-- Daily reminder that almost 1 in 3 young men are involuntarily celibate, and the figure is very likely under-reported

-- Daily reminder that almost 1 in 3 young men are involuntarily celibate, and the figure is very likely under-reported.

-- Daily Reminder that 100% of women find 80% of men to be anywhere between very ugly, to below average looking.

-- Daily reminder that 80% of women are fighting over the top 20% of ALL men.

-- Daily reminder 80% of men are competing for the bottom 20% of women.

-- And daily reminder that giving women every right men have has the unintended consequence of women destroying the very fabric of society, family structures, social order, and eventually civilization itself.

Have a good day.

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except you are equating sex with opportunities for equal pay and jobs when those two are mutually exclusive.

Where do us lesbians fall into this? How men look is irrelevant since they arent women.

>mutually exclusive.

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you tell us.

Daily reminder that this is the thread of autist losers who should not be allowed to touch a woman much less have sex with one. Fucking incels. Biggest losers on the planet, Kill yourselves.

Says the incel who can't get laid and therefore blames women for all his problems.

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Lesbians never end up working its unnatural and even so one takes the mantle of a male and they even end up shoving dick shaped objects inside them

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how do i get a gf Yea Forumsros. ive had several in the past but now i cant seem to get one. nothing has changed but its getting tougher


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you need to get money or good looks.

or A LOT of money.

good luck.

Okay, but I'm a derpy-looking, soggy-waisted, not-tall, not-rich, not-powerful, average-size-dick-having guy with a skinny, cute, smart, funny, doctor wife who's a great cook and was a virgin when I met her.

If I can have so little going for me and yet fall ass backwards into having a perfect wife, how is your worldview not bogus?

Wahhh, I have to work out, have a decent job, or an interesting personality in order for women to find me attractive!

youd think that would work but i have a well off friend that cant get a gf either and i also have a poor friend that seems to get it when he wants. no one is better looking than the other. if anything the rich one is the best looking one

Or you can go to a cheaper country where you make more in a week then someone does in a month. like Julius Caesar said "I had rather be first in a village than second at Rome"

Ben is that you??

I did everything right. I'm still a single virgin.

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Except women have higher opportunities for this as well. It's just not sought after.


Sounds like you probably have a shitty personality, user.

I don't. I'm just very shy and have high standards for myself and potential partners.

Don’t have high standards, you’ll end up with nothing. And don’t be shy, literally just be confident. Women love that shit

What do you get out of posting retarded shit like this? It’s obviously not true whatsoever and you’re wasting your time to write out dumb shit like this

>I’m just shy and have high standards
>it’s everyone else’s fault that they can’t immediately tell how great I am while I silently brood alone

Sorry user, I misjudged you. You’re a massive faggot.

Daily reminder that the inability to get laid is a personal problem and that you're a freak of nature if you can't get your dick wet.