Eternal trap thread

Eternal trap thread

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got more?

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WHO IS....?!?!

these kids are gunna start posting on their own, I know they will.

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that shirt makes you look so godamn hot

Lord jesus. Do you have any more fren?

nah, random dude i \chatted with

Attached: Neladivabgd-1515434051-d_pic.jpg (720x1069, 30K)

>trap thread
you mean Faggot thread.

trap = Faggot

Faggot thread

cool story bro

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This pic is awesome. Gotta love these degenerate whores.

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>starting with that deformity

how much of that can you fit

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Dude I'm jealous. Usually I need a face and body shot to get off these days but man that pic is wild.

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Ass pics please

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nela shemale diva from serbia.

relatively cheap prostitute

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dog dick

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Oh wow
Who is she

Damn I bet but I think I'm better off finding some tranny hooker here in the states. I went to vegas a while back and got a blow job for $40. Don't worry we went back to her (female) place so she could shower first so that was nice of her.

That's what I'm saying. Seen him here plently of times just don't know the name


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Figure it out.

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Anybody got pictures of the trap that goes by the name Ko? Koi? I know I'm way off but I remember it starting with a K and he was on the tall side.

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Attached: mooore ko.jpg (750x1334, 154K)

Greedy bastard. Oh well, I'm sure it'll pop up one day.

easy satan
thats my future wife right there
i wish

is this u? more

Attached: Ko (145).jpg (750x750, 37K)

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user...Yup! I'd kiss you right now if I could. I've been waiting for someone to post this guy again. Appreciate it man.



shes a girl bro, has a vagina

Attached: ko kitty.jpg (750x1334, 124K)

That's what he is isn't he?'re one of those.

its not a real vagina


imagine the smell

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Nope, obviously passes 100% and got srs. Not a guy.

I'd get knotted by them if I could lol

Attached: Ko (109).jpg (750x1334, 192K)

If true, then I am disapointed. Any lewds?

if it looks lke a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably not a dog

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Attached: Ko (164).jpg (750x1334, 113K)

i think she beautiful, and shes such a nice person, id date her in a heartbeat

Attached: Ko (204).jpg (750x1334, 186K)

Yup me

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Too bad she aint a trap but I'm not bothered by it. She's hot regardless. Also you motherfuckers are greedy by not sharing names but then again I wouldn't share either

Ruff's cute but am I the only one that thinks she looks like Boober Fraggle?

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I want to eat literally nothing but that ass for the rest of my life

Anyone know anything about Kalindra? I've been beating it to her pics for almost a decade and don't know the first thing about her.

im not botherd by it either, whos not sharing names?

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hes a crossdresser, with breastforms and photoshop, and a great as

Fuck your selfie. Post yourself. I think he is hot.

so that's how you get traps, just give 'em coke

ow my heart

now that's a trap! absolutely gorgeous!

Not a single one has dropped any reference. How do I find this girl? I've been struggling.

she was always a girl
Just not a trap anymore
The dick is pretty important part of that

she looks like a grungier butchier version of the breakfast club goth and it confuses my dick

or meth. Party N Play is what they call it. Those are future goals.

lmao, that's skeetsystem from smnnews. Fancy finding that ignorant piece of human garbage on /b

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>this girl
which one boner?

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>Just not a trap anymore
So did this bitch orginally have a dick or what? You fags are misleading and honestly I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight...

yea dude. he looks like he smells bad. probably smells like butt all the time

You and me both brother but I'd still hit that in a heartbeat.

Yes, trans girl who got srs

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who do you think? Just asking for links yall.

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They're painfully adorable together. Grace is so dom

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if you dont say which one i cant actually help, but since tumblr imploded, most of these girls have taken to tweeter and pronhub

sayuri mattar

press S to summon beteschan

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i love a girl that can take a beating

KIK sam.sylvie

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afaik she has a twitter, but idk her handle, shes in a band, and usually touring around, i thiink she said she was from illinois, thats about all i remember

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Your not responding

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Tits: [ ]
Fucking pancakes: [×]

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Ass pics of her please
Who is she

more than a mouthful is a waste anyways, how about you show that cute tummy?

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Answer your Kik

Discord: ForbiddenFruit333

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u prolly ugly, nigga

You're a good man user.

Perhaps n.n

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thank ya, just not a mind reader, if you find her tweeter or anything please report back

Oh wow
Kik please

theres plenty of tiddy there to kiss or pinch or twist or even slap, and that is a super cute tummy, thank you :)

I don't have kik. I'll maybe look into it. :>

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Good to see Kalindra is still posting content. Still my favorite.

You should make one hun

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man of culture

If I'm not answering you either had a typo or I blocked you previously


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Who is she

Your loss

really nice booty too, do you like it smacked or squeezed?

No worries and I'll try my best but don't count on it. Also, how'd you find all those other pictures?

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I'm gonna go ahead and assume that means I blocked you for being an asshole

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You can assume all you want. Just means your an ass. And a liar

More please!

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shes used to post here and had a discord server, oh yeah i forgot, get your ass on discord if youre a chaser

whats the 4th number for the discord?

Very nice nipples

Ella hollywood

Attached: ella_hollywood.png.jpg (901x1200, 184K)

Believe it or not, I've been lurking for almost 9 years and haven't used any of that discord shit. Maybe I should though

Both. It's nice.

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got more?


