taking a shower

> taking a shower
> mom comes home early
> walks in while I'm in the middle of a waffle stomp
> screams "what the fuck are you doing??" and then storms out
> tfw posting this from the bathroom

I'm so fucked you guys.....

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Say you saw a spider, got scared and shit yourself. You stomped it so you wouldn't get it on your hands.

What the fuck is a waffle stomp...

Lock the door dumbass.... Don't worry she'll still love you, just a little less.


You shit in the shower and then push it down the drain, depending on your drain this can look like a waffle.


I did lock the door

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Clean up, pretend it didn't happen. If she asks about it, say it's personal and you don't want to talk about it.

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Literally why would anyone do this when you have a toilet within five feet of you. Literal pajeet style shit. Why poo in a toilet like all of 1st world society when you could shit on the floor and push it down a hole not meant for it with your bare foot.

It's really comfortable to shit squatting.

I would recommend if you are near the toilet to shit in your hand and put it in the toilet rather than stomp it though. Much cleaner, and less chance of issues.


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Why would you do this? What joy is there stepping on shit? At least you weren't fucking a dude in the ass or some really gay shit. Tell her your stomach was upset and you couldn't make it. Follow it up with a what do you want me to do? Shit on the floor response.
Seriously why shit in the shower?

I didn't want to get out of the shower because I was warm...

That's why I keep a snuggie by the toilet.

I can't talk to her after this... This is worse than the time she found my fucking loli doll while cleaning my room

pretty sure she's going to disown me now,...

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You're honestly highly autistic and mentally retarded to even conceive of this, much less actually do it. I've shit squat before and it isn't that much better m8. It's not like some orgasm. It's not anywhere near better enough to make me push literal shit down a drain with my foot or grab it with my hands.

Then how about you use your brain that distinguishes you from every other animal on the planet to either
>Shit before you shower
>Shit after you shower
>Brake the cold for 1 minute and hop back in the warm shower

That's nothing. My mom has caught me jacking off several times in my life from 7 to 15, and she's even seen my dildos and giant 1 gallon douche system. Even walked in on me once jerking off + shitting at the same time < not my proudest moment, but I had to leave for class right after and it was early and I was super horny.

How about you stop being a weird autistic faggot and try to be a normal person for once. I can promise you that you'll end up living a happier and more fulfilled life.

I hope your drain gets clogged with your shit & I hope your mom tells all your friends

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> I've shit squat before and it isn't that much better
Absolute full of shit you are. Shitting while squatting releases way more feces and the ease with which it just flies out is more comfortable.

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If she caught you fucking a doll then this shit is nothing. Go look her in the eye and tell her you like shitting in the shower and she better learn to accept it.

>mom found the no brainier drainer

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i get it


You don't actually have to stomp it, just run the water on it for a while and it will go down.

you could also consider simply eating more vegetables to get some dietary fiber in with all the lipids and sugars you're probably gargling down each meal. might help you stay regular and poop everything out cleanly without needing to grunt and force it by squatting all the time.

Not as fun.

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press x to kill yourself

Oh, you gonna get it.

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i douche 3-4 times a week and eat greens+legumes, fruits and water. stay away from all the good stuff.

Almost made it