasn't out of touch? And since when was an off-brand bogdanoff looking fucker with that much of his eyebrows waxed out a chad? Chads laugh at these faggots.

Who cares. The point of the article and the cover is to make people angry, like all modern media outlets. The author/editor probably don't even give a fuck. Angry people talk about it more, buy it to read and confirm that they were right to be angry. It also makes faggots like OP here take the bait and repost it on the internet. Good goy spreading this normie media shit.

Attached: 1_H3a8OH1eVSIpXH5NteZFvw.jpg (1600x900, 528K)

What part of the chad defenition says they have to be Aryan?

God your such as faggot you must feel so insecure around black people you fucking loser


Chad is more of a personality trait than it is a race thing.
You ever see a group of Chad's and one is like a buffed out Asian? That guys a fucking Chad too

How else would they all have a huge dick to make your crush cum on? of course they're mixed

The guy in OPs pic isnt even black

Tyron and Jamal don’t have to be black either’s a trait!

I wish I knew where the buff Asian chads were. I'd get caught in their locker room any day.

Is that what passes for white in burgerland. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha fucking mutts.


The funny part is that guy is Caucasian European. His name is Mike Gioia, half Russian half Italian. I know him he’s from Forest Hills Queens NY, and recently broke through the modeling world

I swear the lines between races are getting so blurry. Apparently anything south of pure aryan might aswell be a fuckin spear chucking troglodyte


You realize there's a ton of nigger DNA in Italy, right? Southern Italy may as well just secede to Africa at this point.

Did I stutter ?

>half Italian
I knew it. Spic shit skin.

>a guy every angry celibate man online want to look like

I don't want to look like a faggot, I want to look manly like Bruce Willis or Arnold.

>Caucasian European
Pick one. You can't have both.

No you just made no fucking sense

Is everyone who isn't white some form of nigger?

I dont understand, OP. Whats your point, here? In your eyes, can a non-white be a chad?