Just had a text fight with my gf over abortion. I was roasting women who get abortions and brag about it...

Just had a text fight with my gf over abortion. I was roasting women who get abortions and brag about it, women who essentially have no remorse about killing their infant son or daughter and use abortion as a crutch to be whores. I was saying how it should be a shameful thing to do. Then she whipped out the fact that her mother had had 2 abortions and was really depressed afterward. I had to throw the white flag there. It was over. I tried to backpedal but it wasn’t very effective. We were supposed to meet up and have sex tomorrow but now she says she’ll “think about it”.
What are my chances Yea Forums

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Let her chill out. There's no way to talk them down when they're pissed off and moody.

Also, post her tits.

next time send her this

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You aint gettin no fuck lmao. Rip

You were in the right user. Girls are indoctrinated into thinking murdering babies is ok. They rage hard when they're shown how fucked up that is. But raep, but my body my choicereeeeeee!!! Meh, fuck em.
Best to keep your mouth shut in future if you want pussy. Let her think what she wants, you know you are moral one here.

They aren’t all keepers. I found myself a nice girl against abortion, but now she’s in Russia on a summer study program with me best friend. She told me she wanted to take a break early today. I really felt like she was the one and it really feels bad man.

> i didnt know that
> that always seems to be the case

looks like you fucked up many times before

She's messed up because she knows her mom could've easily had her killed. She's trying to work that out in her head. You'll never win this one. Just bow out and never talk of it again. Also, don't backpedal, fastest way to get a woman to lose all respect in you. Good luck OP.

Nigga just get your pussy and shut ur mouth jesus

In Mexico, we call these people trash.

Like if you have an abortion or a gay sexual encounter for money you would just be trash.

It is not your job to deal with a brainwashed woman. For all we know you could have dodged a bullet.

PUA will tell you that you judging her mother is good. So is having a high moral ground. The sooner these kind of people are out of her life the better. Again, THEN I would be the one explaining to you what a mandilón is.

It says right there in my Facebook I'm catholic. As for relationships I'm not taking ANY shit whatsoever that's what I'm known for.

I like you even more Catholicanon. Will look out for you in Heaven in 80 years time. Let's have a beer together then.

youre a dumbfuck if you think women use abortions to be whores. its good you wont be fucking her since stupid shits like you shouldnt have a chance to reproduce

In the rest of the world, we call mexico trash.

Jesus. The faggotry is strong here. How can you expect pussy and vilify the act of eliminating the potential mistake? Get her knocked up and you'll be whistling a different tune.

What are the chances if we saw that whole convo, that we'd find you misrepresenting the abortion stance you actually conveyed to her
You dont have to reply to this, but just think about why you did that

Apparently she was cool enough with the first to kill a second. This shit is why I only date traps. Women have no hearts. My advice is dump the XX demons.

>women who brag about abortions
You really don't get out much do you?

I don't get pussy but I got opinions on abortion. Don't break up with her just cause some no pussy faggot agrees with you but eh, fuck the fact her mom got two abortions. If my dad raped somebody and you're openly anti rape, is pulling out that emotional bullshit justifying it anymore than it already wasn't? She is woman, and it seems like she's pulling out the shame card women love to pull. Women love to shame and humiliate, belittle, anything that puts them in the position of power, or maybe I'm just a fag but those are just my two cents man

The opinions of brown "people" are irrelevant.

alright, maybe “brag” isn’t the right word.
Women who say “having an abortion is the best decision I’ve ever made!”
Because people actually say that.

Because having a child is the worst decision you can make until you have enough money and time and a successful marriage to not produce an absolute fuck up of a person

To save yourself from disaster Text her this:

“I’m hope to God the apple fell VERY VERY far from the tree in your case. I’m a NOT going to have my baby MURDERED by a psychopath. When the time comes for children, mine are going to LIVE and I would LAY MY FUCKING LIFE DOWN FOR THEM”

Then ghost her. Better luck next time. She is ok with it and your kid could be next cab off the rank to as a sacrifice to Molock.

You ignorant fucks make me ashamed of being Mexican. Go get fucked by your priests, and get that good holy spirit in you. You fucking religious fags who want to "save" the baby can't even fucking support yourselfs.

I know most of the people here are trolling, LARPing about conservative talking points but are actually kissless virgins. But I honestly hope every single one of you fags who disagrees on abortion gets a chick pregnant in your senior year of high school, then has two more, and ends up being a suicidal asshole working in a fucking car wash for $8 per hour plus some jew coins for tips. Every day, forever.

This is what happens when you walk around preaching your fucking stupid moral superiority. Just consider for a second that what other people do is none of your fucking business you insecure bible thumping cunt.

so many pathetic virgins in here

they'd have to actually get laid first

Or to put it in /pol/ terms; do you want niggers? Cuz this is how you get niggers.

