I need to commit suicide but have failed three previous attempts...

I need to commit suicide but have failed three previous attempts. I'm too sick to work and feel like I already lost my soul after a traumatic ward experience. I'm also regretting ever starting testosterone. It has been suppressing my immune system and while I was at one of the wards, I stuck my fingers in my ears and since then I don't feel or hear things as vividly. I used to be able to hear the child locks on the energy drink machines. Everyone where I go for therapy is kind of my enemy and my shrink has me stuck on geodon to control my autistic bipolar symptoms. I originally picked it as a sleep med because it's the only antipsychotic that doesn't cause restless limbs but it's ruining my ability to handle simple tasks and is slowly killing my heart. I had a fling the winter of 2017 before I tried to kill myself with a bottle of valium then took a bus across the country to pursue some guy I used to be in love with in high school. Last year when I had my own apartment that I got working the shelter system, I was gonna do it with fentanyl but chickened out after one of my friends talked me out of it. I only did a little bit and threw the rest away. I used to be beautiful and talented before I started this tranny nonsense. I don't have a future of any sort to look forward to and it's all my fault. I should have listened to you guys when I made a thread about it and you warned me not to do it. My body is ruined and I don't have what it takes to ever recover and be in love again. My capacity to feel love is gone because I've made a mess of my body. I don't have a heart or soul left to give anyone. I don't have access to deadly prescriptions like ambien anymore. I don't think my doctor would prescribe me that in my current living situation. I had a letter in ink from the hospital saying I did better on on seroquel and klonopin but lost it before I moved in. Is it possible to track that down? Otherwise, how long would it take a bottle of Tylenol to kill me?

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I recently got denied disability. My dad probably lied to them about my ability to work and my case worker hadn't sat down and helped me re apply. I think she doesn't like me. I owe Sprint like $285.33 by the 13th because the old man I was with transferred this device to me while I was acting like an idiot and don't have it and have to spend what I have left on a new phone and have my parents sponsor the bill like I'm a child again. I recently found out I have cervical cancer too. I feel so bored and trapped at the mental home. If I die out here, my mom is going to have me cremated and sent to the family plot in Ohio but I want to be buried in a coffin. I've been gone from home so long that most of my friends aren't interested in helping me. This place feels like a dead end and I know I'm not going to get better.

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no one cares faggot. you are egocentric

Just get out there, walk until you reach the sea. Sit there for a while and try to get your mind calm. If u still feel like suicide just swim into the open sea until your muscles get sore. There’s no way back then..

mate, you need to tell this kind of stuff to a trained professional, not randos on Yea Forums. seriously, make an appointment with a psychologist asap

Out of curiosity, where are you from?

New Mexico

I'm currently in Philadelphia and hate it.

honestly cant tell if woman or guy hahahaha

I'm a chick who experimented with testosterone.