What is necessary to achieve a sustainable girlfirend redistribution system?

What is necessary to achieve a sustainable girlfirend redistribution system?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Destruction of big cities
>Complete rebuilld of the economic system to a local agricultural, semi-industrial model
>Limits on the number of partners
>Incentives to marriages and family
>gf redistribution to correct any anomaly

> people can opt in or opt out of enforced monogamy
> if they opt in they pay lower taxes and get free basic income from the govt
> marriage laws must first be overhauled so that men aren’t disadvantaged and family courts are fair
> in enforced monogamy people must be married to have sex, and if you get divorced you have to go through a 6 month waiting period where you are not allowed to have sex, this is to discourage people from getting married and then divorced for every hookup

Truly I pity you

Just to be clear, this is based on online dating and don't apply to the real world.

Religion, go join isis you fuckhead

fixing fucked up divorce laws would solve 50% of the problem. divorce means 50/50 on everything every time no matter who did what would be a great start.

There's no real solution though, its human nature to 1. think you're better than you actually are in looks, wealth, intelligence ect. and 2. choose the highest rated partner you can get. I mean come on, all other things equal do you want to be banging a 7 who makes minimum wage or a 7 who makes 100k a year?

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its not a problem when you're a chad at the top, in fact changing the system to not work the way it does would be detrimental for me.

I was thinking not in terms of looks only, but some kind o matchmaking AI. Information about you would bre cross checked with a nationwide database, selecting the best possible match. Then there would be fiscal incentives to get married and start a family.

take womens rigjts away

I'm not muslin, my country hasn't been at war in 100 years, so dying for the "greater good" is kind of hard right now.

its exists its called online dating.

>tfw 29 years old
>tfw women getting desperate
>tfw a shower and a shave qualifies me as a potential mating partner
>tfw the grocery store becomes a viable pick-up spot

it gets better user, around 25 they loosen up a bit, around 28 they're coming to terms with their "biological clock" and will gladly fuck up-front for the chance at a relationship.

Not necessarly. Would be better to kill the incentives for women to not get married/divorce/sleep around like
> Ban abortion/contraceptives
> Get rid of single mothers welfare
> Tax cuts for married couples with kids.
> Local agricultural economy

Something like that but improved with a better database

every 1-5 guy i know all think they deserve 10s. this whole post literally contradicts what it's trying to prove. you're a naive idiot if you believe any sort of infographic posted to this website

Save your pity for the colapsing western society and family.

guys think they deserve 10's, but most will gladly fuck a 4 in a pinch.

women think they deserve 10's and will pull a social fight-or-flight maneuver if there is a 4 trying to hit on them.

Free speech.

Protip: stop being such a beta faggot

>will gladly fuck a 4 in a pinch

the post is indicating a change in "girlfriend distribution", not who will fuck what. i've seen women who are 10s bang 4s for money. there you go, same thing. these arguments are weak

Spoken like a true 4.


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physically impossible, the destruction of all alphas which is not only impossible but would result in the death of the human race as only the worst genetics remain
>fixing fucked up divorce laws would solve 50% of the problem. divorce means 50/50 on everything every time no matter who did what would be a great start.
how about nobody gets anything from anybody which is how it should be in a country where women have equal rights with men, you keep what you own and if you paid for it, it's yours

What you conveniently leave out is that women who are 4s, will fuck 4s all the time.

Men who complain about this bullshit are ALWAYS (not usually, ALWAYS) unattractive men who refuse to lower themselves to unattractive women.

Hint: “unattractive” means “unattractive.” It does not mean “perfect pornstar body with slightly weird facial features.”

just like in the old times, when men were men and just refused to date/marry a non-virgin woman.

Date whoever you fucking want m8,as long as its 2 consenting adults who the fuck cares?Dont be mad your an incel,just git gud at dating.

Threads like this make me wish the right to vote required proof that you’ve actually gotten laid by the time you’re 25.


