My feminist sister and I are arguing over whether wahmens should be allowed in direct combat jobs

My feminist sister and I are arguing over whether wahmens should be allowed in direct combat jobs.

Have any anons actually scored females for the PT test? Can any of them actually pass male standards? I can't find jack shit about it online.

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>Can any of them actually pass male standards?
> I can't find jack shit about it online.
google harder

Sorry, I don't speak government dogs.

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Yea can i get extra salt on those fries?

>Can any of them actually pass male standards?
Yep. Not all of them obviously but its possible. In fact the amount of male soldiers who fail the pt test are surprising

> I can't find jack shit about it online.
You wont find accurate stats. Youll only find the standards. Numbers change all the time, google wont help ya there.

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Some women pass. I don't think any have made it through the Ranger course or anything but female bodies are almost as adaptable as male bodies in-general

A woman is physically capable of meeting the male standards but most of them don't (probably because there is a lower standard for women and most women DONT want combat roles)

12 females have passed Ranger school so far

>Can any of them actually pass male standards?
Clearly since they already do it. Are we done here with your dumb shit?

No experience with USA, but I’m. gonna tell you what I saw in the IDF. The IDF has brutally strict PT requirements, comparable to the USA.

They don’t give a shit who you are - your job is to fucking kill terrorists. They’re a serious fucking army.

Men and women are drafted equally into combat roles. They train the women to properly perform essentially the same physical tasks men can do. For example, Every woman needs to be able to pick up a 200lb man and carry (not drag) him to safety. They all succeed because they train them to do it properly.

Women need to be able to fight off a male attacker. This is why they teach them proper CQC and SF-style leaves mags.

Women need to be able to carry large loads long distances in sweltering weather. This is why they need to carry 90lb packs on their backs 150 miles in the desert sun.

I’m pretty sure the USA does similar shit. I just know the IDF chicks will absolutely fuck you up

It's a genuine question. Apparently the answer is some but not many. There is still the question of whether it's worth it to provide double the facilities when so few women can actually meet the standard - the real standard - not the special lady one. When I was in all the women were constantly walking around on profile while the men did PT.

An extremely low percentage of the women can pass the male standard. There are generally serious physical differences which make it very difficult for any woman to pass the male requirements

I am sure they could, however I have been out for 15 years and eat Doritos and work in a lab where I barely need to lift 50 lbs. When I was at the top of my game I am not so sure. From everything I have read and seen with my own eyes women in the military are constantly in one state of debilitating injury or another. And that was back before women were allowed in combat arms. What about pregnancy? That would be tough to be pregnant in a war zone.

Found the white knight


Is this thread for posting military women nudes?

Of course they can. PT is fucking easy as shit unless you are the fattest most retarded piece of shit in history.

That's what I'm here for


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Air Force fag detected

Just found this... is it militay thread ?

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Post away

Let them get shot.


No they cannot. I wouldn't want to be dying and have a female try to pick up my fucked up bod

But none of them passed with the same standards as men which is what we're talking about

Pedantic much?

She kinda remind me of the lead Singer from steklovata

>150 miles
Thats a feat, even for tier 1 personnel.
Try again?

Yeah, the muscular ones do. When I was in basic 20 years ago there were already bitches passing the PT no problem. Not the skinny 14yo fashion model girls you want to see naked, but the kind of girls who go in the military and don't take a desk job in admin, which is actually most fucking people who are in the military. Nevermind that, you want to identify a group of unfit fuckers trying to get out of poverty by joining the military, the fucking millenials are horrible. The fuckin joint chiefs just made a statement last week declaring the entire goddamn generation too fat and out of shape to even do a fucking situp, constituting an actual emergency for fucking recruitment. Good job you fat vidya playing turds. jesus fuck how do you expect to maintain this empire with a generation of fucking lazy slob programmers? You didn't go out side and play, you lost.

whamens or women or crossdressing anime trans pansexuals should not be allowed in

people, whoever they are... if they pass the bar, SHOULD be let in.

If the wrong kind of people are passing the bar, then it should be raised, but never make exceptions. Thats potentially worse then lowering the bar to that point for everyone.

Sure thing Moshe


The modern military man is a dog for the government. At best he's a welfare queen. I acknowledge the usefulness of the armed forces for losers, degenerates, and scum of our society, but don't pretend you are performing any great feat signing your life away for foreign interests.

You are a dog, and will likely die like one.

The US Army is currently overhauling it’s physical fitness standards. By sometime next year there will be a new test with one standard. There will be no male and female version and it will not vary with age. If you can meet that mark you are good enough, if you can’t, you aren’t. Pretty simple.

And yes women (who can meet the new standard) should be allowed to do combat jobs. In my first hand experience in the Army some females are turds, sure but so are many males. My unit is a combat unit and our few females are significantly more capable (mentally and physically) than many of our males. What sense would it make to ban all females from these jobs? You would have to turn away the great females (who can meet and exceed every standard) for pretty much no reason.

Pic unrelated

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If women can achieve the standards, that just means the standards are too low.

You say that but I know plenty of males who can’t meet the very same standards and we are already desperate for more people. If the standard were raised I don’t think there would be enough bodies for the organization to function. It’s a quality vs quantity problem and the current quantity is just too low to raise any standards.

Sure it sounds good to just raise the standards and and a few excellent people but that just doesn’t work.

Also I know several female soldiers who consistently go above the maximum score on the male fitness test.

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"Also I know several female soldiers who consistently go above the maximum score on the male fitness test."

That's the answer I was looking for.

And I know several males who can’t meet the minimum female score, too.

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