Honestly give me a thought out answer why some of you like Traps I am curious to see why
Honestly give me a thought out answer why some of you like Traps I am curious to see why
Because im a fucking faggot
not positive. probably cause im a degenerate and like to snort stims and have hour long+ jackoff sessions. normal porn i nut much quicker than that.
we all are user but there's gotta be a reason why us started liking them was it for their looks
There's something exciting about the idea that your subverting expectations and humiliating what should be someone in the reverse situation.
because if I'm gonna be honest it's because I'm closeted bi
I like dick but I just cant find guys attractive. Never liked gay porn but traps I don't know bro that shit is just cash
if I was going with a trap i'd want them to be atleast have common sense
>like the aesthetic of femininity and women, not masculinity or men
>like the aesthetic of dick
There's nothing complicated here
You're acting like you can't understand to cover up the fact that you actually understand it very well lmao
hnoestly its look hot
I despise traps, mainly for the fact that I'm the type of gay that likes men, not men pretending to be girls
then become a trap so men want to fuck you
I probably could pull it off, but I like being a twink, and I like being a guy
show body pic ?
Here's one of my most recents, had to blur out my face for obvious reasons
oh im digging the butt and the thigh highs got more ? maybe?
Yup I got a few more, mainly around that same pose though
would you share ? id like to see them maybe a few new ones if you feel up to it ?
Yeah I'll show you the rest I got, but I don't have my thigh highs atm so you can have more later, got anything I can message you on?
I dont and they mostly dont either, its just a troll to troll people to become gay slowly but safely. The ones who post it, are secretly gay however. Big difference.
Also ive met people who actually like traps and all of that shit. They are literally fat, autistic, retards, with criminal records from watching cheeze pizza.
Kill yourselves faggots
no...sorry i normally only chill on here but thanks for the amazing ass pick hope you dont mind me saving it for the spank bank lol
Ahh it's alright sugar, here's one more to add ;)
Men who care for each other isn't wrong, men who care for little twinks in thongs is fucked up.
Going this deep into why I like a fetish feels dumb, but fuck it why not.
For context I'm bi and have been attracted to feminine men in general since puberty
For me the big draw to traps/fembois is the playfulness around gender and sexuality. To me, the "Are
traps gay?" meme is dumb. Not just because its an overused joke, but rather that the question is the
whole appeal. Traps blur the lines between sexuality/gender which makes it taboo and intriguing. Its
obviously not straight, since they have flat ephebic chests and a cock, but their over the top cutesy-
feminine attitudes and looks make it hard to classify as completely gay.
Compare a trap to a transwoman for example; A trans woman acts like a woman, looks like a woman (if
they transition well ofc), and identifies as a woman. While fembois both look and act like women while
still identifying as male. (You can go full sjw-liberal and say "trap/femboi" can be classified as its own
gender identity but I'm not going to) For a straight guy that likes transwomen their dick acts as more of a
fetishistic object. For chasers the excitement comes from liking the dick despite his sexual orientation.
Both he and the transwoman agree she is a woman, thus the chasers sexuality is not questioned. With
traps their maleness has to be accepted, it can't be ignored. You can playfully call them girls for fun ofc,
but the reason its fun to call them that is because you both know its not true. Calling a transwoman a girl
isn't exciting because of this. I don't like terfs at all, but they are right in saying that trans people reinforce
gender/sexual roles. Meanwhile fembois are actively going against them.
I think you see a lot of tension between transwomen and traps on twitter because of this. (the word trap
is also obviously a big issue) Trans people have a clear gender indentity that is important to them, while
fembois basically make a mockery out of gender indentity.
I dont even think these will make it to the bank those thighs and ass are grade A
wow this thread really got fucked while i typed my autism essay
because im gay and i love cocks
You're too flattering, have a good time with those pics, you hear?
an ass like that deserves praise i hope to see it around more
Maybe you will, might start a thread on it later, if I get bored enough
oh please start a thread ill be there right away!
I guess it's decided then, be on here in about 12 hours cause that's when I'll be home
okay cant wait!