I've been with my current GF for a year and a half now and I've yet to see her fully naked, the most she's done is give me a hand job about 2 months ago.
I leave in August to another state to pursue graduate studies. I've tried talking to her about sex or sexual things but she just says "yess" or "haha".
she's either >not sexually attracted to you, so why be with her >asexual, so why be with her >molested or raped so she has some form of PTSD that stops her from having sex, so why be with her >she's using you for money/benefits and is trying her hardest to not have sex, so why be with her
Well it sounds like you're asking her these questions over text given the responses, so that says it either already a long distance thing or you're unwilling or to pussy to bring these things up in person with her.
Stop being a faggot, make a move, or break it off, you sound like a virgin, go fuck a hooker if you're that insecure about it
John Richardson
She once mentioned she can only trim down there because her skin is sensitive af when it comes to a razor blade there.
Tried reassuring her didn't get anything.
Zachary Rivera
Can we get a double amen! Run, not walk, to your nearest exit with your wallet.
Grayson Barnes
I've talked with her in person several times about it, most I've accomplished her to do is to make out with me and jerk me off once. She changes the subject when I bring it up or just stops if we're kissing.
Hudson Smith
Run away.
Justin Price
I am genuinely curious about why she'd do this, but also why you'd keep playing that game for a year and a half. Sex isn't everything but sex is a lot.
Joseph Cruz
I guarantee if you break up with her she will start fucking some guy right away.
i've seen this before. a chick will date a guy forever without fucking him for some reason. then when he dumps her she goes on a fuck crazy rampage fucking a ton of dudes
i don't know how to explain this, but i've seen it before
She's beautiful and she's really great, we do share a lot of common interests and we compliment each other quite well. I'd say sex is the only thing I don't have
Agreed, but who cares. Move on and dont look back, she will bang a bunch of dudes, maybe, probably, but not without ending up with chlamydia, pregnant, and gain 45 pounds. You should move on and be an even better version of yourself. You will see her later and thank whomever up above you moved on and missed that land mine.
Kayden Peterson
>I leave in August to another state to pursue graduate studies Why the fuck would you pay oos tuition for a graduate degree you impotent faggot?
Noah Murphy
She's having another D
Sebastian Hall
Kek! That's what you think is going on?
The bitch was a raging slut the whole time, she just kept it from whoever she's "dating" and his circle to keep her game going.
When it doesn't matter you're just seeing what was happening the whole time.
Have you asked why she's so apprehensive about having sex with you? It could be any number of things, from not being confident in how she looks to just not being into you. Or it could be something as mundane as not wanting to take that step yet.
Zachary Jackson
I have asked her, she always changes the subject in person and in text I once asked and she just didn't reply.
Christian Garcia
Then beyond that I don't know what to tell you, user. It sounds like you have something good going, but it also sounds like you two have a disconnect somewhere in you intimacy. What I can definitely say is that before doing something drastic like breaking up with her, it might pay off to wait it out just a bit.
Shes totally getting the D from someone else and doesnt want to tell you that you've been cucked. Or she is a super super religious person and maintained celibacy and doesnt want to confront you with reigion vs your science background.
More than likely tho she has cum dripping from all her holes like sap from a maple tree.
James Flores
Thanks user I'll wait some more time and see, maybe I'll try to bring it up to her again in the future.
Chase Foster
Or she's a trap
I second this user, leave her
Joseph Torres
I'd say three months at most. If she doesn't at least tell you why she's weird about it by then, then bail the fuck out. Something fucky's going on.
William Morris
Yeah, by the time the three months pass I'll be out of state in grad school, so I'll wait till then.
Thomas Cook
Hey who knows, maybe everything will turn out alright. Take care, user.
Brayden Gutierrez
Next time youre getting an HJ tell her you really want her to put her mouth on it. Can say all the cool kids are doing that way these days and is supposed to feel way better and to please please try doing that. If she dont, ask if its all for religious reasons.
Or, just find someone else - everyone is easily replaceable.
truuu, this would make her incredibly horny. then once you fuck her it'll be like her sexuality has been reborn and she'll crawl out of her timid shell