Yo guys seriously, why all the race baiting bullshit?

Yo guys seriously, why all the race baiting bullshit?

If you went to public school, you have interacted with a black person at least once in your life. They aren’t all what’s depicted on here, despite rap culture being trash.

Also what the fuck is up with the white guilt BBC cuck faggot shit? This shit is worse than the black hate. Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

This is not bait, just thoughts from a normie faggot who used to laugh his ass off during stupid shit like Habbo Hotel raids and I come back to Yea Forumsrowse 5 years later and it’s full of race baiting self hating cuck faggots.

What the fuck man?

Attached: DAB06365-E783-4FF1-9CAC-5EBEA4610633.jpg (640x853, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's spam.

Attached: pol_pls_2.jpg (1360x1888, 670K)

Once again, the problem is not on an individual basis, the problem is with averages

A FACT is that when a place becomes majority nonwhite, crime goes uo and infastructure turns to shit

Non whites (aside from japs and koreans) literally cannot maintain a society

So you can keep your pet niggers around and buddy around with them until one decides to play the knock out game or steal your phone, be my guest i dont give a fuck

However if the question wasnt "what about that one black guy at school" but rather "what if your entire neighborhood became black people" i think you'd realize the problem

The only people who dont hate nonwhites are those who have the privaledge of never having to live around them

Is this an example of it?

Correlation doesn’t equal causation. I interact with black people on a daily basis, I’ve never seen a majority black society though a few of the northern African nations seem decent enough.

I think you’re just being disingenuous

Attached: 2ea.jpg (500x400, 89K)

>these stories are fake
>the people posting them are paid to do it
>it's literally just spam
>the point is to keep you angry about shit you have no control over
>it keeps you angry and makes you feel an acute loss of control over your life
>then someone comes in with a redpill to tell you how you can hold power over this fiction
>but it's a fiction
>and it will never be

You say this but will never live in a black neighborhood

Fuck you, be real with yourself

Niggers can be ok sometimes, but I would never want one as a neighbor or fucking my sister

So stop.

I would if I had to. Rent is rough.

Probably likely, it doesn’t make me mad, only slightly worried. The cuck mindset is a fucking plague that seems to be spreading like wildfire round here

Hey man, sorry to hear about your experience on our nice Christian imahlgeboard. I'm here to clear some things up. We are OK with black people. We just hate niggers.


Grew up lower to mid middle class. Very integrated neighborhood and schools. No prejudice . Go to highschool with half us and half ghetto kids . Fuckin animals. Chicago kicks out projects and gives them bus tickets to suburbs. Section 8 housing explodes. Crime goes up, property values plummet. Old neighborhood looks like and literally is a crime ridden ghetto. Growing up would walk around at night. Now wouldn't walk around during day. It's more of a behavior thing and how you are raised then a skin color.

i'm sure plenty of good, smart, educated blacks.

if we criticized black culture, instead of black people, that'd be better and more defendable than discriminating on mere skin color.

Some morons came here and after a while, in regular newfag fashion, they tried to find whatever pushes people's buttons. They're just wasting their time on someone who wants to waste time

U poor kid drank the kool aid lmfao

>shave balls

>They aren’t all what’s depicted on here,

Sure they are once you get more than one of them together. They are the only race that once around their own kind, revert to a tribal behavior that takes over them and they cannot stop acting like dumbass niggers. Sure one on one you will find some that can be dealt with civilly, But once they gather, they all are the same. Shitty street ghetto shit-hop addicted niggers. They have collectively chosen a culture that will always make them the worst to deal with.


never forget

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