What are your reasons to live?

What are your reasons to live?

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finna nut

the 2 people that would be sad

Fear of death.
That's about it.

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Odd sense of survival instinct. Ppl who succeed are my heroes, honestly.

Fun stuff like wild parties, concerts, football games, drugs, the pursuit of knowledge, and leisure.

Refusal to give up on dream career, indulgence in materialistic hedonism

Alcohol, fast food, videogames and pokemon hentai(not with trainers, but with monsters).

I got nothin'

I can respect this

To be there at our society's end so I can say I fucking told you so.

just fuck everyone be yourself

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Movies, video games, books, traveling, shit posting


Honestly, start getting out more though. Go to a restaurant by yourself, play a round of disc golf / actual golf by yourself. Got a couple days off work? Leave after work and drive up to 8 hours in any direction. Spend the day bumming around a strange town (try not to make any plans prior). Maybe try to find a club or organization holding an event in this town. Go to a state park and walk the trails, even if the journey is long and you only have an hour to explore.

I've realized that a lack of social life isn't the reason I hate everything. Part of it at least, is inhibition. Turns out I might not crave social interaction as bad as I thought. Deep down, I just want to get out of bed and do literally anything. In short, just fuckin move around

The other part is spending most of my time at a job I hate. Working on that though.

im about to go to college be able to live my dream and i have an awesome girlfriend

My cats and dog

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my brother wants to take me road tripping to florida over summer and id quite like to do that

Taking responsibility of the suffering of life, and bearing it for the betterment of myself and others.

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Good on you mate, I wish you well.

dont take resp. for shh that aint yours. stop that.

oh and my above average penis

I dont really have an issue making friends, it just seems the ones i do are always taking off the second its convenient/ getting busy with something else. It doesn't really hurt me to know i only have 2 people that would be significantly devastated if i departed. i'm just glad i have those 2 people, even though one is moving away soon : (

Pretty much nothing, I can't end it because I'm too much of a pussy.


That scene in game of thrones... where tyrion basically said he wants to kill himself but he's too much of a coward, so he drinks so much that he hopes he dies from it... that is my life...

Too much of a pussy to pull the trigger so im just rolling with it

Been there. I've had plenty of friends. About half moved away after college, most of the others got married, bought houses, had kids, etc. I'm not mad at them. They're living the lives they were told to have. I don't see any joy in being a slave and won't follow the same path. Being lonely sucks, but it really doesn't have to be that way. Either enjoy your own company or make company

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i can enjoy my own company 80% of the time but sometimes id wish id have a friend that i could see every now and then. I have some people i used to see irl all the time but all they do is stay inside now and honestly, discord is no way to interact with other people.

I live to have a reason for dying

Bread and fucking circuses.
