What are your capabilities (if any)

>what are your capabilities (if any)
>state a target
>quads chooses the target

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If given an address, I can ship a thousand ladybugs. I'm not even joking
>westburo baptist church


I have many spiritual gifts, the most relevant being the ability to bring about events through rituals and willpower

>the Vatican

This dude kind of scares me.

I like this idea. Roll

I like to think that my purpose in life is to improve the human condition. Would you like something done?

Okay it's official you need Jesus

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Don't make me learn what you need most, because I will improve your life unless you actually decline my offer

Decline your offer? Are you talking about siphoning black magic into our world? I'm pretty sure stuff like that can get you killed

I want my life improved from my perspective. What can you do?

Nope, it's all benevolent energy. I get gifts from both sides of my family. Got a request or not?

Idk what you’re gonna do to the Vatican but do it

good luck, protections, specific events that you want to happen, raise/job offer/promotion, you get the idea

I'am knowledgeable with guns and guerrilla warfare

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im gay
ur mom

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Actually user, I would be very pleased if you could bring back a qt.zombie Anne Frank to be my gf

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For what price?

Yes. Just make any random alr right person have a really bad time. Alex Jones even

I'll know what to do for you in a moment.
The low low price of free
I'd rather not, nobody deserves a curse

Can you curse his microphone at least? Make it staticy.

Can you pls make me emperor of humanity warlock pls, thank

can you direct me to my soul mate?

and now I'm tempted
If you actually want a political career, I can do that for you
I'll just bring them to you

mfw this thread is now a magic requests thread

Got a problem with funds, by any chance?

Yes, give political career, thank

wdym user

discord..gg/tkyEcDh ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules! Post whatever you want without risk of ban.


Controversial topics.

Shitposting autism.

Pepe channel


Overwhelmed with bills, habit of spending way more than you should, pretending you don't have these problems, etc


South dakota all towns ending with g

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Well financial stability is what I'ma give you

Thanks, will now spend all of my savings on lottery tickets


You have any idea when that special person might enter my life?

I will know in a minute

You will meet them in the spring.


Also, try not to pose as a threat to their freedom

ok good to know also is the spring thing any spring or a specific one

I didn't get a specific spring, but lucky for you this spring doesn't end for a month. Don't worry about it, you'll know who you're looking for when you meet them.

thanks I hope this works :)

But those church crazies will probably kill the ladybugs. Somebody think of the innocent ladybugs.

You're not holy, you're Satan.

I didn't say I was holy, I'm just a human with divine gifts. We all have them.

I'd like to drink less. Can you help me with that?

Of course

Thank you. Is there anything I have to do to accept your help?

It's already inevitable, I don't accept payment, all you need to do is watch it happen

I like you.

Let me win the lottery so I can easily provide for my family.

OP never delivers, roll

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