Does iphone x face id still unlock your phone if your eyes are closed...

Does iphone x face id still unlock your phone if your eyes are closed? Trying to get into my sleeping roommates photos ;)

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doesnt thumb also still work?

Don't see why it shouldn't

Nope, just tried it

how about thumb ?

iPhone X doesn’t have a thumbprint scanner

which makes it shit. both would have been nice.

Attached: 0738300910.jpg (1016x1476, 82K)

No not really, thumbprint IS shit. FaceID actually works, haven’t used my passcode in months

as i said both would have been nice: thumbprint takes less attention away from the driving when you want to change the playlist while driving.
faceid doesn't always work. my phone doesn't recognize me in the morning / when i wear headphones, ...

Sounds like a you problem

How would it have thumbprint when there’s no home button

ok, am not an iphone user - how does it react to pics of him?

>How would it have thumbprint when there’s no home button
i hope you don't need your imagination to make a living.
on the other side of the device for example?!

No OP, it won’t work unless you’re looking. There’s a feature called “require attention to unlock,” which makes it check for eye contact.
Maybe you could borrow her phone sometime and turn that feature off.

Pics don’t work, the only time someone’s fooled faceid was with some like hyperrealistic mannequin and negative pictures of the eyes superimposed over, basically overly complicated and near impossible if you’re trying to get into someone’s phone

Do it yourself then faggot. The chi charger is on the back of the phone.

Attached: B3738210-E2B7-4019-88C4-D4A66C5C6752.jpg (1125x562, 252K)

Print out her eyes on photo paper, and cut them out, then place them on her eyelids.

They have to be like negatives or infrared or something, normal pictures don’t work for some reason

kek, he gets mad when someone criticizes a super expensive device because it lacks useful features

I strongly doubt that it is able to take IR photos.
It might require eye movements, open her eyelids then and fix with tape lel

Thumbprint never worked though, probably just me im hyperhidrotic

kek, its always the same with you fanbois.. if apple doesn't have it, then no one needs it or it never worked anyways.
faceid doesn't work 100% either.
it is advanced shit

Mine doesn't.

I’ve never had faceid not work

Unless I’m looking at it from a weird angle like super low down or there’s something covering my face

It works with sunglasses lel, try darkest shades?

>it is advanced shit
i don't doubt that, but it doesn't work 100%
it doesn't work when:
- i wear a cap
- i wear headphones
- in the morning, when i lie in bed
- ...
it works only 90% of the times (same as the thumbprint reader in older iphones)

Works for me just fine in all 3 of those. Are you deformed by any chance?

in the morning: yes

Well there you go

yeah, its all my fault. how could i doubt apples power.

You could not be deformed you deformed faggot