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Ashlee Alespia

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if youve been lurking 9 years, and cant track down a girl with a twitter, you havent been paying attention, also def get on discord theres tons of trap/trans servers, youre way behind the curve user

Attached: 444.jpg (720x1280, 595K)

Thank you good sir

Is she though? All these pics are old and her tumblr has gone dark.

you wouldnt mind too much, if a guy was to do a little of both in between kisses and hugs, would you?

Fucking hot! Anymore Kalindra-chan?

hey qt
any new pics?





Those are old pictures? Oh, I thought I'd seen all her older content, but must not have. I had heard rumors of her backing away, but I had hoped that wasn't the case.

Does anyone know where in the world Kalindra is from? US? Canada? UK? EU?

In past experiences, I liked it. Ngl, I'm shy and awkward as fuck in person but I try not to be. lul


Supposedly UK.


aww thats adorable, do you settle down and get comfortable after a bit?


Oh shit I didn't know that crazy bitch from The Breakfast Club had a cock


Holy shit, Grace has such a qt voice I didn't expect that

Nah not yet. Waiting till I can get some new clothes. Posting pics of me fully nude is probably getting old. Gotta keep it fresh.

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yass shes fucking amazing all around

You're absolutely right. That's why I'm a lurkfag. Albeit, I can easily find namea of females/shemales/ladyboys on the web no problem. It's just these chatturbate/webcam traps/cds that are so far and between to find I just wait till someone name drops

tell me you love me and I mean a lot to you

dude I'm so much more into her now
Hot ass voice makes the whole package, 100% pass



90 minutes of moaning

3 n's
she going pvt now

Dude I can't believe now that I missed her shows with Sour
She's gotta get her back on




moar rufff pleeze

You're quite kind my dude. In a way, yes. I'm often picky with people in a passive way to save regrets while putting logic before emotions, but other than that I'm down for it at some point.
Most likely I'll smoke out people I chill with irl. lul

somebody notify when she's back to regular streaming

Attached: 1549266894674 grace.jpg (2861x2448, 779K)

i-is that a dabba roo

Yeah you're gonna be cute as fuck with lingerie sets and full outfits
Hope you get some cute sundresses, those are my fave

am monitoring obvs

im a pretty nice guy tbh, you seem like youd be really fun to chill with

Nah. Didn't know about dabs at the time. Was hiding my face a bit. Though it looks like one. lmao

show face judging by the one eye you are a qt 3.14

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morgan webb/10
fuck, now i feel old

she back faggot

Fucking based. Thanks my dude!

my man

Just sent you a friend request!

>grace edging
Literally the hottest thing I have ever seen
Goddamn I'm gonna be addicted to chaturbate sluts now

Attached: 1556772013278 grace.jpg (594x554, 23K)

Morgan literally had a bigger jaw than this man

i know but same cute look

sorry, shes worth it tho

whats her name on chaturbate?

its in the thread

Aight. lul

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she gone

he was right, you're cute af

God I wanna be cute so bad

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best gril

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I mean, you already are
Just gotta get those fits so you can start being cute for everybody in public and drop the boymode


11/10 in this pic, idk wat youre on about

"Oh okay sorry clearly you're a person worth talking to, lemme unblock you real quick user."

You're stupid.

I need all the Alsoashley you got


so now we watch rachel?

UwU i was right

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omg more pics from this angle? so cute!

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into the fap folder it goes

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Why do guys on tinder want me to be hairy and butch I don't get it lol they don't like the dress up :(

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Well if that's you it's because you aren't feminine at all and your body doesn't suit a trap aesthetic, so you're going to attract regular gay guys who want men


Attached: 20190504_173612.jpg (1616x1212, 418K)

So fucking cute.

Attached: 1539224511699.jpg (578x767, 50K)

#lewd-gay has the best traps on discord, enjoy

God that was fucking hot. How much does she cam

So much thanks.

Attached: FB_IMG_1505018240967.jpg (480x800, 49K)

You're adorable and I'd love to take you out for dinner and a movie.

Is this thread about to reach bump limit? I wanna try trapping ;)

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Very cute

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She just put up some new pics on her cb

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Thank you

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If you have snap try using the gender swap filter

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Wanna chat on snap

not snap, I only have a personal. You got Kik or discord?

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>children’s toys in background

Shit, you’re cute

Shit, you're dumb

Who is she? So hot

Sent you a message

Shit, your mom is gay

Omg who

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lol ya got me

i knew i was nuts already though, user

"Reeeeeeeee" lul.

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Jw, what did you use to edit that onto there? A transparent photo from images + cut paste? I have some people to use it on? :>

Wish i had a ethnic little fuck toy like this

ayy, pimo-chan back at it again saving his fave trap pics
when will this lil qt's denial crack, taking bets

Photoshop and layers

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who is this?

Makes sense. I usually just make memes with cut/paste apps and some text boxes.

Attached: IMG_20190519_183409.jpg (480x771, 149K)

And that's a cute ass.


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The best

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you were a scene kid noice

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I'd love to eat that ass out.

tfw no trans gf

i just want to suck girl dick
is that too much to ask

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any good feet pics?

Idk about "good" but here's a half-assed one I took a while ago

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why do trans girls have such cute feet, bros

Attached: PimozidePromo80.jpg (1000x750, 180K)

Let me guess you're a fat old ugly fag.

not a trap

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Feet porn up well if you keep them clean and well-tended.

Attached: IMG_7265_r.jpg (1600x1067, 351K)

fuckkkkk thanks mates

any more? could be not feet too

No prob. Happy fapping.