I'm thinking about visiting a trap escort for the first time (pic relate, her)

I'm thinking about visiting a trap escort for the first time (pic relate, her).

Any first-time advice?
Stories of your first experience?

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What is the fuss around traps all about?

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They're faggots with tits..

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So you've been with one? Speaking out of experience?

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Last one of her

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Jesus christ that fuck-me-outfit/heels

They want it bareback a lot. Don’t go raw, they carry gonarhea in their butts without knowing

They’re great at taking pictures. Never as hot in person but still fuckable usually. Thransexuals are compulsive liars, and are desperate for validation from straight men. Can be a lot of fun, never let them cum before you. That’s when you realize wow they’re all just dudes. They have no sex drive anymore after cumming and will suddenly not give a shit about your hard cock