I need b's help to find out what the fuck this hdd's connector is

i need b's help to find out what the fuck this hdd's connector is

20GB - found at friends house in attic
320GB - found at same friends house under floorboard, 320 looks like SATA but is physically to small to be SATA
(homes being renovated)

Attached: IMG-20190527-WA0058.jpg (960x1280, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's Sata


Attached: IMG-20190527-WA0060.jpg (960x1280, 104K)

Could it be mSATA maybe?


its too physically too small, no adapters or anything fit



20gb is IDE

it's sata, trust me. your adapter is wrong


is sata you ignorant fuck


it's sata bro

Attached: sata.gif (300x200, 9K)

could be, but connector lengths vary, havent seen that on a SSD using mSATA

Attached: IMG-20190527-WA0062.jpg (960x1280, 143K)

You need a FireWire bro

mate, it's sata. google the SN or part number of the disk and you'll see

I refuse to believe OP is this retarded. It's fucking SATA, you nitwit. See

thats sata
longer pins are ground, make first break last, it's so that hot plugging won't break anything

it's SATA you retard, the part on the right isn't a connector it's the jumper pins
this is IDE PATA

it's not mSATA you moran it's just normal SATA

It's SATA faggot

whoa, you really are dumb as fuck
1 - yes, it's sata
2 - that's not a SSD


Might not be the same drive OP "found in fren's attic" but it uses that same controller.

>what is this mystical hdd connector that's been the global industry standard for many years

Attached: e45.png (680x499, 1.4M)

>I'm going to argue shit I obviously know nothing about with people who do
If you're like this, I have my doubts whether you'll even know how to access them.
>nah bro


If trips OP shoves one inside his ass and posts pic, since he's obviously too stupid to connect it and a faggot.


Attached: Screenshot-20190527.png (1029x527, 103K)

sata or isa?

i'm confused

hybrid hdd?

Way too many pins to be IDE/PATA. PATA has 40 pins, this one has more than 46.

It looks like a male-version of a CompactFlash connector, like on the drives of the early hard drive iPods.

Attached: rw.png (1024x576, 249K)

OP can you at least post photos of the labels on the drive instead of the connectors, like an idiot?

it is 2.5" IDE

>320GB - found at same friends house under floorboard, 320 looks like SATA but is physically to small to be SATA

I'd bring it to cops. If there's anything incriminating on it, that would be your safest option, and if they find out it's just cat photos, they will give it back to you.

>PATA has 40 pins, this one has more than 46
PATA has 40 pins for 3.5" desktop drives. This is a 2.5" laptop PATA drive with 44 pins for the drive connector plus the slave/master jumper pins off to the side. God damn people, this isn't even A+ certification level basic shit.

it's from a laptop, it uses the standard connectors but it's slightly smaller, that's why it looks different

>i r faggot
>i not know basic computer
>but i buy biggest graphix card with good boy points and shove it in the colorful slot so i know PCs

>guise i fix computers for a living, i'm better than any of you in this thread

OP get this: newegg.com/rosewill-rcw-616-44-pin-female-to-40-pin-ide-male/p/N82E16812119245

Attached: IMG-20190527-WA0064.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

still waiting for OP to fire that HDD up and post the FUCKING CONTENTS

Its CP from his friends childhood. Why else would it be hidden under the Floor.

Sata, just connect it in you fathers stationary

IDE. Jost connects into you grandfathers stationary.

Enjoy your 320GB of gay animal sex and pizza

How the fuck can you not know what SATA is. And that other old ass drive, just toss it in the trash. Cant do anything with it

what so just because its a 2.5 drive its automatically an SSD? Fuuuuuuck mate you are the dumbest cunt ive seen in a long time

I've seen those connectors. Its what the drive inside external drive enclosures looks like. Idk the standard but it's for those boxes and I guess it somehow gets adapted to the cable it uses that then plugs into the pc with usb

looks like a laptop SATA drive to me, fuckhead

Don’t listen to these niggers but the 1st thing you do is delete Fat32

at a tech savvy friends house, sata is dead, the other has stuff, ill share link once it has compressed


Well, what type of shit was it?

FFS just throw that piece of fucking trash away. You can get a 4TB USB drive for $60 dollars, you can get a 256GB SSD for $90.

And the old one is IDE, I counted and it even has the missing pin in the middle. Next to it are the jumper pins. The power connector is either missing, or that fucker is before the day and age of PSU 12vATX powered hard drives.

> retarded zoomer can’t even recognize a ide hd

hurry up and post whats on them faggot
if its bitcoin you owe us some. probably too old for that though.

All of you are wrong. OP don't listen to these trolls. It USB-C.

Attached: b9bc916476d5bd4081bb394e3d1284ac.jpg (550x916, 82K)

zippyshare link for the shit

>guess I don't know basic PC shit in 2019 yet I still post on 4chins

www68 zippyshare com/v/jijkPT8z/file html

just add . where spaces are

>And that other old ass drive, just toss it in the trash. Cant do anything with it
Even dubs can't change how retardedly asinine that statement is.

Attached: 5875750328.jpg (1866x1620, 192K)

>www68 zippyshare com/v/jijkPT8z/file html
didn't work, what is it btw

1- sata
2- IDE
3 whoever the fuck said ISA is inbred

ti didn't work on Mac os. its all binary any idea how to use it?

a folder named "New folder" which has 10 different tests going Test01 Test02 etc... pure black images. each test version has 4 text files, UTF, Unicode, Ube, and the A one.

then theres a 336MB folder called "My private files"
everything seems to be encrypted

thanks thought it was encrypted but not sure

If you get updates on what's saved in it, would you post updates?
Like why would it be under a floorboard?

Kiddie porn is the easy answer.

Attached: Heavy metal stops.jpg (400x532, 25K)

Hopefully not, but it's pretty likely.

thats ones unfortunately dead, so no pedos will be exposed

Yeah its pata, had this problem with an old laptop, adaptor is cheap enough but a cunt to fit, least mine was, tight as a nuns twat

>tight as a nuns twat

Attached: 1551004114502.png (1920x1080, 828K)

mate, link for the porno

I'd ask for the porn, but I'm sure it'd be ruined by censored genitals.

That was Dells proprietary PCI interface requires an adapter.

And that is standard PCI.

Don't have it, but I imagine googling "jav.guru nun" would be a good start (not being sarcastic, I've just never looked for it yet).


NO YOU LIEW OP don't don't listen to this guy I know what it is it's an AGP 4X type you can tell by the pins but it's pretty old because AGP 4X was actually TOO FAST and the indurstry was SCARED to keep it on the market so they gave us jew nigger shit instead but what you have is really good it's like Coke vs Pepsi because we all know Pepsi is shit you know what that drive you have because of its AGP 4X is good for haxxoring
I know what I'm talking about because I've been doing this a long time an I've been on this site since before the beginning I was on SomethingAwful.com in the forums I was known as JEFF K

A USB adapter for SATA PCI and IDE is available for under $20.


dude, the fucking things were all gotten, the files are available to the public and everything now

But then he wouldn't get to see all the pizza stored on it.

I mean, why else would someone hide a hard drive under the floorboards?