What is the worst thing you've ever done for money, Yea Forums?

What is the worst thing you've ever done for money, Yea Forums?

Currently trying to scrape some money together and want some of you degenerates to make me feel better

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i sucked some dudes dick for 5 dollars. he was nice because it was all i had

Sent nudes of my gf to this guy who offered me money for them

That's rough. Is she still your gf?

Yep we still together

What did you do with the money?

i worked.

I tried saving it for a while but ultimately ended up wasting it on food and snacks

Fucking awful, man. How much did you sell them for?

As opposed to what?

$40 at the time I was really desperate and I absolutely regret it

Yeah, I bet. That's with you forever, man. You pimped your girl out. You sold her honor and your integrity. You must've been in a real bad way

Looking back at it I was stupid for doing so

When I was 18 I got thrown out by my parents and started working in a brothel for about 2 years.
Went from virgin to being fucked by fat and ugly perverts every night.. Paid the bills though, got a different job now.

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Damn dude, I didnt know guys worked at brothels

Delivered pizza

I had job once, that shit was awful


Neither did I until a friend of a friends, friend etc told me about it. Had no money so it was an easy choice.

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I'm bi but yeh.

I totally understand you Yea Forumsro. I've been fortunate enough to not do anything truly too degrading yet... but in the past few months I basically sold litterally everything I own. Everything from my air conditioner, video games, xbox, ps4, the posters on my wall, appliances, guitars, amps, classic game collection, clothes, board games, even my fucking silverware. All just to pay rent for a few months.


you sold your soul user

It's a bad way to get. I needed to get some money together for work related travel and sold some games, two pairs of really nice headphones and a tablet. All for about 1/3rd their actual value, obviously.

There's a lot of work for male prostitutes. They pretty much expire around 24 though, and get paid a lot less

Was it really an easy choice though?
You've gotta carry that shit forever.

Well I had no money, no food, no place to live and the weather can easily kill you here if stay outside.. So yeah it was an easy choice. I got a pretty high salary, found an apartment, got nice stuff and it was a nice brothel as well, clean and safe.

Good points. Glad you got out of it, though. It's messed up.

Well I don't miss it, that's for sure.

I fucked bored middle aged housewives in the suburbs for money and the occasional granny.

The thing about prostitution...you very rarely if ever fuck anyone you actually want to be fucking.

I let a gay dude suck my dick for 25 bucks one time

>ITT drug addicts talk about what they’ve done to score their next fix.


yeah? and i bet you make 6 figures

See how nobody in here responded to your or my comment? Because they know they’re dumb drug addicts who suck dick to score cheap crack