I want to die. But without any failure

I want to die. But without any failure.
Suggest me a 100% way to kill myself please and thank you

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Christ loves you though.

>Christ loves you though.
You just have to suffer for another few decades and then basically suck his cock or go to hell.

No one loves me
I'm ugly dumb and pathetic.
I'm an animal.
I'm not human
I don't deserve to live.
Humans are very kind to have allowed me existence for even this long.
But trash like me should not stain this planet.
Shit like me shouldn't exist.

Inject air into your arm. Itll give you a heart attack that'll kill you in a couple minutes without damaging your exterior (like hanging and cutting does)

don't joke please and thank you

What makes you feel so shit OP? I wanna try and help you if I can :,(

Jump off a very high place. 100% guaranteed dead. You'd have to not be a bitch though, which I'm sure you are.

You can help me
Adopt me
Remove me from my family
Take me far away.
I will suck your dick and let you fuck me in my ass
I will swallow your cum also
I will be your slave till I due.

Yes I'm a worthless weak pathetic ugly bitch.
But thank you for your recommendation.
I will note it down.

Fluoxetine+alcohol(the higher rate the best)+clonazepam
Simple and fast, be sure to be very tired before soo you can fall asleep without any worries

Thank you.
I made a note of it.

If rescuing you and receiving a life time of dick sucks is what it's gonna take to save you then I'm gonna be fucking Tony Stark in this

Fucking Tony stark?
I don't get it

It's a EndGame reference. I'll show you when I rescue you

Wait 100 years

Oh ok i don't watch movies so i won't understand any references.
But I'm crying right now.
Will you actually rescue me?
Are you dead serious?
Because I'm dead serious.

100 years?
Avg life is from 60 to 80...

Yeah, so you'll be dead. You're welcome.

I'm willing to try. I don't want you to die. I wanna help you as best as I can

Ask God for the proof you require, and He will give it to you.

Don't do this, all that's going to happen is you'll start taking everything as a sign from god.

"Oh wow that bird poop nearly hit my car but it didn't what a sign!"

"Oh wow that could have killed me but I'm alive, what a sign! Now I value my life more!"

Motherfucker is preying on your emotional state to convert you.

ez, ask for one specific thing. But religious will also tell you not to ask for signs.

Religion is just an escape for the weak minded who can't accept realty.

Shotgun inside mouth, most reliable method according to lostallhope.com
you have a right to die but there are good things and good people out there, and it's really hard to break your life so bad you can't fix it, maybe tells us why you want to commit uninstall life and we can help with that instead

Lol. Religion is for assholes who looked at reality and had questions phyical shit couldn't answer.

Dog, I've seen horrific pics of this going wrong, including "I lived through it but now I have no face"

This miserable atheist wants company, they all do, and wants a brief escape through your agony op. OP you've become a pro at plugging your ears and covering your eyes all these years, here at the end of your life all I ask is that you listen ... Listen to Christ. Ask Him on your knees to give you a sign before you do it. This demon wants you dead for the 5 minutes of "fun" he'd get.

Learning humility is humbling. His grace and mercy are knocking at the door. Just ask Him for proof

What state do you live in, I have some connections if you need to get away from a shitty family

Are you nigger?

What are the chances you could survive from that?

large caliber gun to the face

where do you live, I don't need specifics but I have some connections that could help you out depending on where you live, without dick-sucking even

I'm literally not an athiest, but OK. Shotguns don't always work.

Was friends with EMT, they had a book of injuries. I don't know the odds, but I know it's possible if you get the angle wrong. You can blow off your face or through the back of your mouth and survive.

Any pictures or videos of what it looks like if you survive?

Okay I wanna preface this by saying that committing suicide is a bad idea and I will help you get out of your shitty situation if you let me but I also think your allowed to be done so here's what you're asking for: multiple methods of suicide at one exponentially increases the chance of death to a pseudo-certainty I.E.: take a lethal dose of poison and jump from a fatal height and shoot yourself on the way down or something like that, if you do the math it comes out to like 99.97% but also just fucking give me your discord or something and I will actually help you but if you really wanna fuck off for good and you don't think you have a chance at all then that's your choice

Nope, sorry. It was in a physical book years ago.

The only guaranteed way to die is to live.

>This miserable atheist wants company, they all do

Lol, says the missionary. How does escaping through someone else's agony even work? Sounds like another dumb thing religious people make up so everyone but them will sound evil. I'd rather op find something about their own life that makes them happy. The god thing works for some people but not everyone, and at this point you're being really creepy about pushing it.

Stop eating food.