Racism is a mental disorder

Racism is a mental disorder

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weak bait

Feel good about yourself? You think you're a tough guy for using that word? Hate to break it to you, little man, but you're a pathetic coward. Now that you've outed yourself as a racist scum, enjoy your little visit to Twitter jail, asshole.

Not having some degree of racial bias is a mental disorder. It goes against human nature.

acknowledging reality isn't a mental disorder

Racism is a form of tribalism which is inherently a part of human nature. Stupid, but not abnormal.

Fuckin' Librals.

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Every American president has suffered from this mental disorder, Trump isn't anything special. Read Lenin and stop spouting these liberal talking points.

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>Read Lenin
guarantee you've never held a job

Speaking facts only, why do you think the prison systems are so segregated OP? The United States seems to be the only place in the world where there are millions of people of different race/ethnic background/traditions etc. The entire world is segregated, for the most part.

>hasn't read Lenin
Guarantee you've never been paid the full value of your labor.

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Because the American prison system is the legal loophole that allows slavery to continue. It's all right there in the 13th amendment.

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In that case, racists are all victims and by demonizing them you are actually oppressing the mentally ill.

Doesn't explain why the whole world is segregated and how historically there has never been peace. Everyone has their own beliefs and cultures and those sometimes don't mix well. The prison system in America is broken, but it's WORSE in other countries.

I'm not OP but:
Segmented families
Poor households
18% of the population
50% of incarcerations

Not because they're black, but because they're more likely to commit crimes due to a larger percentage in poor neighborhoods, having segmented families, lack of opportunity, and gang culture.

Laws being passed to give opportunity to black youth is not giving equality of opportunity. It's attempting to give equality of outcome. Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Again, segregation is not enforced anymore. This is tribalism, safety in numbers. All of these things play into stereotypes which exist. If you want to remove the stereotypes you can break the man, or give opportunity.

and so is transgenderism

Fuck the Bruins

Well I mean, if you're deliberately obtuse so you can still collect the little bit of cash the liberals throw your way for helping divide the working class, I can see why your Nazi ass would say that. But for those of us with ethics and morality, it's straightforward and obvious why the prison system is racist and why you have too many teeth. Say that shit in public and see where it gets you, if you're so brave.

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lol talking about saying it in public yet, here we are on the computer where you say I'd be unsafe if I've said this in public. I'm just stating facts about the prison system. FAR from a Nazi but nice try bud.

Hiding behind a MAGA hat won't save you, fash.

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So is being a heterosexual cis person

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u are a mental disorder

its not OK to be white

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Moronic bait. "Racism" is the natural order.

Nazis hiding behind liberal words. Stop being so scared, fash. Speak plainly so we know who you are.

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FAKE his attackers weren't black

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Get the whole gang in here from Discord! Hell, it's not like you have girlfriends.

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we want white, not brown socialism

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Not being racist is a mental disorder.

meet me somewhere and ill kill you

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I love Antifa! anyone who isn’t left gets a beating.

blond-haired, blue-eyed socialism

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They were just decent people. I'd push in the face of anyone that said the n-word in public, I'm white. Sounds like this fashy cultural grievance thing is just made-up bullshit on your part and you're just touchy faggots.

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Ah yes, you faggots are far less afraid in packs. What cowards, lol.

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There aren't crime statistics on the voices that speak to someone whos schizophrenic.

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So how does this prove that it's not okay to be white? This proves that it's not okay to be a white supremacist. Saying that it's okay to be white =/= saying it's not okay to be a white supremacist.

>shove down the throat
Only in your hottest wet dreams, you degenerate horndog.

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This thread has become so retarded that I've become retarded.

Arguing with the fash is pointless, just laugh at them until they slink back to their mothers' basements.

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meet me somewhere bitch. tell me where

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Racism is a mental disorder is in a civilized society.
You can see clearly this is not one

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why cause youre a nigger loving black cock sucking faggot? meet me somewhere bitch ill say nigger right to your face. im waiting libtard

>All trade is capitalistic

The Holocaust wasn't real

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Off the side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Bring all your Nazi pals, let's do this.

