How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

How do blind people know when to stop wiping?

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They press the halves of the piece of toilet paper together.
When they stops sticking together, they stop.

>when they stop*

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They use a bidet?

Or maybe smell the paper?

Niggers tongue their asshole

Blind fag here. We just smell it

Tastes different when no more poop on paper.

by using water, stop when there is nothing to wipe anymore

Blind guy here, we smell our fingers


smell their fingers

3 wipes
1 dry
1 wet
1 dry

Texture and smell. Blind people's other senses are heightened. They can smell it and feel it.


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they slap it on the wall if they dont hear it fall off then its all good.

I tried this once

I closed my eyes and wiped my ass and just 'knew' when I was done.

When the dog stops licking they stop wiping usually

you ever taken a massive wet shit? It takes more than 3 wipes.

You ever seen a blind person frantically searching for a place to shit? No, because they live a very limited and patterned life. They have too, they're fucking blind

Even the small shits take upwards of 30 wipes. Get the fuck out of here with 3.

Damn nigga after 10 wipes you're just taking off skin

Seeing eye dog cleans it up, dumbass.

30 wipes. does your dad clean your asshole with his mouth after every shit?