Average girl: Limitless chad dick
Average guy: Gets cucked by his girl and her limitless chad dick

Right, better have a colapsed western society full of single mothers with the government barely being able to pay welfare than create a sustainable system that helps new families.

You are not free in date game if the game is rigged.

>implying that incels have the emotional and mental maturity to raise a family

>women who are 4's will fuck 4's

the existence of this thread shows that this is non-typical. don't you think if "just hit on the ugly women" was a winning strategy, word would have gotten around? The ugly women say no because they're used to being hit on as a 3rd or 4th option, and they're saving themselves for a (Chad) who will see past their flawed appearance and realize their inner beauty.

This is not how it works. What you’re describing is the perspective of men who only pay attention to the women who are 6-7 or above. They start thinking a 7 is really a 4.

The real 4 never crosses his mind, because she’s invisible to him. Just another ugly chick. He doesn’t understand that she is equal to him in physical attractiveness.

And the strategy HAS gotten around. That’s how ugly men have reproduced for the last several million years. That’s why there are still ugly people today.

I would surely not raise a wimp like you.

yup you got it right, every single solitary user on this board jerking off to 2D animals and crying 24/7 about relationships, just haven't thought to ask an ugly bitch. FOH.

As a 2 myself I disagree. A woman that is a 4 can score a 8 easily. Men don`t give a shit, and they don't judge other men by hooking up with ugly women.

>that's how ugly men have reproduced for millions of years
>millions of years


you say "jerking off to 2d animals" and "crying 24/7 about relationships" as though these are traits that any woman would look for in a potential mate. the problem is not with women, it's with you thinking you deserve something that you dont.

>the real 4 never crosses his mind
on a board full of teenagers and young adults, you're really out here implying that there's no 4's with a fat ass or big tits

You don’t get to pick and fucking choose. Holy shit. Unsuccessfully hitting on 1-2 ugly chicks does not mean stop. It means you need to hit on more chicks and learn how to not do it like an idiot.

This is the fucking problem. It’s not your looks. It’s your shit attitude. You don’t seen to understand how much women value having a good attitude. This is why Elliot Roger couldn’t get laid. He was an objectively good looking man, but he somehow believed that his good looks made up for a toxic attitude. They didn’t for him, and they don’t for you.

Keep practicing.

First you get rejected by 50 ugly chicks.

Then you realize what aspects of a conversation make her like you.

Then you might fuck 1/20 ugly chicks.

Then you keep refining your conversation and attitude, and soon you’re fucking all the ugly chicks, and you can move up to 5s.

That’s how it works for EVERYONE.

You know why we get mad at you incels? Because we normal-looking dudes had to put in the WORK to get laid. You fuckers don’t even try and have the gall to complain. You’re looking for the easy way out. Fuck you, put in the work and learn some social skills and maturity. It’s how you become a better man


Femanon is triggered

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correlation does not imply causality, retard. the 2D girls and crying online about relationship come AFTER the social failure. Or are you saying that dudes are crying online about relationships without trying to get into one?? assclown.

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The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
Join the server because the server is pilot of SHIT
Why the FUCK you not there yet , why you did'n'?!'t joined this server yet?
Flat earth server for flat earthers(me u and US), You can even bring on your Jenni pet...
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Shitpost with us and share your flat earth believe's with us

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You are fucking insane whiteknight

>implying I'm an incel with no evidence whatsoever

>Be this guy
>Believes I'm a 25yo virgin for the lack of trying
>Do you also tell depressed people to "just cheer up"?

If you believe in capitalism or free markets, the answer is right in front of you

Compete more and better you faggots.