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LOL! Cry harder about it.

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in other words you're too pussy to meet me in person and fight? yeah that's what i thought antifa bitch

cry about you sucking off niggers and your girlfriend cheating on you with them? you don't even cry you're proud of it

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You niggerfaggots are forgetting where you are

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Your graphic is old and outdated. Why not update it for end of May 2019? It's different now, but still same basic idea. All these other prides are glitter and unicorns, but white pride is evil-bad.

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I'm laughing at this internet tough guy shit.

You want to fight? Then announce a place and time you and your nearest dearest fashy buttfrens are going to protest, and I'll see you there, and then I'll see you to the hospital.

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So stupid, so mad, so brave in numbers, so cowardly by yourselves. Seriously, I didn't see much in the way of fashy spines here until there were ten of you spamming at once. Even behind keyboards, you're a pile of liberal weaklings.

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Ah, I see you're too terrified to march somewhere you announced beforehand. Keep doing this flashmob shit and calling it "activism," lol. We both know you're all scared shitless of the anarchists, let alone real commies.

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I fuckin love that gif, the other angle vid from those narcissist antifa faggots who try film all their glory for circle jerking shows the woman running up to hit him from behind then shitting herself and pretending she isnt down to fight after her patsy boy goes down! " IM GONNA FUCK UP SOME NAZI SCUM!... unless its not lots of us vs one and he doesnt have his back turned"

you suck nigger cock and you're proud of it faggot. no one is afraid of you. meet me somewhere bitch

Fuck off, stupid kike

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Next march you throw in public, that's where. If you're too scared to be a Nazi in public, well, mission fucking accomplished.

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lol, mad anime Nazi is mad


I'm a white supremacist. "Nazi" means nothing to me. I've called plenty of blacks nigger to their face. I called 6 Hebrew Israelites niggers to their faces at once and choked out one of them until he submitted.

>complains we are stronger in higher numbers
>haha if we gang up on you you'll be screwed
fight me one on one you little cowardly bitch

Nope. Listen. I live in quite a diverse area with everything in the melting pot. I don't know how many blacks and/or Spanish you live around but there's just something about them after so much time that just gets under the skin. I try to view all with equality, I really do, but they do it to themselves. I'll leave the reasoning out of this post. If you know, you know. They're just irritating to be around, a great number compared to being around whites

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While we're talking about shit that never happened, I bet you even had consensual sex with a woman once, and she liked it.

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meet me in public and fight me and i will beat the shit out of you

where are we gonna meet leftist faggot?

I can speak the godless communist truth in public without worrying about the American people trying to kick my ass about it. If you can't, maybe your garbage ideology just isn't welcome here for a reason.

It says a lot about you that you're running scared from marching in public. If you're the master race, how do you propose getting around that most basic of fucking hurdles? Seems like something a master race would've figured out by now, but I guess it's just easier to talk tough on the internet while eating mommy's tendies, lol.

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So, so mad. I told you, bitch, we'll meet just as soon as you grow enough of a ballsack to spout Nazi shit in public with your Nazi friends. We all know you won't dare show your face in public without them anyway, and I don't have the time to coddle your fashy feelings, so you just go ahead and be a clown in public and I guarantee we'll meet. ;)

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so when the majority of white people were white supremacists that was the truth? the truth is popular opinion? you just proved you're a sheep

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so when niggers were slaves that was the right thing because the majority of people agreed with it?

Truth is objective, not that your pomo Nazi ass would know. Capitalism has just decayed so much that the false consciousness you're peddling doesn't work anymore, and the workers are going to pulp you lot forthwith.

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I bet you wear panties

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Conservatives aren't fascists, and you'll discover this when the NRA nerds join us and turn their guns on you like it's 1945.

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Why don't you care about your own people? Your own flesh and blood. Niggers love their people. Why don't you love yours? It must be a genetic defect.

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You're proving my point. Y'all aren't conservatives, you're the whiniest, pettiest liberals turned wicked by your own dark hearts.

I do care about my own people, that's why I'm here to save them from you.

