Diaper Girls Thread

Diaper Girls Thread

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>tfw this chick lives ~1hr from me and her tumblr used to say that she was open to meeting people with the same kink
>now she makes content to sell on patreon

I know I'm too much of an autistic faggot to have a relationship with anyone, but even if I had and it worked out, I think I might've dodged a bullet.

I wish I had a bot to dump content with and go to bed and leave it alone.

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an oldie but a goodie

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best fetish

You dodged a bullet

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ya'll need suicide

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Look at those shoes, that is a little girl

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That looks like a bar tho. And they make white/purple shoes for adult women.

Further, I dated a girl who was of age that had feet so small she had to shop in the kid's section for shoes.

Anyway It's after midnight here, I gotta get up and go to work @ 5:30

I'm not saying it couldn't be, but it's probably just a short/small woman who falls rather naturally into this fetish because she's petite

I do not believe it's a little girl or I wouldn't have saved it to my computer. IIRC context was given in the thread I downloaded it from. But, still deleting it because I don't feel like getting banned RN.

Does anyone have pics of a girl visibly embarrassed to be in a diaper?

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does anyone have any pics of a girl in a diaper in a very public place?

or mental regression

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wow this makes me cringe lol why would you do this

I only have one other of her, sorry :/

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>look at those shoes, that is a little girl

I'm just talking of general embarrassment

No, its emma_abdl, she owns a nursery/diaper shop in amsterdam

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This is a music festival/kink/pride festival in I believe the Netherlands or possible Denmark. There's a naked guy in this picture:

I'm aware, someone gave me shit for a picture I posted earlier of a girl in a bar who is petite and fit into a pullup. Because she had white/purple shoes and pyjamas on, he decided she was a little girl.

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I gave you shit, because pedoshit is disgusting.

Ah, I don't see that one, was it in a previous thread?

can u repost it?

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It was this thread. Not reposting, I dont feel like getting banned. Someone gave context in the thread where I downloaded it from. It was a long time ago so I don't remember, but I can see where someone would think she was underage. She appears to be in a bar, so I doubt she is actually underage. No face is shown, so it's hard to tell conclusively. I dated a girl who was tiny like that, 4'8 and about 75 Lbs and yet was of age.

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found it in the archive, im not gonna lie it does look like an 8 year old, but could be a small adult idk

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That's pretty pedo if someone had an 8 year old pull down her pants/underwear in public and show her diaper, but IIRC someone gave context in the thread I got it from. Further, she does appear to be in a bar, does she not?

Yeah but that bar comes up to like her chin

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Maybe not exactly what you had in mind but fresh OC!

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No.. diapers are awesome!

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They're amazing alright...it feels great to wear.

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She's not underage, fellas. It's okay.

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I'm wearing the same pad!

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Whoever it is that keeps posting pictures.....thank you

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