These gay cunts need their own board, am I the only one who hates seeing 50 dick threads a day?
These gay cunts need their own board, am I the only one who hates seeing 50 dick threads a day?
They must be banned.
Why are you looking at dick threads
They do have their own board. We just need to make them understand that.
>these gay cunts need their own board
they have one
it's called Yea Forums faggot
We need to spam straight stuff over all the gay. It would be a full time war
Makes me wish we could democratically vote in just one mod who would ban everyone for a day and follow a good old scorched earth policy
No its not. Retard there are boards for their kind and its certainly not here. This is the reason quality has gome down.
Yea Forums has become a board for bi sexuals/ gays at this point.
Or just ban the fags
if only i could suck myself
you can't ban a poster. you can only ban their IP address, and they can disconnect and change that. this means someone else picks up their ip and can't post here.
it's spam bots with 4chin passes dude
Why are you so afraid of gay people? I know you've been raised to hate them, but, I assume, you're not in that environment anymore.Just stop looking at dicks if it upsets you. You don't need to look at every dick thread.
A faggot board still needs to be made to contain it. Just like what happened to the ponyfags
Because they are constantly providing evidence that they’re sick in the head
Yeah wtf do we even allow fur on here
Because mods are fury faggots
Wow this place is cursed
exists for rating and shit...
dickr8 posters have always been newfags, they don't even know that other boards exist.
there's a difference between afraid and disgusted.
i'd rather watch gore than see two fags kissing or holding hands in public
They're here as part of a Reddit/Stormfront thing.
The FB / IG threads have to go to. As soon as they are made they already have 50+ pics. Someone is up to something shady with those threads, don't know what yet though.
this. tried spidey'ing one as soon as it was created. was almost impossible to keep up.
I posted hentai in one but there's at least 2 people constantly dumping in each thread
They’s called /soc/. But replies on /soc/ is slow as hell(when compared to the traffic and popularity of Yea Forums) so they post it here for quicker replies. I’ve see the “Secrets” thread posted in /Soc/ and there’s like 15 min windows in between each post, where as Yea Forums it’s no less than 3 min between replies.