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save them how? whites are dying off because of you leftist freaks. niggers love their fellow blacks. why don't you love whites?
>we're whiny
you say this in a thread whining about Trump
oh so you're a southern faggot. wow how the south has fallen. you used to enslave niggers. now they fuck you in the ass. what a shame

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that's just what a nigger would say

Y'all Nazis are the dumbest fucking liberals I ever did meet. Did your inbred Aryan mothers drop you as babies or what? March through my hometown again, next time my prepper buddies got a surprise ready for y'all.

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okay so nothing but ad hominem

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This man is a mental disorder

Read the Good Book. I ain't throwin' pearls before bourgeois swine when shitposts will crush your fashy propaganda.

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Yeah Op, You're a mental disorder

>Every American president has suffered from this mental disorder

As have 99% of all human beings who have ever walked the earth. Perhaps you are the sick one, my egalitarianistic, friend.

At the risk of discrediting myself, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, your probably the type of person who complains about, deppression, and anxiety all the time. Political extremists tend to be that type.
But no, you're not one with the problem. It's the happy, productive people who are mentally ill.

Try to sort your life, out dude. Worrying about issues that are entirely out of your grasp is just an attempt to avoid confronting the real problems in your life, that you COULD solve, if you actually addressed them.


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read Mein Kampf. Read the Origin of Species

Trump is an idiot of the highest order
You Americans who jack yourself off over this retard are just as insane as he is

How about fuck off with that Nazi bullshit, and I already did but I can see how your tiny racist brain would misinterpret it.

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whiter than you Muhammad

>admits he has never worked a day in his life.
>gets quads

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I work hard for my money. I just work hard for myself, not some rich fuck.

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Perhaps, my assumption was wrong. Perhaps, you're mental health is fine.
Maybe you're a unique example of an idealogue, who really likes himself, has no issues with depression, and anxiety whatsoever, and who doesn't use politics as a form of escapism.
I personally suspect you have bigger problems in your life than politics, and that you aren't addressing them. I don't know though.

All I can tell you for sure, is that if you lie to yourself about something that big, you're going to feel nothing but regret on your death bed, user.

how about realize that defending your race and genes is genetically wise?

Racism is a natural consequence of human neurology, so natural that as I see reasons to question anti-racist values I am paying more and more attention to them. The main reason to question anti-racist values is that almost every active agent in favor of them doesn't understand the challenges involved in overcoming their own natural neurology. They just understand it as a politic, the idea of today to force onto others just as every era has had some idea to force onto people, primarily to test their acceptance of the group, I think. I find it hilarious that people today find themselves "modern" when really they're going through all the same steps in service of an idea they believe is "modern". You humans actually haven't changed at all, think on it, basically you have an idea you're going to force on everyone and if they don't agree, they're fuckin' dead if they trigger your emotions? You're exactly like every human that has ever lived, anti-racism is no different than pro-Naziism or the burning need to offer still beating human hearts to the rain god, Chacc, that he might continue to feed you. I mean, what idiot could oppose that, right? Between mass starvation and ripping out an 8 year old girl's heart the moral good is clear, what idiot can't see that? How dare they insult Chacc after all he's done for us?

See, you're the same. You'll always be like this, unless your IQ is so mutantly high that you can barely live your life in peace you will live in the complete ignorance of the patterns that bind you. One day I'll have you going around enforcing race realism or a similar concept just as ardently as you believe in anti-racism today or how fervently you used to love Chacc, so long as he brought your field the rains. You're an idiot.

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This is true isn't it? I've always known it. I mean, I'm not racist by any means because I don't think my race is better than any others, but I do notice traits prevalent in other races, and I acknowledge them, sometimes vocally.

This thread is a bait post by racists to strawman and post their pre-written bullshit.

Don't fall for this.

Labelling anyone you don't like as a racist is a mental disorder.

suck more black dick, cuck

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Trying to make it personal despite knowing nothing about me is a clever way to try to dodge your ideological shortcomings as Nazi scum, but it still won't work.

