Commits the exact same crime as Brock Turner and gets away with it

>Commits the exact same crime as Brock Turner and gets away with it
>Feminists don't care
Are women immune to #MeToo?

Attached: amy-schumer.jpg (1180x842, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>double standards exist

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women get special treatment and have for centuries. news @ 11

If Nazis hate liberals so much, why do they continually try to divide the working class so the liberals can conquer us? Like this shit right here. Women are workers too, yet here you are trying to get working men to hate working women, and vice versa.

Rapists of all sexes should be thrown in the gulag. Brock Turner, Amy Schumer, whatever. Go nurse your fashy grievances elsewhere, capitalist weakling.

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She recently made a speech where she admitted to fucking a blacked out, passing out drunk guy i.e., couldn't consent as in the Brock Turner case

oh look a pretend communist. party is strong comrade

Oh look a real Nazi butthurt we're onto their simple games. No pomogay Nazis on my chans.

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Ah. Thanks.

This pig is un-rapable.

>doesn't buy my phony communist persona
>must be a nazi

Nazi liars gonna tell Nazi lies.

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I remember you. You're that guy from the "people you automatically disrespect" thread.

You're just as bad as the /pol/tards screaming jew at everyone

Your welcome

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Oh look, a Discord server full of 'em.

You can keep spouting your lies, please do. What's hilarious to me is that you're so transparently full of shit, and Marxism-Leninism is so transparently true to all workers these days, that you have to resort to baffling people with bullshit to even get a hearing. And even that shit ain't working anymore.

You clowns are done. You can't even be brave on the internet anymore, gotta hide behind conservative and liberal talking points lest the workers recognize you for the scum you are. Get hit by a bus.

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Okay have fun with your RP sane guy

So glad we have captcha to prevent this sort of thing

Pic related: every Nazi in whatever Discord chat is monitoring this thread, crying to each other about how yet another recruiting thread's worth of effort has just gone down the drain.

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The real reason I go to the gym.

Paranoia is a common symptom of mental illness

Paranoia implies fear. Only scared motherfuckers I see in this thread are the fash too afraid to stand honestly behind their own opinions.

Nice delay there, I bet your Discord fash buddies helped you brainstorm that shit response. Rub all five brain cells you got between the three of you, and this is the best you can do? You make even the anarkiddies look smart.

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Actually paranoia doesn't imply fear, but I expect your grasp of language to be about as strong as your grasp of reality

"Call the cops"
you mean the cops litterally already present at every legal protest in the country for anything JIC shit goes south? THe cops who arrest you because they saw you puncha man square im the face for no reason were already there dipshit
Holy fuck...youre an Antifa poseur aren't you? You clearly have never even been to any kind of protest in your life. Thats fucking sad, faggot.

What a strawman, every feminist I've met hates Schumer for this shit

Watch yourselves fash, your conservative mask is starting to slip and the anons are gonna see you for who you really are, lol. Not like that wasn't ever the case.

I bet you twerps haven't gotten a fresh recruit in months, lol. Or sex. Especially sex.

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What'd she do?

nazis don't exist

One day that'll be true...

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There were cops in an Oklahoma protest when the Westboro Baptist Church came to town, thinking that the counter protestors might get rowdy.
The cops were outnumber 10 to 1, and the WBC was outnumber nearly 25-1.
Before WBC could leave town, all their tires were slashed and no place would offer service to them in town.
Fun times.

Raped a drunk guy.

They were officially disbanded in 1945.
They don’t exist.





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Even the article you posted calls them Neo-Nazis.
Why are you retarded? Did your mom drink when she was pregnant?

Ah, technically true, every liberal pawn's favorite kind of true...

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Nazis we’re forcefully disbanded in 1945, since then the German government has forcefully banned the party from ever being in existence again.
There’s no technicality to it, it’s just true. The only groups around today are neo-Nazis and various offshoots/factions.
None of them are true Nazis, after all, there’s Jewish neo-Nazi groups...

Being this autistic, lol. You know they'd gas you first, right?

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I doubt it, I’m all white, no Romany or Jew blood.
Pretty sure I’d be alright, Shekelstein, how about you?


Yeah, but being that autistic, you'll be the first to die. I don't know why you Nazi clowns try to hide your obvious views so hard, we all knew you were a Nazi when you were trying to deny they still existed. Does anyone fall for this shit? I mean, besides you in the first place, that is.

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Calling someone autistic sport just because they pointed out your retardation doesn’t make it so. If anything, actual Nazis were a bit finicky about allowing mentally challenged people live.
Fairly certain you’d be hauled off in a train car if they were around today.
They don’t like the stupid ones.

Well hell, you'd be the expert on what Nazis like I guess, Nazi. Hilarious that you're online on an anonymous chan board and you're still afraid to own your real ideology. That maybe should've been the first clue that your ideology is shit?

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Yeah - it’s called reading a book.
You might try that with one that doesn’t have blank line drawings you color in, sport.

The smartest people in history are my comrades.

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Einstein was a self admitted socialist, not a communist.
Comrade dumbass.

they are you dumbass, we live in a gynocentric world

He praised Lenin, who was a communist. Sounds like you're grasping at straws.

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Clinton praised Obama, doesn’t make her an Oreo.

Its only rape if he felt he was raped and decided to press charges.
How is her new son, Genital Fissure, doing, though?

genetics != politics
It makes her a democrat.

I couldn't care less what liberal parasites do in their spare time. Y'all Nazis, on the other hand, can't get enough of them.

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You’re the type of moron to wear a Che Guevara shirt at Starbucks with your boyfriend, aren’t ya?

I'm the type of moron you rage about on Yea Forums when the girl you like asks me out.

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I don’t fancy women.

No, you probably fancy kids like the Nazis in this thread:

Attached: He Gulag Kulac.jpg (601x960, 62K)

No, just effeminate men who tend to have an androgynous look.
So, you date twinks too. Good to know.

>I'm not a NAZI because the party doesn't exist anymore, I just talk and act like them and wish they were still around.
At a certain point user, it doesn't matter. NAZIs are bad, people who idolize them are bad.

So what's that then, jailhouse gay? Like, you're gay with the other Nazis because no woman will have you?

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Yeah, Nazis try to hide behind liberal talking points because they do the functional bidding of liberals. Liberals own the means of production, and Nazis divide the working class against itself to defend the liberal ownership of the means of production. Don't believe me? The first liberals defended capitalism by pointing out how much more efficient it made slavery. Liberalism and fascism go hand in hand.

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