Were you ever bullied Yea Forums?
Were you ever bullied Yea Forums?
You know that kid could change his life and end someone else’s if he turned around and just said one word.
I'd be more surprised if there's anyone on Yea Forums that hasn't been bullied...
People called me a fatass who smelled and a tard cause I never showed my powerlevel that was it
I got bullied for being the only white kid in school, fucking niggers man
Who hasn't? Oh right: Zoomers
Yep and it gave me thick skin, everyone is too protected from it now and ends up some type of sjw because they have never had to deal with being insulted
Seriously, just come to this site and start a r8 me thread. That shit toughens you up
Aint that right faggot?
are you being serious?
Yeah lots of people would give me shit throughout school because I was anti-social and standoffish. Wasn't great, but I never got physically hassled without giving something back.
Just got that hahaha
And I'm not fat but I still look 14 at 25 cause people bully me more as andult I guess I'll be 12 forever, need to get my suits back on
if you actually look 14 at 25 (doubt) then you just need to start making fun of everyone else for looking like an old fuck. Point out imaginary grey hairs if you want to crush them.
Well I look 18 I've been told like chloe, I meant that I've missed the gym so I'm still a skinnyfat like I was at 14 cause people don't take me seriously and waste my time
No, but I have weird sexual fantasies of being bullied by cheerleaders
Is getting bullied by pretty girls as sexy as it seems?
Yeah when I was 14. There was a kid a year older than me but he was way bigger in size and I couldn't defend myself physically against him. Dropped out of school because of it. Was real embarrassed, didn't think I could tell anyone. There was sexual shit which made it worse for me because I thought people would think I was gay. Ended up catching a different bus in the mornings, going downtown and waiting the day out in the library just to avoid him.
It was just before the internet so no way easy way for school to contact parents. Would come home, twice I saw letters in the mailbox saying 'ok, so your kid doesn't attend school anymore, where you gonna tell us? Have you moved or some shit?'
After about 2 months one day I came home and parents were waiting for me. I never told them why I stopped going. Just said I couldn't answer them.
I skipped a grade when I was 6 and then my family moved to a city halfway across the country when I was 9 and to a different suburb the next year.
So for two years in a row, I was the new little weakling smart kid that no one knew. The other kids ostracized me and made fun of me. The bullies noticed that no one was sticking up for me so they closed in.
Physical abuse from peers didn't stop until I was 14 and moved to a school for smart kids.
By that time it was too late. I hated myself.
Never really got over it. I hate myself for that too.
No, but I bullied some people. I did mean shit sometimes for no reason.
yep. fucked me for life, only realized that like few years ago (im 34 now). probably why im still a virgin ( had a gf, she wanted sex), had other girls interested in me and many ocasions to drop the v-card. holy shit thats sad now that i think about it...
> everyone but zoomers
> this was before the internet
> I'm 34
I think today people have somewhere to go if they're being bullied. Back before the 00s I don't think schools gave a fuck. I think there's probably plenty of older anons who got bullied and it seriously fucked up their lives and how they ended up as adults
Yeah, once. I put him in the fucking hospital. Didn't seem to get bullied much after that tbh.
one other guy from my class went to principal. he made it 2 more months b4 he quit on his own...
i got bullied because i was extremely shy and socially awkward, also i was unhealthy and not fit at all, just weak as fuck.
also i didnt understand how hygiene works. showering 2 times a week and failing to brush my teeth.
also i had long faggy hair and braces.
thinking back, it was no wonder why i was bullied. nowadays im pretty popular and very sociable and have a wife and family and stable life.
but when i get bullied i still dont know how to react. i usually just eat it up and start avoiding said people.
sometimes im afraid people start bullying me again.
I wasn't trying to sound like a badass. It's just dealing with bullies 101. You push them back and then they leave you alone.
I-if it's with you, I'll be a bully, a-user.
ive become so good at pretending to be self conscious that most of my friends are utterly dumbfounded by the idea that i have been bullied as a kid.
guess thats a good thing
Not everyone can just decide to turn around and put the bully in the hospital.
>self conscious
sorry im a non-native english speaking retard
i meant confident
i actually found out i was a bully a couple years ago. it was weird. i got bullied buy one dude in middle school, but it ended pretty quickly. i was usually just a funny, chubby kid that got along with most people. didn't realize until a current friend of mine got drunk and told me that him and some of his friends that i hated them and treated them like shit. i was mean, i guess, but it was funny mean and i never assumed it was anything worse than that. oh well. i guess they got the last laugh cause i'm a piece of shit, mentally deranged, neet now.