Why is she so surprised that shes being sued?

Why is she so surprised that shes being sued?

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It's entitlement

She's a basic Thot with lots of money.

What did you honestly expect?

She isn't you fucking homo, and you know it. Stop perpetuating this bullshit

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kids these days hide behind screens and don't understand real world consequences.

her music is trash anyway

She's not gonna sleep with you

Grow up

I wish she would just open her fucking eyes right

It's like back in the 2000's when girls all had a vocal fry because ke$ha did it

Why’s she being sued what happened?

Absolutely hate how this bitch looks in all her pictures. She looks likes a tard who hit the blunt a few times.

She started the andy sixx meme apparently

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This is whats happening user

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>broke rules 1&2

give her the death penalty

Ke$ha whaaa?
Ke$ha whaaah?

top fucking kek. who thought log posting would lead to anything

>sued for log posting

bout time ffs

Is this the evolution of the log? It's so easy to proof it fake.

Grow up

make me

Ok *makes u*

Holy fuck where did that house mortgage come from?

>mfw just has rent
>mfw I have no face, just void

I don't know where i'm going with this

cool send link

>what is google

Greetings Reddit!


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nice damage control

I don't think you know what that term means user



Grow up

i think i do

Sixx logged

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>i think i do
K then what is it?


that.. doesn't even make sense. go shill somewhere else kid

you googled it, didn't you? ironic

He needs a log, gentlemen. That's what will cure his tempered attitude.

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i bet he thinks dani filth is cool kek

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That's a huge yikes. Dani Filths piss is a forced meme

Kek i bet he thinks he can clog his throat with Andy's log and then wash it down with Dani's warm stream.
>mfw it doesn't work like that

some retarded bloke tried that once. it turned to cement and permanently clogged his throate.

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What did he expect?
The piss to aid with the slidding?


Dubs confirm

So what's the evidence that suggets she started the andy logg meme?

Nvm read the other article


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