Any CS fags on that can give me some advice? I keep hearing mixed things about the job market and I wanted to know...

Any CS fags on that can give me some advice? I keep hearing mixed things about the job market and I wanted to know, is it good or bad for new grads out there? Am I going to struggle to get a job? I live in NJ, and I've heard that most of the good paying jobs are in the west coast. What do you guys think?

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Market is currently good for all levels (including new grad). If you live in NJ consider moving to Jersey City or NYC and working in NYC. Once you get a few years it's definitely a seller's (i.e. your) market.

Jesus Christ fuck no, I cannot stand that shit hole jersey City. NYC I dunno though, I've heard of people making 100k and still having roommates so they can afford to live in Manhattan.

What a response. Cool man good luck with your life.

What did I say that was wrong? Jersey City is a fucking hell hole, have you ever been there?

I have no degree and make 170k. I’d imagine that means there is a shortage of talented developers the job market is great right now

Where do you live?

I live in San Jose. I work two jobs. One pays 170k the other pays 156k. The latter is remote and I manage to juggle both and am buying up crypto with the extra money. I plan to retire during the crypto market recovery and fuck bitches and do drugs for the rest of my days.

I do full stack JavaScript development FYI.

Sounds like you set yourself up pretty good. How is living in California? I don't really want to move there but I will if I have too. I can't imagine it being any shittier than here except for more traffic.

It’s not that bad. I’d definitely recommend moving here. For the money. Just practice interview algorithm questions and you’ll be good. The traffic is bad but it’s manageable and you get used to it. If you know angular 7 I can get you a job if you want. My company is struggling to find good developers.

Nah I'm just a second year student, so I still know jack shit about programming. Almost everyone recommends doing interview questions, but what I worry about is graduating and being shit at programming in general. But that's pretty much what I had in mind, moving there or Seattle and staying for a few years. Then when I have experience moving back here or Virgina/Maryland and getting a job there.

Also I would note, the dating market is rough here. Everybody makes a lot of money so you’ll have a hard time if you’re single. It’s oretty boring here for me, I like wild nightlife and easy women but if you’re not into that, it’s a nice place. Prices aren’t bad unless you’re a shorty dev and can’t make money. You can find a good place to live for about 2k. But you’ll be making a duck Tom of money. Just save up and move out when you’re rich.

You’re good. Just stick with the degree for now. I have no degree, I just studied on YouTube and torrented courses. I got real world experience which is good. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry about your job prospects. However I would strongly recommend learning machine learning or front end development in angular or react. Job market is hot and you’ll be really rich if you stick with it. I used to be poor and now have so much money I can’t even spend it all.

I fucked up my degree program which was software engineering. I was was always into web dev but did too many drugs during undergrad and lost my shit. I'm thinking of going back and either getting a 2y diploma or back to finish the degree. Or is it worth doing some boot camp shit and searching for jobs? Most corporate positions ask for degrees. Maybe even software sales or product manager role would be cool but idk I'm so lost with this stuff without school.

Thanks for the advice user

I dunno, I've heard boot camps are a waste of time myself. I've never bothered because I haven't seen one that focuses on DS&A.

CS minor here, still in college, so no

Did you try looking for a job?

Just a first year, so no. Barely know python and c++

Then why are you commenting dumbass?

Well faggot, you asked a question, so I answered. Get the fuck off my board, btard

You keep hearing mixed things? The retards saying negative things about the market, are fucking retards and you should reward them with a fist in the face.

Over the next few years there is going to be 27 million more jobs in IT in the united states. Jobs are fucking everywhere. Why youd even turn to Yea Forums for this is pretty funny.

Even mediocre idiots can get jobs as developers today. You do not have to be smart even

>Over the next few years there is going to be 27 million more jobs in IT in the united states
Souce? And it's not just Yea Forums, I've seen this in other places

Front end with angular and react makes you rich or did you just mean that part for data science?

Which courses would you recommend/must have for torrents? I'm looking to follow your footsteps and make a killing in the field without a degree so this is an opportunity to lay out the perfect path of how you'd do it if you could go back and do it all over again, user.