What insights into reality and the the meaning of life have you discovered through your journey of reading, meditation...

What insights into reality and the the meaning of life have you discovered through your journey of reading, meditation, and perhaps psychedelics?

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1. You are god, the void, playing "infinite existence".
2. Time is an illusion. Every moment exists on its own (just like a page of a book keeps existing, even if you read through it).
3. Separateness is an illusion
4. Creation is polar
5. Opposites imply each other
6. Existence has no aim. It is its own purpose

7. Most importantly: The Dao is beyond comprehension.

sources (excerpt): Plato, Rene Descard, Satre, Alan Watts, Lao Zu, Buddha, Jesus, Einstein, Modern physics (relativity, quantum phenomena, M-Theory, etc.) , Mystical experience triggered by LSD

The universe is recursive and you're definitely ignoring processing some experience right now. Sub to pewdiepie

That meditation is pretentious garbage that does nothing and drug abusers are the dumbest fags in the world were among the first of mine. Each new experience with such people further strengthens these convictions.

If you are waiting for a method or teaching without dumb people, you are in for a disappointment.

Btw if you did meditation with the aim to achieve something, you did it wrong. Meditation is the one aimless doing, where you just exist.

To love whomever there is around to be loved.

Double double trouble and bubble

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Intuition is a sort of detector, not a compass to navigate life with.

Eyes show you the timbre of someone's life.

Money is a drug that can give you almost any emotion on the spectrum, and it can destroy your life if you prioritize money like an addict with heroin.

Drugs are not an escape, they are tools to fine tune your conciousness. They can be misused and tragic, or appreciated enough to temper your internal environment (see stoicism).

Magic is the end game of science.

That there is no objective meaning of life, it's up to you to find your own meaning, and most people's "insights" into reality are bullshit.

That we are insignificant. There is no meaning. There is no anything more.

There is no moral, there is no justice.

You are litterally the center of creation. Isnt that something?

He isn't though. Neither are you.

We are not even in the center of our galaxy...

holy shit that's exactly what i think of from time to time but never come to a formulated list of some sorts like you did. thanks.

Thanks for sharing.
I can so relate to 1,2(especially) 3, and 5.

I don't understand the rest, and I don't think someone will be able to explain them to me.
I feel like it's something I need to discover on my own just like the other four.

You need to read a book or two on spiral dynamics.
I believe everyone has the potential to grow a stage or two in a relatively short amount of time, if they allow themselves to.

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He is. As well as I am and you are, of course. Life is only matter in a funny arrangement. Matter is just a specific arrangement of energy. All energy comes out of one source (in current scientific worldview: the big bang). So all things in this universe are just rearrangements of the one source. Sometimes a sun, sometimes a stone, sometimes an organism.

Some say, the most romantic finding of physics is "we are stardust". Why stop there? In the same sense we are "the source". Separation of things is a temporal illusion.

If I were forced to prescribe a goal to meditation, the closest thing I'd go with is: the goal of the practice is to be able to perform the practice.
You only gain the fruits of practice as a side effect of not pursuing them.
It's sort of like Ouroboros eating its own tail.

"2nd being" sounds like faggotry

This is the faggiest shit I've ever seen. KYS.

>You are god, the void, playing "infinite existence"
This is what I slightly experienced after taking 4 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms. It still remains the main source of my suffering.

Concepts like solipsism and words like loneliness do not do justice the negative feels I had, and still have. The human brain is so fucked. So much potential for so much suffering. What in the fucking hell is wrong with all of this.

It's not a stage that's better or worse than any other.It just means that those people have a different kind of perspective on the dynamics of people and their relation to one another.

Trips of existentialism

What you describe is called "the pit of the void" (ibuddhism), "dark night of the soul" (st. john of the cross, a christian mystic) or maybe a spiritual emergency (term coined by Stansilav Grov).

I´ve gone through it myself. The "I am god" idea gets framed as solipsism, derealization and spiritual suffering because of "infinite existence". But I am much much better now, so let me try to help you:

1. Creation is polar, which means opposites imply each other. Where there is suffering there will always be joy at some point. The human brain has as much potential for joy than for suffering (and mostly you find yourself in the middle). Look at the sign Yin-Yang for further understanding.

2. Dont confuse your human concepts (like loneliness) with your formless identity (cosmos/god/dao/void/whatever). Solipsism feels bad for a human. But at the same time as a human you have others, that are not "you", in the human sense. You need a "you" to have an "I", so they even create you, as you create them. The void is a solipsist, but doesnt suffer from it. In your human form you want other human beings to exists - and they do. Its perfectly matched.

All points of view have a kernel of truth to them.
No exceptions.

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Lust is a drug. Hunger, loniliness, boredom, fatigue, they are all a drug. Making reasonable decisions under the influence of drugs, is a skill, like drunken boxing.

I should have done more drugs when I was younger.

Like others here, Allan Watts's Daoism make sense to me and kept me at peace. He explain stuff very well in his lecture.


Hermeticism is peak philosophy

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thanks for sharing

The other peice of advice is what the men of wisdom gave to kiing solomon for all situations and tbh it helps me out alot

"And this too, shall pass".

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congratulations, this literally means nothing lmao

try to be happy and honest to other humans
everything else is bonus

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Principle assertions of Entropic Phronesis

1) What ought to be is what will be, because all events are deterministic at our scale of study. [ethical determinism]

2) Existence of Life can be explained through the study of [Thermodynamics].

3) Life feeds on gradients of energy and produces entropy. [2nd law]

4) If Entropy production is possible then it is what happens and is what ought to happen. [2nd law, ethics]

5) Death yields freedom for the possibility of greater entropy producers. [evolution via Natural selection]

6) Happiness, pleasure, and the absence of pain is selected for naturally, maintaining Life and its entropy production. [Epicureanism] [Natural selection]

7) Industry, in addition to physical activity, also generates entropy. (human created systems)

8) It is good for a single greater entropy-producing new process to take the place of an older less entropy-producing one. [phronesian-ethics] (definition of progress)

9) No single type of process is the "best"; the existence of multiple different ways of achieving the same goal defines the higher entropy-producing processes. [statistical non-equilibrium thermodynamics] (why diversity is important)

We need a new category bellow all of them for you now

>Reading - There's always more to the story than you think.
>Meditation - Your mind is too large to comprehend
>Psychedelics - Just try to be better

If you never had a mystical experience this is out of your comprehension. You neither understand the problem (eternal solipsism), nor the solution (partial re-identification with current persona).