Kys whiteknight. Women deserve to be held in captivity and only used for breeding and sexual pleasure

ITT : incel virgins persuading themselves they're victims

>trying to get into a relationship

this is the problem, people look at relationships as though it doesn't matter what partner you have, as long as there is a relationship there. relationships form between people who bond over a variety of things. but you think you should just be able to tell someone you're attracted to that you're in a relationship and that's it. they're two way streets my man, if you aren't developing relationships with people it's because you view them as generic and not a specific bond between two specific people.

just chill and stop being so weird about the whole thing and women won't run away from you when you start talking

But why not hold the retards and other unwanted men in captivity also?

stop feeling sorry for yourself

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Spoken like a true virgin

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No, but I tell depressed people that if they’re eating a strict diet of fast food and not exercising, they don’t have a right to complain about being depressed, because they’re not even trying to help themselves.

I went to a state engineering college. I knew ALOT of the ugliest men you’ll ever meet. They didn’t make a lot of money after college (engineering doesn’t pay like people think it does). But they all started getting laid in college and after because they went out and socialized, and didn’t act like shit heads.

And if you’re on the internet calling for “girlfriend redistribution,” then no, you’re not a nice guy. No, you’re not mature. No, you don’t deserve to reproduce. You are a waste of life, the laziest, most disgusting type of man there is - the type who puts in no effort and still demands that His every desire be provided for - to the point of forcibly demanding that it be taken away from those who worked for it.

That is the point my friend, you said it YOU ARE NORMAL LOOKING, You had the skills/opportunity to develop your datting game.
Working hard means nothing if you are a peasant in north korea

>it's another "I'm right because I implied you're bad with women" post.

I've been in a stable loving relationship for longer than you've been using the internet.

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lol your posts are pretty good evidence

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how could you possibly know that? who is the one making assumptions now? another

>i'm right because i put you down in some way

fucking hypocrite lolol

Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, if women don’t want to fuck you, then your genes aren’t worthy of being passed on?

Women in most species are the gatekeepers of the gene pool, and thus sex. They’re evolutionarily programmed to find the best genes.

And it’s not even that hard to be selected for. >80% of men manage to reproduce. If you can meet that very low bar, then why do I want your shit genes poisoning my species’ gene pool?

>Don't have a right to complain about being depressed

I'm finishing my engineering now, and didn't get laid once.

what a fallacy

>appeal to my authority because it makes all other experiences invalid

fucking retard

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I think about this everyday

Get off Yea Forums to start

>someone mentioned their experience therefore it's an appeal to authority.

its a counterexample kiddos.

a counterexample trying to prove someone incorrect when really all you were doing was making an editorial comment and stating an unrelated fact

you are not as smart as you think you are


Hey fags, take a look at the numbers. Girlfriend distribution has already happened. Way back in the day powerful men monopolized most of the women. Then monogamy came along and made things relatively even. Hate to break it to you, but you are playing on easy mode right now. If you can't cope them maybe your genes shouldn't be passed along anyways.

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>And if you’re on the internet calling for “girlfriend redistribution,” then no, you’re not a nice guy. No, you’re not mature. No, you don’t deserve to reproduce. You are a waste of life, the laziest, most disgusting type of man there is - the type who puts in no effort and still demands that His every desire be provided for - to the point of forcibly demanding that it be taken away from those who worked for it.

>relationship status is irrelevant to a thread about relationships

ask me how I know you don't have a clue what you're talking about

Eradicate vain social media

If LinkedIn was as popular as FaceBook we would live in a very different world


Hyper radicalization at years of oppression are the only reason a woman would even think about touching you.

i'm also in a loving relationship. you assume there are truths that only you are aware of based on your specific experience and i am telling you you do not have absolute authority in this domain strictly based on what you've experienced in your life

tl;dr you're wrong but you think you should be unchallenged because of your experience aka appeal to authority

this guy gets it

Like With everything else, the Internet makes people honest.

cool story bro I didn't know you could jump into my thoughts and tell me what I think and don't think. feel free to quote me where I use my experience as evidence for a claim

you posted about it. i don't need to read your thoughts when i can read your posts, they ARE your thoughts user. or you're replying to a conversation you're not a part of. either way you are a retard

feel free to roll through with a quote if you're so sure i've made an appeal to authority.