Why don't we talk about your shortcomings as a Nazi pedo? Yeah, what motivated you to start abusing small children, you nasty fuck?

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That actually doesn't make sense

I'm a registered Niggermania Forum Veteran.

Lol, what a way to deflect from the fact that you're a kiddie-diddling Nazi. Tell me what leads you to make such terrible life choices, and you'll also find out why I spend my life stopping monsters like you.

I'm defending my race and genes from Nazi scum. There's nothing wrong with humans from other continents; there's everything wrong with immoral scumbags who try to exploit others for the stupidest of reasons. Get the hell out of my gene pool.

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As if that's not what you and your entire Discord chat full of Nazis is doing as we speak.

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>Most dark-skinned people are mental-disordered.

Got it.

Yet niggers are way more racist than whites and would love to see you dead.

Us blacks can't be racist because we're a minority.

Racism is a mental disorder. Race isn't a real thing. Calm the balls down. No one is taking ur "white womenz" stop trying to control bodies and just... be

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are you saying being a nigger loving faggot is bad? how intolerant of you

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It's forbidden to use the "black" word...

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prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
It doesn't matter. A minority can still be a racist.

that's literally the most retarded shit I have ever heard, and to be honest, anyone who repeats this retarded shit just shows everyone how retarded they are.

It honestly is. Paranoia of individuals or a group of people being against you for no reason with no evidence is a sign of mental illness.

Spamming these chans with the hurrest of durrs, I see.

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I wear panties and I'm a pretty manly conservative guy. 6'0" and go to the gym and I own that shit because I'm not as insecure about my sexuality as you appear to be. You'll talk tough but you would never say this to me or anyone else's face because you're a coward. I know you're a coward because you can't even be public with your fringe views about race. Masked up, just like Antifa you hate so much. Both of y'all are faggots and should neck yourselves.

Conservabro's got the right idea. Nazis kys

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I agree with everything you say but dude, lay off the panties.

I noticed you haven't actually denied any of my assumptions. I on the other hand, am more than happy to tell you that I don't abuse children, and am not a nazi.

There. Now that those assumptions have been put to rest, you can disavow the ones I've made about you. Unless the reason you're getting so defensive, without actually addressing my assumptions is that they are entirely true... :O

I know that because, this is all you guys do. Your life is such a mess, that the only way you can cope with it is to waste it pretending to be someone you aren't. In your case, that is a hero who can't take on the responsibilities of adulthood because you're too busy fighting off the ultimate evil; a German political party that was abolished in the 40's.

Amazing how the most free and prosperous nations in the history of the world are the ones where people complain the most.

nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi


Meant to tag you too, if your not the same guy

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it's a criminal nazi who is literally mocked the world over for being a broke and stupid crook!

FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU i'll be glad to watch you die in jail

Racism is for losers with nothing going on for them! lol i am great cause of my dumb race loololololololololololol


im in merced. give me three hours and ill meet you at the presidio. bring all your friends and please attack me. I have a conceal and carry, so, like I said. I'll kill you. I'll be driving a white 3 series bmw. and wearing a maga hat just for you.

call me
(209) 385-8836

>dems tell people to attack based on skin color and political belief
>we arent nazis

Pick one

And yet she is making moves to get brown socialism and not white socialism.

Says a leftie who cant do shit without a crowd

Go be a bitch somewhere else

Plz end you, your genes are not needed

Being this much of a retard

Atleast we arent as insane as the dems

>acting nazi
>tells others they are nazi


I'll call you a nigger to your face any day of the week faggot

racism is perfectly correct. one could argue thoroughly that it is a properly prudent, virtuous way to be. intelligence is the ability to deal with what one encounters, and racism is incredibly intelligent for one's survival and success in life.


personally, i can dive down a sick trip of well-to-do white 15 year olds in 1992 buying this tape and watching it like mega-orgasmic outer-dimensional cringe.

The only way to prevent the downfall of western civilization is to scream the n word in Minecraft.

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elie wiesel literally wrote about him staying in a hospital in Auschwitz
Why would they put the inmates in a hospital if they's was just gonna whack em, Tone?