How can i get turned on by gore?

How can i get turned on by gore?

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watch hurtcore

bump and check

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first be born with a small crooked brain done

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tends to be something you get into at a young age, Ted Bundy claims those bondage mags in the stores in his youth usually got him hard. They were pretty fucked up and had knives and all of that sick shit involved.

So, to conclude. If you want to be a psycho faggot freak, youre probably too late. You should have had a faggy dad that got you into that when you were 6.

Good news, youre still a fag though! Fucking loser, go kill yourself

watch gore
and beat your dick
after a while it will come naturally

here we see a Yea Forums native (also known as an user) saying good bye to op, some might take this goodbye as something very harsh but in reality he is wishing you only the best. ahhhhh how beautiful this lawless land truly is

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Like in a sexual way? Find what aspect does it for you. Personally, i like the fleeting agony upon death, also, the death stare. In terms of just viewing? I used to ramp myself up when i was wayyy younger, like beginning to dig into bestgore tier. My mistake was jumping into the most gruesome, drawn out shockvideo for the first time. Its good to watch stupid people do stupid things for so you can understand that humanity deserves this type of treatment. A beheading video doesnt give you any backstory so it can give you mixed feelings a lot of times, most of which are empathy or disgust. In reality, it just is what it is.