This proves my theory that anti abortion men are small dicked, insecure, manlets.

>I've been in a stable loving relationship for longer than you've been using the internet.

therefore i'm wrong? or what? what was the purpose of this statement if not to appeal to your authority?

>every mention of personal experience is an appeal to authority
it's a simple counter-example against
have you taken a logic course or did you just read a pinterest post about logical fallacies and put on your jumping shoes?

so you finished his claim for him and then called it flawed... which is a strawman, congratulations.


Well, all of that is true, your point being?
Pointing out my flaws is not an argument.

Make a decent pro choice argument, I already know whats wrong with me.

theres so much truth here
how can we get our shit back? as individuals

my pp not wet coz waminz not stay in duh kichen

i have no gf coz it’z evry1 elz fault

Lol, obvious roastie femanon. If you don't want kids, don't open your legs

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How dare you.
I am an insecure manlet with I'd say average penis, but in no way I would ever be an anti-abortion ass.

If you want a big dick, go fuck any nigger out there, just don't make me pay for your welfare when he beats you up and leave.

lmfao stop bitching about the system, work the system. buy 5k instagram followers, spread their follows out over a few months. when you see a girl you like, ask if you can exchange instagram handles. faking social capital is easier today than it ever has been, and you can pay women for sex using it.

thank you.

Men are waking up. You succubi will no longer be able to manipulate us and you will all be put on a leash.

And FYI, that fetus you aborted could've done so much better in life than you could've done being the town bicycle

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Your options:
1. Stop being ugly.
2. Lower your standards and date someone ugly.
3. Realize that you don't need a relationship to be a happy or complete person.

Men who get sex don't get jealous of the other men that do. Only incels are mad about other men fucking.

Thank you to one of the few non retards itt

Why would you want any of it? If you were no more capable of thought than your ancestors, then by all means, keep repeating their awful cultural patterns.

The rest of us are developing the technology that makes them irrelevant.

You went off the rails about halfway down and will end up with the same shit we have now.

Brazil & the Spice Islands upon Magellans arrival is the right model. Sex is not confused with love. Marriage is for love only, and there's no possessiveness of other people. Everyone is free to fuck anyone they want whenever, with no significance paid to it beyond it being another form of exercise, everyone helps provide for all the kids anyway so you're not financially indentured and your family isn't on the brink of destruction if your job goes to shit, and then some fucking incestuous filthy animal cohabitator from a far off land arrives and spreads his diseases and wipes out your culture and enlsaves the rest of you like a total dick for no reason. Except instead of spain it'll be China. ...which is inevitable anyway, so you might as well enjoy a little free love in the meantime before your stunted family line is replaced by asians and their robots.

You must have had some unusually easy family life. Generally, families are shit, a bunch of miserable assholes who if you had any choice, you wouldn't otherwise talk to or deal with whatsoever. The last fucking thing anyone in their right mind would promote is more of that kind of societal structure. Fuck families. Use your brain and choose the people you spend time with, don't just settle for whatever shit you were born into because welp, gee, its um my tribe... mindless ape.

This man speaks the truth.

If you have a good body and nice style, it becomes even easier.

t. had sex with 20 dif women last summer when single and some begging for longterm relationship

Fuck families. And now we wonder why is everything falling appart.
A mindless ape runs free doing what it whishes and pleases. A slave to pleasure and vice.
A man takes compromize in holding tradition and family together, carrying civilization through the centuries.

there are likeminded people who believe in tradition, really, all you have to do is find them. but don’t expect others to follow as well. not everyone wants the same things or finds happiness the same way as you. people will do whatever they want, fuck whoever they want. you just gotta deal with it or, like, i dunno, move to north korea. i’ve heard traditions are respected very strongly there.

[spoiler] nigger [/spoiler]