How do I get my neighbors dogs taken away by the town and killed or kill them myself?

how do I get my neighbors dogs taken away by the town and killed or kill them myself?

>neighbors are fucking retards
>get the most annoying god damn dog in the world
>let it out every single day first thing in the morning at 6 am
>starts fucking barking
>vicious cock sucker
>every time i walk past the house the fucking retard jumps out of the shadows fucking CHARGES up against the fuck jumping barking freaking the fuck out
>they leave it out all night
>barks at 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 3 am, midnight, 10 pm, all day all night
>go for a night walk in the middle of the night
>buzz instantly killed
>retard dog charges the fence starts barking at 3 am pisses everyone off
>sits outside my house and barking for hours straight
>have not had one night in 10 years where i can sleep peacfully or take a nap or anything
>freezing cold arctic winters it sits outside for hours barking
>freezing cold nights sits outside in 30 degrees all night barking
>they do nothing

every fucking day. they dont even let them inside anymore. they literally just sit outside all day and all night long. barking all night 3 am 6 am mindnight 10 pm all day and night.

do I just report them for neglect over and over again until they come take the shit hounds away? this has to be neglect I see them out for hours in the freezing deadly cold and out all night long in freezing cold.

I want them dead. its gotten so bad I literally just stand outside their house at night and yell LET YOUR DOGS IN YOU FUCKING RETARDS

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If someone's doing something illegal you should call the police. If they are not, you should leave them alone.

It barks at night because its cold. they probably didn't even build it a doggy house. maybe buy a plastic one from the store and line it with straw to keep it insulated. give it a few treats every now and then.

this breaks every god damn local law that has to do with dogs there is but I have to report it 80000 times before they do anything and I fucking hate cops anyway

Yeah you have to call them every single time. You wouldn't want to live in a city where you could get a ticket for letting your dog out one time.

oh god dam it literally everything is better in the city I FUCKING HATE THE GOD DAMN RURAL COUNTRY BULL SHIT RAHHHHHH FUCK GOD

LOL dog cucked,
>taking care of another mans dog for free

This thread again? Ignore.

no it barks all god damn day no matter what the temp is. they just happen to leave it out in the cold. I wish it would die. this is so god damn annoying and its neglect

lol. it is cucked but i feel sorry for the dog. dogs usually bark because they are miserable. they are barking to voice their frustration. in this dogs case it appears to be the cold weather.

You made this same thread yesterday you faggot


Just toss a large box of chocolate over the fence, retard. Guaranteed they won’t waste money on a vet if they’re that neglectful

no its because they are fucking retards that neglect it all day and it just spends all day trapped in a shit cage and they dont even take it outside or walk it or do anything with it

Give it some sweet meat, which is usually soaked in antifreeze. Be sure to pick something you know the dog will eat, like a small unattended child.

like i said frustration. it literally just wants someone to let it out of there and do something with it. pet it. talk to it. play with it etc. you should go over there next time they leave and just open the damn door and let it go free. it will probably run away.

Or attack OP, sounds like the dog is pretty aggressive

Tip the ATF that you think the neighbors gave full auto weapons.

They'll SWAT the house abee kill the doggo.

this dog is a vicious retard and trapped behind a metal fence and its fucking evil I just want it gone its a liability

You don't have to call them 8000 times, just record the barking. You have a phone right? Just start a voice recording, and let it run until the dog stops barking. Get a bunch of recordings together and present it to the animal control officer. That's what I did. They went and talked to the neighbor and told them they'd get fines if it kept happening. They took their 6 chihuahuas and moved away. Problem solved.

In that case. just wait until they leave then walk over to it's cage casually and blow it's head off with a 12 gauge shotgun.

the cops wont do anything at all. I have to report it to the retarded animal control and then they never do anything unless I report it 8000 times and I have to report it anonymously because im killing it myself if they dont do it

Talk to neiborz? Kill doggo? Find Les shit house?

Or you could get decent Windows, you know the kind that block sound.

Do the ol poison a piece of meat. Throw it into yard walk the fuck away. Do it before you tell anyone how much said dog has annoyed you. Stealth kill. Then shoot the fucking owners for good measure.

Does the dog house have a bear trap in it? I don't see a good solution for the dog running up and barking at all foot traffic

>kill dog
>report repeatedly

2 choices mate

I want to report it but im such a cuck I hate calling the cops on shit. I really need to tho its so god damn ridiculous.

every day. every time I take a nap I wake up to barking. sometimes it goes until fucking midnight. sometimes its all night. its always fucking 6 am

im not the only person who hates them ive seen other people complaining about it too and I saw one kid walk by that has a window right next to the dogs and he picked something up and threw it at the house pissed off

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Here we go again. Something bothers me but I'm too much of a pussy to do the right thing. Because I'm scared or little or they're super dangerous looking. Listen you little punk bitch and all the other punk bitches here, talk to your neighbors. Go knock on the door, say "Your dog barks all the time. Put the dog in the fucking house." If you get push back, escalate. Your problem is not with the dog, nor even the neighbors. Your problem, as it always is, is you. If you were a man, you would address the issue with those responsible, not with the dog that doesn't know any better. Or, shoot yourself in the head, either way, it's you, you little bitch. I fucking cannot stand pussies like you.

Get a home that isn't made of paper mache?

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You know this is a myth, right?


Milk chocolate yes, go 80% dark or get baker's chocolate and no. The problem is that typically, dogs don't blindly eat anything, they'll sniff and reject chocolate MOST of the time. Get some pork from the butcher, something with bones, and just toss it over the fence at 11PM. Pork is likely to give the dog worms, and if not, it'll shit blood because they eat the bones.

Chocolate is mildly toxic to dogs much in the same way apple pips are toxic to humans, but then again people dont eat there weight in apple seeds despite how delicious they are.

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dude im not fucking going over and saying hey um did you know its fucking annoying that your dog barks 24/7 they know they're just fucking retards

Shut up faggot

No, it's real, but regular milk chocolate won't do much and white chocolate won't do anything. The really expensive dark chocolate will fuck them up, just depends on how big the dog is and how much they eat.

Hint: antifreeze is cheap and they love the taste. You can also drug it by crushing up a bottle of benadryl into raw burger, and once it passes out just go over, duct tape a plastic bag over its head, stick it in a sack, and dumpster it.

Just chuck some bottles of antifreeze over the fence and be done with it

That is a retarded amount of effort. Just find some way to slip it some drain-o or antifreeze.

You seem Very experienced in killing doggies, are you Chinese?

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Antifreeze in food bowl