ITT your job and whether you enjoy it or not
ITT your job and whether you enjoy it or not
22 y/o, software developer, mainly webapps
Not enjoying it atm but maybe cause company is shitty
I work the door at a strip club.
Meh... pays the bills. I'm also desensitized to erotic dancing and various stages of undress.
ever got to beat someone up? always wondered what it was like being a bouncer
> "... your job ..." ;
..... retired and independently wealthy
> "... and whether you enjoy it ...";
..... yes, very much so. However, I should add that I have always enjoyed life - even during those times when I have been gainfully employed doing what many people might believe to be tedious work.
Worked it for years, so yeah. I roughed up a few. When people get a little too worked up and-or drunk, they get stupid brave. I'm really good at doing as little hurt as possible while escorting them out.
I'm really good at spotting weapons too. First thing I do when someone is armed and starting crap is reach right to where they are hiding it and take it off them.
One guy managed to fire a gun, got me mad enough to beat him down with it. Ears ringing for over a day.
>Only 4 posters ITT
This is a samefag.
its surprisingly alright, its hard when it gets really busy, but i really like it when it goes smoothly
ah so that's what the 3rd number means?
What is the 4th number?
none and no
fuck yeah
> " (You) "
> " Only 4 posters ITT "
> " This is a samefag. "
..... wrong
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< this was the only one that I posted
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
< not posted by me
I have referenced every earlier post in this thread and you will see in a moment (when I post a screenshot of this post) that I only posted one of those posted above, as indicated by the
> "... < not posted by me ..." ;
and by the [You] that shows in the screenshot
Pepe Oldfag Wizard
▲ ▲
Only one got a [You]
Pepe Oldfag Wizard
▲ ▲
HVAC, I love it, but it's not for everyone.
20yo Merchant Marine Engineer. It's a pretty cool job, pays very well and's also crafty which is what I wanted since a child. I don't dislike it, but definitely has its downs, mainly the fact that I'm so far from home for too long
Fucking retard forgot to turn the image. Well guess you will have to snap your heads then
Looks like your near the equator in this pic.
Correct. The pic might have been taken at Melaka Straight near Malaysia
Trust me, it's mostly boring. I regret having no real education. At least I was able to pay my daughter's college tuition and books.
careful with that edge
>Love it
unemployed (learning to code). hate it(being unemployed, not coding).
Kitchen staff.
Crypto day trader
I love it but my family is pressuring me to do something else.
yea cus u probably suck XD XD XD
Plumber: Really fucking enjoying it. Making a lot of money and only work 30 hours a week. Learn a trade fags.
Unemployed but selling audio related stuff on my storefront.
I make next to nothing, but still happy since I enjoy audio.
I learned a couple of trades, roofing, and siding as well as other home-improvement tidbits. Seasonal work. That's why I settled for lower pay all-year money. Good for you on your choice. Smart move.
It's the best, except for the lack of money, obviously.
Machinist - Pay is good, and i like it.
I'm a tax accountant, and I think it's fucking great.
Motivating people.
I hate it.
Process engineer for a chemical plant. ( chemical engineer) fukkin love it. Pay amazing
I'm a pensioner, nice living standard, but I'm getting bored.
I shall have to find some sort of work to both socialise and add to my skillset.
Pic unrelated
Assuming you're not that young of a pensioner, how do you not have anything to do yet?
heavy machinery operator: mining trucks, cranes, trucks etc. pretty good working there, I’m in Australia in the mines so I fly out there, stay for about 6 months, and fly back. Since there’s little places to spend your money you come back absolutely loaded with cash. Until you fly out in another 2 or 3 months. I like the lifestyle and enjoy the work and money, I’m pretty content with my job
>educating the newfags
Might aswell make one for reverse image search then.
You can literaly hover over the numbers and it will tell you what it stands for.
I'm somewhat mentally ill, various anxieties and a rather heavy dose of PTSD - it hampers my ability to leave my home. I force myself to go shopping daily, it breaks me out in a cold sweat, but I do it on principle.
It does leave me rusty in the social skills.
We must help those unable to think for themselves - perhaps it'll make them think better next time?
That sounds enormously pleasant and satisfying.
Work wherein you can physically see results and a lot of spare time.
Alright makes sense, hardly anyone that doesn't have to fight with atleast one thing in life.
But you're doing fine as it seems.
Plenty of options for sure.
That's kind of a Jordan Peterson type of thinking.
To a certain extend certainly viable but on the other hand, getting everything served on a silver plate will develop further idiocy which eventually you won't be able to fix with any logic.
Expert witness/consultant analyst...basically I analyze shit so a dude thirty years my senior can use it to testify in court.
Pays six figures, and the work is interesting, but we’ve been busy as fuck and the work/life balance has
been unbalanced for the last few months.
I think I like it, but may have a different perspective in a few years.
Everybody has something in life, an invisible burden, a deep sorrow etc. Which is why we must treat each other with honesty and kindness, there's no justice, there's just us. If we can't help each other, then what are we for?
I don't know who Jordan Peterson is, but I think you're needlessly misanthropic vis a vis the naïvety of the thoughtless and the young. Help them, but be direct and point out that it'd make life better if they also applied themselves.
Another pic unrelated.
It’s oretty good, I started out when I was younger in the construction industry because I liked seeing physical results, I used to be a plumber. But I realised I loved machines and in the mines there was a big variety of them, I got lucky and scored a job there. The only drawback is (apart from being far away from friends and family for long amounts of time) is that there’s little social interaction, reintegrating back into the city life when going back is hard sometimes
You're not dumb at all user.
You are a rarity too I hope you know that.
Didn't say you were altogether wrong, but if you start helping people chew their food they might demand from you that you digest it for them tomorrow.
I've seen it happen over and over.
Oh, btw... I don't like the word "bouncer". That word makes us sound like meatheads. Okay, I and one other coworker with the same job are not meatheads, and most people who take this job are meatheads... just call us "security". Thanks in advance Yea Forumsro.
If you could do to it 50/50 you'd have more time to build a social rythm before vanishing back to the mines? At any rate, best of luck user.
Thanks man, what do you mean by do to it 50/50 though
and out of interest, do you use any drugs? Steroids? Recreational?
Thank you user.
That is true, I've seen the lazier people just sink like so much sediment into their couches (or mental equivalents) and live the life of least resistance. It makes for stupid people - but if we push people, or point out where and when their mental laziness becomes embarrassing, most will give things an extra thought. People are on the whole decent, and they DO know when they're being silly. They only get away with it if nobody around points it out.
I build bikes. Not motorcycles but mountain and BMX bikes. I also build other stuff. The pay is really good and the dudes I work with for the most part are really chill, so yeah, I enjoy it.
Six months of work, six months of off-time. Like those oil rig workers.
>At least I was able to pay my daughter's college tuition and books
You're a good man, dude.
Energy drinks, B vitamins, and excessive protein. I'm not a meathead. As for recreational, I drink. Sometimes I do coke before sex. I have antibiotics in reserve in case of a really bad situation.
>learning to code
Kek, and what have you learned so far? HTML? HTML isn't a programming language, just so you know.
Never condemn your kid to a life like yours. I'm not really a good dude, I am just doing the best I can to be a good dad. I have to. Her mom left years ago.
Nobody likes you Chris.
I work at a Laser tag place. Pretty good job, pays a little more than minimum in my state. Coworkers are cool as fuck, and when we aren't busy all we do is fuck around
Ah I see, I’d love to but unfortunately I can’t really choose my hours it’s fly in- fly out as I’m needed
Such is life - I trust you'll make it work.