Of course abortion is okay. You are a fucking faggot for thinking it isn't.
And you are a faggot for fighting with your gf over something so retarded


OP is retarded

pic related

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conservanon getting cucked hard

you deserve to not get any pussy.

if her mom wouldnt be able to take care of those kids what would have become of her? will you take care of the orphan kids or what?

i really wonder what you gonna do when you have a kid and you wont be able to take care of it.

When you stop being a boy and become a man you learn that no one cares or finds it impressive when you're that crass. Of course abortions are mostly bad but you don't fucking say it. Have some restraint in what you say while maintaining confidence. Life is just a fucking game. Learn the rules or get fucked like you just did. Or didn't since she ain't fucking you tomorrow.

lol getting dicked by other guys

You seem the emotional equivalent of a 12 year old. Get wise and learn a thing or two before you form your extremist viewpoints.

It doesn't matter what they're "indoctrinated" into thinking you idiot. You want pussy? Take the fucking fedora off and stop being an outward asshole. Others are allowed to think what they fucking want. It's not that big of a deal as long as she's not aborting your baby.

>not murdering children

>a clump of cells

What’s your girlfriends name? Does it start with a K? Cause I’m dating a girl with a K as her first initial, and her moms first initial is J, and she’s had two abortions...

>I'm not taking ANY shit whatsoever that's what I'm known for

So you're a KNOWN asshole. Nobody gives a shit what you think and it's off putting. You want most people to hate you? Keep doing what you're doing. At least you won't be invited to any of the shit I might be doing.

no it’s not a K

>not a clump of cells

Did you ever stop and think that maybe they're saying that because they feel fucking bad about it? Learn empathy bitch tits.

Odd. What part of the US are you from?

True. My brother-in-law managed to get laid once. Got the ugliest, dumbest, most obnoxious girl I've ever met pregnant. Then did it again. Now the stupid faggot lives in a trailer that looks like a shed that a little league field would store their lawn mowers. He's fucking suicidal, broke, and his wife won't even let him keep a six pack in the house. She can't cook, has no interest in cleaning, has absolute zero personal hygiene, and the kids are literally retarded. Obviously, not the kids fault, but they'd be better off aborted. He has about thirty years left to live, and each day is pure hell. When he had the first kid, fifteen years ago, I took him to a bar and told him to cut and run. Take the hit, pay the child support, and get the fuck out. Now he has two, and they're pure Honey Boo Boo trash.

>clumps of cells

Yeah but aren't you kind of suicidal? Probably alone too.

it has to be her. who else could possibly have a mom that had had two abortions

California. I know.

ironic how an abortion argument will leave you starving for pussy. hurr durr women who get abortions are whores, what I can't gets da powsi now? oh fugg

One day, if the stars align, you virgins might actually get some.

Get em knocked up and promise you’ll suddenly be the biggest pro choicer unless you want your life for the next 20 years ruined by a clump of cells

NO, dude! He's Christian on Facebook and known for not taking any shit! Thats the obvious next step when you've mastered the kickflip.

it’s not so much that women who get abortions are whores. It’s that the easy access to and social normalization of abortions has emboldened more women to be promiscuous.

It is irony but it's also what everyone has to learn. You either agree or you don't but just shut the fuck up. We all live, eat what we want, fuck, watch movies, have some meaningful conversations but mostly ones that are just there to fill the air and then you die. Fighting is fucking pointless.

medium kek

alright man. I’ve learned my lesson

look at you moralfags on here defending fetuses as if it give some worth to your pathetic empty excuses for lives rather than doing something useful. go do something worthwhile and rub out one more in the trap thread

fucking incel upset that women are having more sex

>regularly has sex

looks like the evian water baby

Bad luck, Satan.

>implying women haven't been whores since the beginning of time

Fucking hell how did you ever get in a woman's pants?

>a clump of cells

>I tried to backpedal but it wasn’t very effective. We were supposed to meet up and have sex tomorrow but now she says she’ll “think about it”.
This is where you fucked up, she lost all respect for you now for being a pathetic loser who doesn't stick to his guns.

tell her that her mother is a dirty whore

So what. Almost everything is a clump of cells. Being a clump of cells is not the same as being human.

i am, but theres a big difference between a 12 week old clump of cells and a clump of cells that can read your retarded comment

a human is a human, no matter how old.

No man. I'm pretty happy, to be honest.

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tell her her mom made a mistake and it was the wrong decision unless the baby was black

Would you guys rather be aborted or be a foster child?

Untill around week 24 not fully grown. Not fully conscience, no nerve endings that are actually connected. That's not a human. It's an egg becoming a human.
Comparable to sperm being caught in a condom. Potential to be a human, but not right now.

It has a soul, though.

Not a real thing.

>Degeneracy ended Rome
If you’re fucking retarded enough to belive a bullshit “fact” you learned on Yea Forums, you deserve to be alone.

>But m'lady! Degeneracy ended Rome!

Holy fuck you must be a massive loser.

There's no scientific proof of a soul.
You know how people view this? Religious extremism.

You shouldn't force other people to act on your beliefs. It's comparable to sharia in extremist muslim lands.

Lmao I hope this is a fucking troll